Monday, March 04, 2013

"Contraception" is Murder, March 2, 10-14, 2013


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp (stop the killing of young people)


March 2, 2013 Vol. 10   No. 14

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375


Circulation, 240

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception”  is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, a grand for others.

  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect those being tortured to death, I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them.  I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.




Prisoners  For  Christ:


1..         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 131471, Wisconsin Resource Center, PO Box 220, Winnebago, WI 54985-0220

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616 (Prisoner For Allah), Varber super Max, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, 3057 Easton Tpk., Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Mower, Donny Eugene 65828-097, FCI ,PO Box 3997, San Pedro, CA 90731

7.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

8.         Rogers, Bobby Joe,  Santa Rosa County Jail, PO Box 7129, Milton, FL 325872

9.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

10.       Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

11.        Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837   


  I posted Terry Hughes’ “Obamacare and Racism” in the last issue because I knew it was good.  I didn’t realize it was great though until the perceptive Neal Horsley called my attention to it in this email to Terry:


Neal,  Subject: Your piece in the Prisoner’s Newsletter -- I don’t know how I missed it before but you created a legacy that will endure forever when you penned your summary of our generation’s conflict.

  For an old racehorse, you’ve really hit your stride coming down the homestretch.


Me,  Absolutely, maybe I'll post it again along with your comment, Neal.  But it's more than that!  That's God’s writing (as in Ruth).  A year ago I posted what I thought was Terry’s obit!


Obamacare and Racism


  I retired from the University of Maine on 15 January 2010 after 36 years in the Department of Earth Sciences and the Climate Change Institute (70% research, 30% teaching). Most of that time was spent in Boardman Hall, which housed both units. Next to Boardman hall was Little Hall, named to honor Clarence C. Little, President of the University of Maine in the 1920s. This was when American immigration laws were changed to favor immigrants from northwest Europe, a time when Eugenics was “legitimate” science. In 1927 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-to-1 in Buck v. Bell that compulsory sterilization of the “unfit” by the State was constitutional because, in the words of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” The Supreme Court has never overturned Buck v. Bell, and today sterilization is mandatory “health care” in The Affordable Care Act, called “Obamacare” informally, as are contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs. All three have one goal: no babies are born. Fines of $100 per employee per day are levied against employers who refuse to comply. This will bankrupt virtually any company. What has this to do with racism? It targets the “unfit” in America, which is code for Black people. What have “they” ever contributed to civilization? And not just Black people. Read on.

  Clarence Little, a biologist specializing in genetic engineering, was a staunch advocate of these policies. Along with Irving Fisher and Madison Grant, Little chaired the Executive Committee of the Eugenics Committee of the United States of America, affiliated with the International Commission on Eugenics. The Advisory Council included Lothrop Stoddard, author of The Rising Tide Of Color Against White World Supremacy (1920). Grant advocated Nordic racial supremacy in The Passing Of The Great Race (1916), eight printings, and The Conquest Of A Continent (1933). Grant promoted laws favoring Nordic immigration to America. “Nordic” was synonymous with “Aryan” in Nazi racial ideology. Missoula, Montana, home of the University of Montana, boasts a bronze statue of Madison Grant.

  Nordics had their heyday during the Viking era. What did they contribute to civilization? Rape, pillage and plunder. They made positive contributions only after they became Christians. “Race” had nothing to do with it.

  Clarence Little was also President of The American Birth Control League, and was closely allied with Margaret Sanger, who founded the League in 1921. It became The Planned Parenthood Federation Of America in 1942. Sanger was one of eleven children of Irish immigrant parents. She thought her own genetic endowment was superior and warranted a large family. Only the “unfit” were targeted in her birth-control campaign, writing,  “More children from the fit, less from the unfit—that is the chief aim of birth control.” (Birth Control Review, May 1919.)

  Little agreed. In his opening address as Chairman of the sixth International Congress of Geneticists in 1932, Little stated, “I favor legislation that will restrict the production of these poor unhappy people. Treat them kindly, segregate them mercifully, but don’t let them be released to go out again into the world and breed more of their kind.” (Herald Tribune, Ithaca, New York, 25 August 1932.) These human beings were to be treated like livestock on a farm.

