Saturday, April 26, 2014

"Contraception" is Murder, January, 11-18, 2014


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp

(stop killing young  people)


January, 2014,  Vol. 11   No. 18

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375


Circulation, 192

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, two grand for others.


  I think we can all agree there is nothing peaceful, nonviolent, or prolife about letting innocent children be killed. So I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect children from being tortured to death. I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ: 

1.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Allenwood, P.O. Box 3000, White Deer, PA  17887

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616   Varner Supermax, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

7.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP Beaumont,  PO Box 26030, Beaumont, TX 77720

8.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

9.         Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

10.       Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837

 This concludes Cathy Ramey’s comment on Begium’s decision to permit counselors to persuade children to kill themselves:


  And then it's off to buy those cute little Hello Kitty toys that little girls love so much.
  Do they know what horrid adultery we have come to; the cost of those "cute" icons is far more than the tag at the Macy's or Wal-Mart counter. The cost in blood can no longer be calculated.
  Americans and the world, almost to a man we have spread our legs wide. We really have no shame.
Indeed, the United States is the agency by which China was compelled to come up with a stringent "population control" policy in the '60s in order to be admitted to the U.N., and to be eligible to borrow monies from the World Bank. (What people won't do for money!)
  Indeed, "It won't stop with the Unborn; It won't stop with the children..."  
  As with the warning rhyme of the 70s, "I see a bad moon arising..../I see troubles on the way...."




  Dear John, Let me pose a hypothetical question. Suppose someone was to kill Chief Justice Roberts and throw his body in the dumpster behind one of the Nation's many abortion clinics. Would that be homicide? I think most Americans would say yes. But legally speaking, in order to make a determination of homicide in court, you would need a statement from the coroner. Yet the coroner will not be able to tell the court at what moment did the Chief Justice's life begin any more than for the other victims in the dumpster, and officially it is not a homicide without a coroner's statement. So if the requirement for calling the coroner to examine the bodies in the dumpster behind the abortion clinic is that a determination can be made of when the victim's life began, then the body of the Chief Justice would not qualify for examination by the coroner either. So what we are really talking about is not an abortion clinic. Instead, what we are literally talking about is a coroner-free zone. The Nation has made it a rule not to call the CSI team to investigate the cause of death when bodies are found in the dumpster behind an abortion clinic. This way, without a determination from the coroner, then legally speaking there is no act of homicide which can literally be proven in court.

  In the United States and England, slightly different legal tactics are taken. In England, the law expressly forbids the coroner to examine the bodies in the dumpster behind the abortion clinic. But in the United States, the approach is a bit more indirect. For rather than expressly forbidding the coroner, instead a legal presumption is created whereby it would simply interfere with a woman's right to "privacy" for the coroner to investigate what she did with her physician at the abortion clinic.

  Either way, a coroner-free zone is created, which in turn legally prevents a determination of homicide from being presented in court. This is why, legally speaking, abortion is not treated as an act of homicide in the United States or England, despite being an act of killing a human being. Sincerely, Cal




  Bret -- Mom & Dad,  Yesterday, in front of an abortion clinic in a suburb of Oklahoma City, Toby Harmon and another A//A member were attacked by a boyfriend of a mother that just killed her child.  The attacker smashed his GoPro camera, and struck each of them several times.  Also threatened to shoot Toby.  The local Sheriff's deputies arrived at the scene, and did not arrest the attacker, even though they admitted that he was the aggressor.  They also allowed him to file an assault charge against Toby, for which he will be going to court soon.  Please pray he is not railroaded!  To me, the whole thing just stinks!


The Holmans -- Evil cops, wicked city.  I saw on Facebook the expensive Go-Pro camera he smashed. We use spy cameras with an external battery that records 3-4 hours continuously for under $50.


Dave – Yes. They’re doomed – they slashed WBC’s tires. I will forward your reply to some of my co-workers and former co-workers.


The Holmans -- fight back when it is happening!


