Monday, April 28, 2014

"Contraception" is Murder, March 2, 11-22, 2014


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp

(stop killing young  people)


March 2,  2014,  Vol. 11   No. 22

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375


Circulation, 212

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, two grand for others.


  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect children from being tortured to death,  I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.



Prisoners  For  Christ: 


1.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Allenwood, P.O. Box 3000, White Deer, PA  17887

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616   Varner Supermax, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

7.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP Beaumont,  PO Box 26030, Beaumont, TX 77720

8.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

9.         Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

10.       Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837 


 Matthew Jackson sent me this:




Matthew 25:36, “I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Matthew 25:43, “I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.”




Federal Prisoners:

James C. Kopp, 11761-055, USP Canaan, PO Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472

Rachelle Shannon, 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A, PO Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093


State Prisoners:

Scott Roeder, 65192, PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas, 66043

Michael Griffin, 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000




In order to send money to a federal prisoner:

1. Make your donation by acquiring a USPS money order (Postal money orders only.  Other kinds will not be accepted);

2. Put the prisoners name and 8 digit number and your name and address as indicated on the money order;

3. Mail the money order to the following address: Federal Bureau of Prisons, Inmate Name, Inmate's 8-digit Register Number, PO Box 474701, Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001.


In order to send money to a prisoner in the state of Florida or Kansas:

1. Log on to the internet and go to;

2. Click the “Money Transfer” link under the “Inmate Services” heading located at the bottom of the home page.

3. Click the “here” link that is the last word of the paragraph under the sub-section, “The easy way to send money”;

4. Go to the drop down menu and select, “Florida DOC” or “Kansas DOC”;

5. Click the “Download Form” link that will appear just under the drop down menu;

6. When the Jpay Money Order Deposit Form appears on your computer screen, print as many copies as you wish and follow the instructions on that form.

(Jpay will allow you to set up an online account with them if you prefer to send money online as opposed to snail mail.)




  I do this reluctantly because the last prolife politician I tried to help, Ted Cucinelli, got shot down by the pro-deathers:


Dear Pro-Choice Activist,  This is bad.

  President Obama has asked the Senate to confirm a judicial nominee who tried to channel funds to anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers and make a parental consent law even more extreme.

  Michael Boggs showed us his true personal agenda as a state lawmaker. Judges hold an incredible responsibility when they take the bench. Americans need to trust them to take an objective view of the law and not use their position to advance their personal agenda. We can’t trust Michael Boggs.

  It’s up to the Senate to stand up to the president and refuse to rubberstamp a nominee who can’t be counted on to uphold our values. All 100 senators need to hear from you – their constituents – that you want them to oppose Boggs’ nomination.  

  We’re extremely disappointed that pro-choice President Obama has put forward a nominee who can’t be counted on to rule fairly. We agree with the president on a lot of things, but not this pick.

Boggs has a history of taking anti-choice action as a state legislator.




  I met my good friend Erich when he was as avidly a Planned Parenthood deathscort as I was a prolifer opposing him.  Erich is responding here to something I sent out describing the latest in the war I am having with someone involved in legal baby killing::


  John, It is disturbing to see you in such turmoil  as you near the end of your time on earth.  Since I am fighting the same tendency myself, please let me share a couple of quotes that I try to use to keep my own thinking under control.

  The first is a line from Gone With The Wind.  Rhett says to Scarlet, "I feel sorry for you, Scarlet. You are throwing away happiness with both hands." ( In case you are not familiar with the movie, Scarlet is drunk, her husband, Frank, has just been killed defending her honor, and she, in her drunken stupor, is yearning for Ashley Wilkes, whom she has always wanted and can never have)

  As I believe you know, I am a recovering alcoholic. Therefore, I also offer for your consideration the Serenity Prayer. 

  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.

  I might add that while the plea in this prayer is directed to God, the serenity can only come from within.