  Sanger agreed. Most of her six-part Plan For Peace anticipated The Third Reich. Quoting verbatim from parts 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Birth Control Review, April 1932.):

2. To apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny are already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

4. To give dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilizations.

5. To appropriate farmlands and homesteads for these segregated persons where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives.

6. To take an inventory of the secondary group such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends; classify them in special departments under government medical protection, and segregate them on farms and open spaces as long as necessary for the strengthening and development of moral conduct.

  These “farms” and “homesteads” would be virtual concentration camps, as Sanger made clear in her seminal book, Pivot of Civilization (1922). Sanger thought 70 percent of Americans qualified for this Final Solution. Adolf Hitler took Sanger’s “Peace Plan” to its logical conclusion: Auschwitz.

  Deception is essential when a large part of any population is slated for genocide. The sign above the entrance to Auschwitz promised, “Work Will Make You Free” (Arbeit Macht Frei). “Planned Parenthood” sounds more benign than “Birth Control” and allows Federal and State governments to fund Planned Parenthood’s genocidal abortion activities at an annual rate of a half-billion dollars. Black people in America are targeted. Black people are thirteen percent of the American population, but nearly forty percent of Black babies are aborted. At Planned Parenthood it is over half, with Hispanic babies also being targeted. When Barack Obama was re-elected President and pledged to escalate taxpayer funding of abortion, PP announced all its affiliates will now provide abortions. Affiliates are concentrated in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Obama knows this.

  This calls to mind the “Negro Project” Margaret Sanger described in a letter dated 19 October 1919 to financial patron Clarence Gamble of the Proctor and Gamble fortune: “The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellions members.” Such ministers were readily available. To name three, Jesse Jackson, Ralph Abernathy, and Jeremiah Wright, pastor to Barack Obama for two decades. How much better to have a “Negro” President of the United States beating the extermination drum, calling it “health care” not just in America, but in Black Africa too. A primary goal of the Obama Presidency has been to work with “population control” enthusiasts in the U.S., at the U.N., and elsewhere to target Black babies for abortion in African countries. In Kenya, Obama’s African “homeland”, this required a referendum that approved a new national Constitution, after a massive propaganda campaign funded by American taxpayers.

  Ironies abound. It is commonly accepted that 6 million Jews were murdered at Auschwitz, after a Nazi propaganda campaign branded them as sub-human untermenschen who polluted the “Aryan” race. The first Jewish woman on the U.S. Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, referring to the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that the U.S. Constitution allowed killing the entire next generation of Americans by abortion, stated in a New York Times interview on 7 July 2009, “Frankly, I had thought at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about overpopulation growth and particularly growth in populations we don’t want to have too many of.” What “populations”? Black Africans! That’s why the Federal Government heavily subsidizes Planned Parenthood. In 2012, PP surpassed 6 million abortions since Roe, with Black (and now Hispanic) babies targeted  (ALL News, Oct. – Nov. 2012, newsletter of American Life League). Cannot Justice Ginsburg see the irony?

  How deeply imbedded is this Institutionalized Racism? The 1902 Encyclopedia Britannica, published at the zenith of British imperialism, under the “Negro” entry, listed 14 characteristics that separated them from White people. Here are eight, in the order listed by Britannica. All of them put “Negroes” closer to apes and all are generally false:

1. The abnormal length of the arm which in the erect position sometimes reaches the kneepan.

2. Prognathism, or projection of the jaw.

3. Weight of the brain, as indicating cranial capacity, 35 ounces (highest gorilla, 20, average European 45).

5. Short flat snub nose deeply depressed at the base or frontal suture, broad at extremity, with dilated nostrils and concave ridge.

8. Exceedingly thick cranium enabling the Negro to butt with the head and resist blows which would inevitably break any European’s skull.

9. Correspondingly weak lower limbs terminating in a broad flat foot with low instep, divergent and somewhat prehensile great toe.

13. Frame of medium height, thrown somewhat out of the perpendicular by the shape of the pelvis, the spine, and backward projection of the head, and the whole anatomical structure.