Dave -- Mr. & Mrs. Holman, Right on!


me – Maybe it’s growing because two “peaceful, prayerful prolifers” here in Allentown were attacked last week, expensive signs destroyed.  At least these folks know they’re having an effect.

  (Yeah, I know, some parts of the story are missing, and Initials frustrate me, like A//A and WBC. Hope I can clear things up by next issue.)




  Mr. John Duncan, My name is Jeremy Smallwood.  I am writing you in hopes of getting on the Monthly Newsletter you mail to a few inmates.  Mr. Francis Grady shared his with me.  I was very interested in the topics.  Also I have very strong views and opinions when it comes to abortion.  Period point blank it’s murder, and I feel like if you don’t want children stop being so careless in your habits, or desires if you will.  The child didn’t ask to be brought  into the world.  However, there are plenty of families that would love a home for that child.  All it boils down to is selfishness, inconsideration for human life.  It literally sickens  me how a woman can be so deviant and heartless towards a child.  I’m Pro-Life to the Bone and would love to get out and bring  awareness to people about abortion.  I also have strong political views about contraception as well.  However, I will touch on that another time.

  Mr. Grady was telling me about a list, “Prisoners for Christ.”  I’m not sure if I qualify for that.  However, I’d like to be on it if I do.  Also, as I said previously, put me on the contraception is Murder list to receive the newsletter.

  I’m 29 years old from Tennessee.  I should be getting released June, 2016, so anything positive, especially Pro-Life, I’d love to be involved in.   I don’t have family so that would be a great addition to my life, being able to save babies from the harsh and Cruel society we now live in.

  Mr. Duncan it’s been a pleasure, I hope to gain your consideration.


  Great letter, Jeremy, and I’ll send you the newsletter.  The only way you can get on the Prisoners For Christ list, though, is when you get out break one of Satan’s laws protecting the baby-killing industry.  Then get caught and locked up again.




  MR, John SiR,  PRO-LIFE is in my blood -4- every SIR, but however the day i eye, was PRO-choice is when i “lite up” that P.P. Killing Mill 3800 Gillet St APP Wis.

  No Sir John it was for Life I was going to save w/my pro-choice that “God” put in my heart.

  From conception He put PRO-LIFE Love in my soul,  My mom and step ½ Brother raise me too -2- be true to God’s creatures.

  I am saying PRO+choice is evil when  it’s murder -2- any of His creatures.  Look at what happen to -2- EVE’s PRO-CHOICE in the Divel Sepent She command.  Then the EVIL “EVER” gave Ada, a PRO-CHOICE -2- join her w/the forbitten Fruit “God” Found his way and all his creatures paid.

  The day of eve stold all the true love god gave all plust she gave the divel power -2- life so that Pro-choicer gave the divel pro-life here on erth, that and still destroying life completely.

  It’s that the “little troopers” of the abortion killing mill deaths don’t get their choicre of pro-choicer. they don’t     get pro/life here on earth    +++++++++++++

  So the lost soul of the Mother of aborted little troopers if it is so true of pro/choice of the mother of aborted child don’t not let it Brain to choicer and/kind of a choice PRO/choice.


  Now 3 PE Finley help its start now in the Brain the mine of the soul, the new approch of abortion is show love.  Yes, John, Don, Cathy, Vicky, Mal, and the rest of use PRO-lifers at the killing lines picket fence line show love.

  Love to the Mother that going to kill its child, All things -2- make that worest moment of there life show love.  Signs of Love, hapness, comfort, sign’s of Jesus on the cross hjis love -2- all.


  Sign’s of Ricken Horses pony’s Big Balloons shape of hearts Baby’s show love you all, love is one of most thing that can change a mother in need of lhelp.