  How can you not like a guy like this even though he should have replaced “turmoil” with “serenity.” Erich’s last paragraph reminds me of “The Hound of Heaven.”




 2 – 18 – 2014  year of actions  New Flash, John D.  4 score and 40 years ago they aprove a wanted dead or live.  Then pro-choice begain a hole new meaning to Life.  And the money to kill the helpless pre-born came from taxpayers.  How the hell did that happen John tell me please so the taxpayers get rape of their money.  Don’t these taxpayers know they have the blood of their children as much as t he mother on there hands?  It‘s call “party to the crime.”  I know all about “party to the crime.  It do not look good -4- them taxpayers.  A life of hard work then off to hell for “party to the crime.”  sad   I hope you don’t pay taxes, John.  However more the devil will tear all there heart for being “party to the crime “ of killing pre-born children.  Catholic church don’t pay taxes John.  But God will judge al and the 10 commandments will be there next to him.  That line to hell is going to reach around the world.  bro


  Loven God is the best “party to the crime” in the world.  understand me John  I’ll write again bro  say hi to all for -4- me

 Prisoner of Christ  Francis Gerald Grady




   Cathy Ramey reacts to Walgreen’s firing a Christian employee:


  Why do Christians continue using "birth control" and even "Plan B" (dosing) products after the many, many factual accounts regarding the abortion-effects of these products.
  Some do take a stand that costs dearly, as in the story below.
  Those who continue demanding their so-called "right" to continue taking these toxins, presuming on a clinical blindness ("I've never known for a fact that it was causing me to abort") and killing their own children, often, egregiously use God as a justification; he tells them it is okay in their situation, so they argue.
  This lie needs to be confronted and exposed as sin! Those who use such a lie need to repent of defiling God's name by taking it in vain, for their own purposes and to flavour their fears with the incense of false pietism.
  GOD does not require toxins to fend off pregnancy; He can withhold children, or give them in abundance at His command.
  I encourage you to say to those who continue such vain excuses, "Obey the LORD and trust in Him while there remains time to do so.
"Do not continue sinning in your hearts, planning to 'repent' later, at a point when it will cost you nothing.
"It has cost GOD all to purchase your salvation; do not treat such a Sacrifice in vile and unholy manner."

  If Christians will not give up their "secret" abortions, how can they demand the world give up their "clinical" abortions, whether through pills, implants, or other murderous procedures?

  Christians must, must, MUST STOP Murdering their own offspring!
  Then maybe the world mill be compelled by GOD to stop as well.



Cal’s Legal Corner


Here Cal gives a jailhouse lawyer’s advice (no law degree) on how to stay inside the boundaries of the law.


  In the United States, "abstract advocacy" of illegal things is constitutionally protected free speech, but "promoting" illegal things generally is not. It is important to know the distinction for two reasons. One is that you might be charged with promoting illegal things when in fact you were engaged in abstract advocacy. The other is that you should know the distinction so you can stay on the protected side of free speech whenever possible.

  In a 2008 case called United States v. Williams, 553 U.S. 285 (2008), the U.S. Supreme Court gave two examples of protected forms of abstract advocacy which do not involve promoting. The examples used by the Court involved child pornography using children, which is illegal.

  The Court wrote: [T]he term "promotes" does not refer to abstract advocacy, such as the statement "I believe that child pornography should be legal" or even "I encourage you to obtain child pornography."

  By analogy, in view of the decision in U.S. v. Williams it is constitutionally protected abstract advocacy for you to say "I believe that killing non-pregnant abortion doctors should be legal" or even "I encourage you to kill non-pregnant abortion doctors."

  If you stay within the bounds, you might be charged with a crime anyway. But then for your legal defense you can draw on Williams and ask, "What kind of Nation allows the abstract advocacy of exploiting children but not of defending them?"