14. The cranial sutures, which close much earlier in the Negro than in other races. To this premature ossification of the skull, preventing all further development of the brain, many pathologists have attributed the inherent mental inferiority of blacks, an inferiority which is even more marked than physical differences.

  This “learned” description of Black people recalls the 19th century caricatures of Irish immigrants drawn by cartoonist Thomas Nast when they were seen as a threat to America’s “Anglo-Saxon” stock. Nast depicted the Irish as apes. But Nast was a cartoonist. This was The Encyclopedia Britannica.

  Britannica didn’t stop there: “On his moral status, even when removed from the old associations and brought directly under more favorable influences, a lurid light is cast by the report of the Rev. Dr. Tucker at the American Church Congress for 1883 on the present condition of the black communities in the Southern States: ‘I know of whole neighborhoods where there is not one single Negro couple, whether legally married or not, who are faithful to each other beyond five weeks. In the midst of a prayer meeting I have known Negroes to steal from each other, and on the way home they will rob any hen-roost that lies conveniently at hand.’” Britannica’s “authority” is a White red-neck racist? Just asking.

  Well, isn’t Planned Parenthood promoting in public schools this very same “inclusive” and “multicultural” sexual activity and more, sodomy and seduction of children for example, all with generous government support and no parental notification?

  What is the source of Institutional Racism? We need look no further than 1859 when Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. That’s the complete title. The “Favoured Races” part is conveniently left out today, but the 1902 Britannica took note. Darwin’s enduring legacy to mankind has been his notion that “science” shows we came from worms and our destiny is to be eaten by worms. End of story. Among the Intelligentsia, it has replaced the Biblical view that we were created by the Creator of the Universe, in His image and likeness, with the intention we would spend eternity with Him.  Quite a distinction. Only “intellectuals” would prefer the former to the latter explanation. It allows them to pretend they are “gods” themselves, since no higher authority is allowed. Always eager to be liberated by their betters, “elites” in the academy, the media, law, entertainment, government, and politics were quick to join in lockstep. So it remains today.

  Why invest so much time, money, and energy in producing worm food? This mindset has now infected ordinary people in “developed” nations. One-child sex-selection abortions are rampant in India and China. Europeans shun bearing and raising children. Latin America and Islam are going this route. Only Black Africa is holding out. Since producing “worm food” is unappealing, Survival Of The Fittest requires castrating and spaying those who still treasure children. Most of them live in Africa and in countries formerly engaged in the African slave trade, America in particular. All the manufactured hysteria over a phony “population bomb” now linked to “catastrophic man-caused global warming” is a smokescreen to hide the true agenda of drastically reducing this “breeding” population. Propaganda, coercion, and economic imperialism are the tools. “The World” needs African economic resources more than it needs Africans, who only produce children. This was the goal of National Security Study Memorandum 200, drafted by Henry Kissinger for Richard Nixon and it remains a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy today.

  Obamacare is designed to keep children from being born and targets elderly and handicapped people with Death Panels, not to mention Sanger’s “illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, and dope-fiends.” They are Obama’s “unfit” who keep the rest of us from enjoying la dolce vita. That’s something like Margaret Sanger’s 70 percent of us, much more than the 13 percent who are Black. Obamacare could have been defeated three times: in Congress, in the Supreme Court, and in the 2012 general election. It wasn’t. So what “race” is being targeted for extermination? Why the human race, of course. And who has targeted the human race? Why we have, of course. As Dostoevsky wrote in The Brothers Karamazov, “If there is no God, everything is permissible.” Darwin Uber Alles!

  If the real target of the Darwinists is the whole human race, why are Black people singled out so prominently? Because Darwinists think Black people really are inferior to White people and closer to apes. Darwinists will never state this openly, that’s Politically Incorrect, but Darwinian ideology demands they believe this. So they use Black people as surrogates who can get targeted preferentially—at first. That is, until everyone else gets accustomed to the idea of terminating “the unfit” in concentration camps, initially meaning Black people. Once that is accepted, the “unfit” categories can be expanded to include everyone on Margaret Sanger’s list—and more.  It’s a list that expands to include everyone who holds “unfit” views. Ultimately the human race.