  Love that there baby will be love / life the love of pro/choice/life only

  Yes MR John Dunken  past the word to all picket lines New Floormat Sign’s of Love    

                 Your truly   Francis G Grady




  Last issue Jim Kopp reviewed a book, The Wisdom of the Desert, Some Sayings of the Desert Fathers.  Here are excerpts and comment:


  --Abbot Pastor said, “Just as bees are driven out by smoke, and their honey is taken away from them, so a  life of ease drives out the fear of the Lord from a man’s soul.


   --A certain brother came to Abbot Silvanus at Mount Sinai, and seeing the hermit at work he eclaimed:  Why do you work for the bread that perisheth?  Mary has chosen the best part, namely to sit at the feet of the Lord without working.  Then the abbot said to the disciple Zachary: Give the brother a book and let him read, and put him in an empty cell.  At the ninth hour the brother who was reading began to look out to see if the Abbot was not going to call him to dinner, and sometime after the ninth hour he went himself to the Abbot and said: Did the bretheren not eat today, Father?  Oh yes, certainly, said the Abbot, they just had dinner.  Well, said the brother, why did you not call me?  You are a spiritual man, said the elder, you don’t need this food that perisheth.  We have to work, but you have chosen the best part.  You read all day, and can get along without food.  Hearing this the brother said: Forgive me Father.  And the elder said: Martha is necessary to Mary, for it was because Martha worked that Mary was able to be praised.


  [Comment to my prolife brothers and sisters: piety, prayers, worship, Bible reading, as good as all these things are, are never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever a substitute for rescuing today the child who is getting her legs pulled off today, and her mother who’s getting psychologically scraped like a cantaloupe today, and could have been rescued today, and would have been rescued today from being scraped and pulled apart today, except that you and I were too busy “praying” and reading the Bible today to pick up our cross and follow Him today.

  Jesus never said, “Read the Bible and you’ll be saved.”  He never said that about “prayer” or “worship” except and unless those activities are inextricably linked to the act of following HIM.

  Follow Him to the mills and do what your heart says to do along Thomistic guidelines, the well-known guidelines.  You will never, ever, ever, ever regret it, and you’ll have, grace of God, 30 trillion years to thank God you worshipped Him truly in the only way possible, by obeying His commands.

  Justification is by grace, my fine-feathered Calvinist friends, but sanctification is by grace/cooperation.

  “Many call me ‘Lord, Lord . . .’ [‘boss, Boss’] who shall not see the Kingdom of Heaven.”

  Ask your Calvinist pastor to look up justification, sanctification and glorification in the Koine’ Greek New Testament.  Put these three together, and together they mean “salvation” in English.

  I was taught this particle of Catholic moral theology by the Reformation preacher Francis Schaeffer, no friend to Catholicism.

  You’ll never regret it, I promise you, but you will lose that sinking feeling that Bible study, “prayer,” etc., unbalanced by applied Bible study (Matt. 25), is empty.

  Don’t be empty!  Jump on in, the water’s fine!  Life is short, eternity is almost here, no matter what age you are.

  And if you do spend a few days in the clink, you’ll regret in time that you ever thought that jail could be worse, or even close,   to getting your arms and legs pulled off, while those who could rescue you were reading the Bible and “praising God (parable, good Samaritan).

  Having said this, my fellow Americans, tempted as we are on all sides by time-wasting movies (too many) malls (too many) new cars (too many) and all that . . ., consider this, a better way to die:


      The story is told that one of the elders

    lay dying in Scete, and the bretheren

    surrounded his bed, dressed him in the

    shroud, and began to weep.

      But he opened his eyes and laughed.

    He laughed another time, and then a

    third time.

      When the bretheren saw this, they

    asked him, saying : Tell us Father, why

    you are laughing while we weep? He

    said to them: I laughed the first time

    because you fear death.  I laughed the

    second time because you are not ready

    for death,  And the third time I laughed

    because from labours I go to my rest.

      As soon as he had said this, he closed

    his eyes in death.


  Now, this is helluva way to die: not crying over all the time we wasted on new cars, malls, etc., but we could say with Paul: “I’ve run the race.  I’m pooped” (paraphrase).