  Catholics, Listen up:



  Prayerbooks, rosaries, and pro-life pamphlets are a common sight outside Planned Parenthood’s massive facility in downtown Denver, but this year, local organizers of this spring’s Forty Days for Life campaign decided that one last piece was missing to bring the light of Christ to the country’s second largest abortion facility: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

  The idea to celebrate the Catholic Mass in front of Planned Parenthood came from Fr. Joseph Hearty, Assistant Pastor at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in nearby Littleton, who felt that it was time to “pull out the big guns.” It was, he told LifeSiteNews, an inspiration from the Holy Spirit.

  “If we can pray the rosary, why not offer the Mass, why not use the Mass and the Eucharist as a means of fighting this tragedy,” he said. “Why not use the most powerful means that we have?”

  As it turned out, the idea energized the local pro-life community far beyond what organizers had expected. Fr. Hearty planned for thirty attendees at his first Mass on March 3rd, and got a hundred.

Providentially, an empty parking lot right across the street from the Planned Parenthood owned by a pro-life couple was big enough to accommodate the crowd. 

  Fr. Hearty celebrated the Tridentine Mass. but diocesan priests have also gotten in on the action with six different Masses offered in the parking lot during the Forty Day campaign in English and Spanish. All six Masses were well attended, averaging between fifty and a hundred persons.

A March 31st closing rally kicked off with a Spanish Mass, followed by a rosary led by Bishop James Conley, apostolic administrator for the Denver Archdiocese. In comments at the rally, Bishop Conley urged pro-lifers to vigilance as Planned Parenthood continues to build “mega-plex death mills” across the country, the Denver Catholic Register reports.

  According to the Register, over 300 people attended the rally. There were so many at the final Mass that the priest returned to the altar four times to break up the hosts for distribution before finally running out.

  The popularity of the idea, says Fr. Hearty, is a sign that “people really want to do something.” He hopes the idea will spread, and in particular that clergy in other parts of the country will be inspired to become more involved in pro-life work.

  “That’s our vocation,” he said. “We’re there to mediate, and we’re there to lead, and we’re there to encourage.”

  As for the effort in Denver, organizers are hoping to build on the momentum and establish a regular schedule of Masses in front of the clinic, continuing to wage spiritual warfare against the nation’s largest abortion provider.

  “Our fight is not against the world, it’s against principalities and darkness, it’s against evil, it is against the devil,” says Fr. Hearty. “Why not make a few demons quake?”




  If you’ve  heard of Joe Scheidler’s “Pro-Life Action League,” what’s been happening in my home town of Reading, Pa., might interest you:


   The hundred-page booklet Kathy distributed, “Sharing the Pro-Life Message,” came from Joe Scheidler’s Pro-Life Action League.  It’s packed with information and you can learn a lot from it if you’re new to the movement.

  Page 44,  however, is abominable.

  Before I say why let me tell you a little about Joe.   Joe was one of the most recognizable pro-lifers in the country during the 70’s and 80’s, right up there with Jack Wilke, Mildred Jefferson, Nellie Grey, and  Randall Terry.  Randall would organize “rescues,” which shut mills forcibly, and 6’6” Joe would show up with an overcoat, a top hat, and a cane.  In the media and among both pro-deathers and pro-lifers, he always became the focus of the activity.

  However, Joe never joined those using force.  We stopped at his house in Chicago for lunch once on our way out to rescue in North Dakota and he told us that even the thought of getting arrested made him sick.  Nevertheless, he was a valuable participant;  for one thing his very presence drove the pro-deathers bananas.

  But his physiological aversion to the use of force partly accounts for what he writes on this page.  It appears in the section where Joe lists and demolishes all the arguments “pro-choicers” use to justify murder:    


  Pro-death argument: Abortion opponents are violent—they shoot abortionists and attack women!


  Joe’s response: Despite some highly publicized cases, violence perpetrated by abortion opponents is extremely rare.  All major pro-life organizations have official policies condemning the use of violence, and no cases of violence directed at abortion-bound women by pro-life activists have ever been substantiated despite the rhetoric from some abortion advocates.