  Who could possibly seek this goal? Lucifer-become-Satan. In his pride he thought Heaven was his “entitlement” because he was the equal of God (Isaiah 14:11-15). When his pride entitled him to Hell instead, by his own choice, “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven” (Paradise Lost, Book 1, line 263), and God had opened Heaven to mankind through Jesus Christ, Satan’s rage against us was all-consuming.

  Obamacare is presented to us as an “entitlement” by Barack Obama, but in reality it is a death-sentence for future generations (abortion) and for the most vulnerable of our generation (Death Panels). Why? Is it because, wittingly or not, Barack Obama has sold his soul to Satan? If he has, Obama, like Lucifer, worships only himself, but he doesn’t like himself. He has no close friends, not even himself. His associates are expendable—after he has gotten what he wants from them. What does he want? Power. Absolute Power to resist his deepest fear.

  My personal view is Obama, half White and half Black, hates us all because he hates himself, a child of miscegenation with no heritage of his own, abandoned first by his own father, then by his mother. Ultimately, he hates God, the Father of our common humanity who created us to spend eternity with Him, the fountain of Life, because he loves us. Why else has Obama embraced Death so tightly? This is why he reveres Darwin’s view of our—and his—destiny. Worm food. Notice that Isaiah 14:11-15 states those in Hell will be covered with worms. Worm food. Darwin tells us we are all just worm food. And so we are. Those embracing Lucifer have given their soul to one who hates us, and not to Jesus Christ who loves us. At the deepest level of his being, Obama has chosen Hell. Fearing being alone, he wants to take us with him, but not out of love. He can’t love. We have re-elected as president a sociopath who is insane. A madman occupies the White House.                              




  Here’s more on the Angel Dillard case:


  A lawsuit against a Kansas woman who publicly proclaimed her admiration for the man who gunned down one of the country's few late-term abortion providers is revealing the unwavering support a small group of radical anti-abortion activists has for the imprisoned killer despite an ongoing federal investigation into the 2009 slaying.

  Though no federal indictments have been handed down by a grand jury investigating whether Dr. George Tiller's death was connected to a broader case involving extreme anti-abortion activists, the lawsuit against Angel Dillard is one indication the Justice Department is taking a more heavy handed approach to perceived threats to abortion providers. In addition to alleging Dillard, of Valley Center, sent a threatening letter in 2011 to another Wichita doctor who was training to offer abortions, the lawsuit also highlights Dillard's relationship with Scott Roeder, the man convicted of fatally shooting Tiller at the physician's church.

  When Roeder opened fire on Tiller, he propelled himself to icon status among abortion opponent extremists - a status that hasn't wavered since he was sentenced to life in prison. A leader in the Army of God, which supports violence against abortion doctors, notes Roeder gets more correspondence than other imprisoned anti-abortion activists.

  Hailed by militant anti-abortion forces as a "prisoner of Christ," Roeder has been spreading his radical views from a Kansas prison. Other extremists have gravitated to Roeder, visiting him in prison, sending him money and offering legal advice, court documents show.

  Abortion rights supporters fear a disturbing pattern whereby imprisoned abortion opponents inspire others to commit further acts of violence against abortion providers and clinics. But radical anti-abortion activists contend the government is trying to suppress "serious opposition" to abortion by targeting Dillard.

  "We are always concerned when extremists are getting together and spreading hate and encouraging others to engage in criminal activity," said Vicki Saporta, executive director of the National Abortion Federation, the professional association representing abortion providers.

  A federal grand jury began investigating in 2010 whether Tiller's murder was connected to a larger case involving radical anti-abortion activists. Though no public charges have been filed, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, Dena Iverson, said the investigation is still open.

  The lawsuit against Dillard was filed in April 2011 under a federal law aimed at protecting access to reproductive services. It seeks a court order keeping her from coming within 250 feet of the doctor, along with damages of $5,000 and a civil penalty of $15,000. The case is scheduled for trial in October.

  Dillard had been under government scrutiny even before she mailed the letter to the Wichita doctor, and the FBI had interviewed her several times after she first wrote Roeder in prison.

  "I think they just wanted to check us out and make sure that we weren't nuts who were planning to pick up where they think Roeder left off," Dillard told The Associated Press in 2009, adding that she and her husband had no plans to "do anything of violence to anyone" and wanted to minister to Roeder. Dillard also said she admired Roeder and developed a friendship with him.