  P.S. On Judgment Day,  before the Master of the Day of Judgment, no one ever said, “Gee, I wish I‘d spent more time watching TV . . .”

  With much love and sorrow for my own miserable hesitations and distractions in the past,  JK (signed)




  Two From the Saints


Another year my dear

Let's go to times square & drink some cheer

And kiss me pretty

When that ball drops on new york city

Then we try to forgetty

The Godly Wrath in store for every amerikan town & city



  As this music video demonstrates, the parallels between the legal status of unborn human beings and the slave in the Antebellum South are so obvious that serious effort is required to ignore them.  Still, no matter how dumbed-down we make the evidence, truly ignorant people will find a way to ignore it.  If you do not want to be ignorant about slavery today, go to to see what comes next in abolishing this new, most deadly, slavery.   





  Here’s my favorite Catholic critic, Cal:


  Dear John, You may have heard the story about the Italian woman who wrote Pope Francis a letter. She complained none of the local priests would baptize her baby because she disobeyed the Church by conceiving the child outside proper moral boundaries. To the woman's surprise, the Pope called her on the phone to say if she could not find a "spiritual father" (meaning a priest concerned more about spirituality than social standards) willing to perform the sacrament, then he would baptize the baby himself. But when it comes to in vitro fertilization programs, the Catholic clergy I have talked to say a priest cannot come and bless a child in a Petri dish because the parents disobeyed the Church by conceiving the child outside proper moral boundaries. So I tell the joke that I phoned Jesus and told him if he cannot find a spiritual father (meaning a pope) who is more concerned about spirituality than social standards, then I will bless the baby myself!


  I respond in brackets:


  Dear John, You may have heard the story about the Italian woman who wrote Pope Francis a letter. She complained none of the local priests would baptize her baby because she disobeyed the Church by conceiving the child outside proper moral boundaries.  [She got that wrong.  They probably refused her because she wouldn’t promise to raise the child Catholic.]


  To the woman's surprise, the Pope called her on the phone to say if she could not find a "spiritual father" (meaning a priest concerned more about spirituality than social standards) willing to perform the sacrament, then he would baptize the baby himself. [Bet she found one.]


  But when it comes to in vitro fertilization programs, the Catholic clergy I have talked to say a priest cannot come and bless a child in a Petri dish because the parents disobeyed the Church by conceiving the child outside proper moral boundaries. [They got that wrong. The reason they didn’t baptize him or her is that they don’t baptize anybody till he or she is outside the womb.]

  So I tell the joke that I phoned Jesus and told him if he cannot find a spiritual father (meaning a pope) who is more concerned about spirituality than social standards, then I will bless the baby myself!   [Of course Jesus concurred.] 


  Then Cal and I go back and forth:


  Cal --  John, I see you have reverted to your usual commenting whenever the Catholic Church is involved.

  me -- No, no, Cal.  I have posted many attacks on the Church, have commented on a few, and have written some of them myself.  And I will post yours and add my own separately.

  Cal --  I hope you will remove those comments when you publish it and add your own separately at the end. At any rate, you are kind of ambiguous with your comments. Pope Francis seemed to be familiar with this problem in the clergy in Italy, and it seems unlikely the woman would have written the Pope if she was unwilling to raise her child Catholic.

  me -- You’re wrong here.  The only thing that makes sense is what I say.

  Cal -- Plus, the babies in the Petri dishes ARE outside the womb.

  me -- No again.  The dish is the womb.  If the child is transferred to a natural womb, she will be baptized after she’s born.  If she is brought to term in an artificial womb, she will be baptized then.