  The few individuals who have committed acts of violence against abortion clinic personnel or property were not part of the mainstream pro-movement, and in some cases have even admitted they were more motivated by a desire for fame than concern for the plight of unborn children.

  In fact, there have been more reported acts of violence perpetrated against pro-lifers than committed by them. Just as it would be unfair to characterize all pro-choice people as violent because of a few criminals, it is unfair to say that pro-lifers are violent because of a few fringe figures.

  On the contrary, pro-life activism demands singular patience and peacefulness, which is why the pro-life movement is, in fact, the most peaceful protest movement in U.S. history.


  Now I’ll go through this to show why it’s abominable.


  Despite some highly publicized cases, violence perpetrated by abortion opponents is extremely rare. 


  Joe loses it here in his first sentence when he uses pro-death language by calling prolife force violence.  Violence is attacking and killing an innocent person.  Violence is not defending her forcefully!  If someone were attacking you, would you pull out your rosary to pray that he have a change of heart?  The only way to stop an attacker is forcefully.  What prolifers are actually praying for in this war, whether they know it or not, is that some or even someone will have the courage to be forceful again.  Jesus ain’t comin’ back to do it – been here, done that.

  And yes it is “extremely rare.”  Killers count on that.


  All major pro-life organizations have official policies condemning the use of violence . . .


  That’s probably true but all major pro-life organizations receive donations, much of which goes for expenses.  I counted eleven on Joe’s payroll.  These organizations are not going to jeopardize their employees’ salaries, and even their own existences, by supporting or ignoring the prolife use of force.  Rather, they are going to play it safe by attacking it as the media, other killers’ helpers, and their contributors do.


  The few individuals who have committed acts of violence against abortion clinic personnel or property were not part of the mainstream pro-life movement . . .


  One or two were but they left when they got tired of the mainstream pro-life movement’s twenty, thirty, forty years of failure. They decided there had to be a better way. 


  . . . and in some cases have even admitted they were more motivated by a desire for fame than concern for the plight of unborn children.


  I never heard that before!  It’s a nasty thing for Joe to say, and in not naming the “cases” he colors everyone ever incarcerated for pro-life activity, including the distributor of the booklet, Kathy Kuhns! (She should peruse this stuff before she distributes it.)  And look at Joe!  Someone could say the same thing about him!


  Just as it would be unfair to characterize all pro-choice people as violent because of a few criminals . . .


  All “pro-choice” people are violent.  If you support violence, you are violent.


  On the contrary, pro-life activism demands singular patience and peacefulness, which is why the pro-life movement is, in fact, the most peaceful protest movement in U.S. history.


  Yes, and it is also the most ineffective. 


  Look, there are dozens of kinds of prolifers. Some might vote for a  pro-deather, but reluctantly; some will never vote for one; some will include in their prayers the million plus people being murdered every year; some will start or join groups that pray at mills; some will pray there by themselves; some will start or join or just contribute to big or small prolife organizations; some will try to persuade women at the mills to save their babies; some will argue the prolife position in writing; a few will damage the mills; a very few will try to stop the killers, and even the killers’ helpers, by using force; and some will engage in several of the above or in a hundred other prolife activities, most legal, a few illegal. 


  The worst thing any prolifer can do, though, is what Joe does on page 44, and what Kuhns has done repeatedly.  It’s that my way or the highway stuff and it’s the major reason this holocaust is still with us after forty-four years whereas the previous one ended after four.  Someone said that every German citizen who supported his government then went to hell.  What does that say about us?




Quote of the Day: It is no coincidence that as the color line fell between whites and

unwhites the birth line between borns and unborns quickly rose in its place.



  For back issues of this newsletter go to



  To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to Federal Bureau of Prisons,  PO Box 474701,  Des Moines, IA 50947-0001.

  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state.



  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.












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