  Dillard is now claiming "ministerial privilege" in refusing to answer the government's questions about that relationship. Her attorney, Donald McKinney, argued his client's religious ministry is protected by the First Amendment. But defense filings in her case made public jail records detailing more than a dozen visits and deposits totaling $373 she made to Roeder's inmate fund between April 2010 and March 2012. Those documents showed contributions from others.

  The ongoing support for Roeder also is apparent in the appeal of his murder conviction. Seven abortion opponents who asked in 2010 and 2011 to file friend-of-the-court briefs were spurned without comment by the Kansas Supreme Court. Other activists are now writing legal briefs for Roeder to file himself, arguing Tiller's death was necessary to defend the unborn. No oral arguments are scheduled in his appeal.

  The Rev. Don Spitz of Virginia, who runs the Army of God website, which supports violence against abortion providers and clinics, is helping Roeder with correspondence.

  Roeder likes to "debate" with people who write and often asks Spitz to mail them a militant anti-abortion book written by Paul Hill, a Florida man who was executed for murdering an abortion provider in 1994, Spitz said. Roeder also asks him to send them the book written by the Rev. Michael Bray, an Ohio activist and author of "A Time to Kill," which defends using lethal force to protect the unborn.

  Saporta said those offering Roeder legal help doesn't concern her, "in that I don't think any appeal is going to be successful, but nothing good happens when these people get together and reminisce and figure out how to target other providers," noting Roeder had visited a woman who shot and wounded Tiller in 1993 and was later convicted in a series of abortion clinic arsons and bombings.

  Roeder's appeals attorney did not return a message for comment. Roeder declined comment from prison after the AP refused to guarantee everything he said would be printed verbatim.

  Bray - who has spent four years in prison in connection with the destruction of abortion clinics in the Washington, D.C., area - attended Roeder's trial. He still writes and visits Roeder in prison. One day last year, Bray and Dillard visited Roeder on the same day. Bray and another person were already ministering to Roeder when Dillard arrived, McKinney said, adding his client has not had any other contact with Bray other than meeting him at Roeder's trial.

  "Those who resisted seriously with force are shunned," Bray said in a phone interview. "They are immediately dragged into jail or fined very weightily - fewer and fewer people are willing to stand in support because of the great oppression of those who do."

  This is about the First Amendment; free speech. If unpopular speech had been restrained in the 1950s and 60s, there would be no so-called "abortion right." So, now that the violent liberals have their agenda encoded in law, they are moving hard to deny speech to those who disagree with them.

  Why are they so, so afraid of opposition opinions? They have a legitimate fear that the public will awaken and realize they have turned justice upside down. God says "Protect the innocent"; they make the most innocent vulnerable to serial-killer abortionists who, instead of being jailed, are presented as "martyrs."

  I admire Scott Roeder and Angel Dillard. So how many people will find themselves charged with these thought-crimes?


  Ninety-eight-and-a-half percent of us prolifers condemn what Scott did and agree that he might “inspire others to commit further acts of violence against abortion providers and clinics.”  All of us, though, know abortion is murder.  Otherwise why be prolife?

  We must realize, then, that if we continue to be prolife, the forces of death will come after us once they deal with Dillard and Roeder because they know, even if we pretend not to, that calling baby killing murder will persuade a courageous person to act as if it is. 




  The man who wrote this just found out he’d been condemned to death by the Nazis:


  The thought refuses to penetrate; it almost needs force to drive it home. The thing that makes this kind of death so singular is that one feels so vibrantly alive with the will to live unbroken and every nerve tingling with life. A malevolent external force is the only thing that can end it....

  Up to now the Lord has helped me wonderfully. I am not yet scared and not yet beaten. The hour of human weakness will no doubt come, and sometimes I am depressed when I think of all the things I hoped to do. But I am now a man internally free and far more genuine and realized than I was before. Only now have I sufficient insight to see the thing as a whole....

  All these long months of misfortune fit into some special pattern. From the first I was so sure everything would turn out well. God always strengthened me in that conviction. These last few days I have doubted and wondered whether my will to live has been sublimated into religious delusions or something like that. Yet all these unmistakable moments of exaltation in the midst of misery; my confidence and unshakable faith even when I was being beaten up, the certain "in spite of it all" that kept my spirits up and made me so sure that they would not succeed in destroying me; those consolations in prayer and in the Blessed Sacrament, the moments of grace; the signs I prayed for that were vouchsafed again and again—must I put them all away from me now?...

  But one thing is gradually becoming clear—I must surrender myself completely. This is seed-time, not harvest. God sows the seed, and some time or other he will do the reaping. The one thing I must do is to make sure the seed falls on fertile ground. And I must arm myself against the pain and depression that sometimes almost defeat me. If this is the way God has chosen— and everything indicates that it is—then I must willingly and without rancor make it my way.



  Quote of the Day:


Dear John, The birth line that divides our society today is no different than the color line of the past, except the lynchings are more numerous. Sincerely, Cal




  Eric Rudolph’s new book, Between the Lines of Drift, the Memoirs of a Militant, is now available for about twenty bucks.  Go to

  Between the Lines is about Eric’s attack on the baby killing industry and his five-and-a-half years in the woods of North Carolina.  It’s about eluding the FBI, eating venison and stored grain, sleeping and camping and passing the days.  You’ll love it.

  Eric’s son Daniel did the drawings and the maps of the locations where Eric hid out.


  Neal has the first comment:


  As I was reading Eric Rudolph’s memoirs, I realized that he is one of the few living Generals in the present War Against God. His words both define our present context with wise and specific truth, but his status as a prisoner of war gives him the time to reflect on the past failures in the War Against God so that anyone who goes soldiering for the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ has a duty to listen to Eric Rudolph in the same way any soldier in any army has a duty to listen to a commanding General address the troops.
  I’ll give you a few excerpts from General Rudolph’s recently published Memoirs to show what I mean. This will be excerpt 1 of a series. All citations in quotes are from his book.  (I’ve added a few explanatory notes in parentheses.)

On Abortionists.
  “Abortionists have existed in all societies. Fifty years ago, when abortion was illegal in America, abortionists had to hide in the shadows.  Back then abortionists killed an estimated 100,000 every year. But today, they kill ten times that number. Abortion is more deadly today because it is sanctioned, funded and protected by the Washington government. Since 1973, legal abortion has wiped out an entire generation. It’s the most efficient machine of mass murder in history.” (p. 43)


To me this was war.
  “It felt strange planning the death of other human beings.  Over the next month the employees of New Woman” (the Birmingham Abortion Mill bombed by General Rudolph) “would go about their lives not knowing that they had a date with death. Perhaps it was better not knowing. But I knew, and that was a bit unsettling. I never wavered in my conviction, though. To me this was war. As the operators of a facility that slaughtered ten to twenty unborn babies every day, the employees of New Woman were mass murderers. I saw them as enemy targets. Pushing aside any feelings of pity, I proceeded with a clear conscience.” (p.67)


Killing the Policeman.
  “Standing at the front door” (of the Birmingham Abortion Mill) “were the security guard and one of the abortionists.

They were less than a hundred feet away. I was too close. The abortionist had her arm outstretched, pointing at the odd-looking ‘bush’ sitting ten feet away. The security guard lackadaisically adjusted his belt,walked over to the bomb and kneltdown next to it. ‘He’s found it!’ Igasped. ‘Gotta do it now!’”
“I quickly surveyed the scene with one look: People were in the parking lot of New Woman sitting in an SUV. And the prolife demonstrator was in his usual location in front of Dominoes.

  Both were out of harm’s way. Without hesitation, I pulled the book bag around to my chest, unzipped the top, and flipped the switch. Dust and debris slammed against New Woman’s front—BOOM—like an ocean was crashing into a seawall.
  “The shockwave shoved me backwards; air sucked out of my lungs; a withering pain pierced my eardrums. The security guard was bitten by the blast and thrown several feet away. The abortionist bounced off the door jam and came to rest on the sidewalk below. Glass rained down on the scene.”
“’God have mercy on their souls,’ I said.”  (pp.73-74)




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  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state




  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.



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