  Cal -- So your defense of the clergy would not apply in this case, and whether the children in Petri dishes are destined to be implanted in the womb later on is a completely separate matter. The important question for you to answer is this: Do you think Pope Francis is going to bless children at in vitro fertilization clinics?

  me -- Well, sure, but he’s not going to baptize them, and he sure as hell ain’t going to call those dens of iniquity clinics.                     [tbc]




  Journalist Roxana Hegeman is pro-death of course, but fair, by and large.  I’ve posted several of her articles on Scott.  Here’s the latest:


  The Kansas Supreme Court will hear arguments this month in the appeal of the man found guilty of killing a Kansas abortion doctor.

  The high court has been presented with a litany of issues on appeal, both from abortion opponent Scott Roeder’s court-appointed defense attorney and from filings written for him by militant anti-abortion activists. One challenge to his first-degree murder conviction argues that jurors should have been allowed to consider a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter, given Roeder’s belief that the shooting of Dr. George Tiller was justified to save the lives of unborn children.

The hearing is scheduled for Jan. 29. The court has set aside 30 minutes for it. Roeder will not be present for the proceedings.

  Roeder was convicted in the shooting death of Tiller in May 2009 as the doctor served as an usher at his Wichita church. Tiller was among a few U.S. physicians known to perform abortions in the last weeks of pregnancy.

  Roeder also was found guilty of two counts of aggravated assault for threatening two ushers who tried to stop him after the shooting.

  Roeder’s trial attorneys built their defense around the theory that their client should be found guilty of the lesser crime of voluntary manslaughter, given his honest belief that that he was saving lives by killing the doctor. At his trial, the judge allowed the confessed killer to testify to that belief. But the judge ultimately refused to let the jury consider such a lesser charge after hearing all the trial evidence.

  The defense’s tactic at trial outraged Tiller’s colleagues and abortion rights advocates, who feared the trial court’s decision gave a more-than-tacit approval to further acts of violence.

  In Kansas, voluntary manslaughter is defined as “an unreasonable but honest belief that circumstances existed that justified deadly force.” A Kansas Supreme Court ruling would help clarify whether such a law would apply in Roeder’s case.

  The appeal also argues jurors should have been allowed to consider a lesser charge of intentional second-degree murder.

  Among other issues raised on appeal is whether the judge made a mistake in restricting and limiting Roeder’s courtroom statement at sentencing and whether the trial should have been moved, given Wichita’s history of conflict over the abortion issue.

The appeal also questions the constitutionality of Kansas’ “Hard 50” sentencing law.

  Roeder was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for 50 years, a term that was set by a judge. However, legislators changed that process in September during a two-day special session after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that held that such prison sentences can only be imposed by juries.

  The attorney general contends that legislators made only a procedural change to the law in making the fix during the special session, not a substantive change in law, thus all sentences should still apply. The Roeder case is among several appeals that challenge that assertion.

  Roeder’s case questions the constitutionality of the Hard 50 sentencing scheme because the jury did not determine the facts that doubled the penalty from an ordinary life sentence.


  Go to if you want to read a pro-life report with this interesting heading -- Hearing Set for Terminator of Baby Murderer




First Abortion Clinic of 2014 Closes Following Record Closures in 2013


   The Ft. Wayne Women’s Health Center in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, is the first surgical abortion clinic to officially shut down in 2014 following a record-breaking year where 87 surgical abortion clinics permanently closed.

Abortionist Ulrich G. Klopfer has told the press that the closure is a “hiatus” after he lost his hospital back-up physician and could not legally operate after January 1; however, there is reason to believe the closure could eventually become permanent.

  A closure notice appears on his web site and the phone number to his clinic has been disconnected, actions that usually indicate there is no intention of reopening.

  “While Klopfer could possibly reopen his Ft. Wayne abortion clinic if he is able to secure another back-up physician, given the highly publicized legal issues he is currently facing, it is doubtful that any reputable doctor would put his own reputation on the line for him,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

Those legal problems began when Indiana Right to Life’s Cathy Humbarger made a Freedom of Information Act Request for state termination of pregnancy reports last year. The group was shocked to discover 1,590 errors and omissions on the reports related to abortions in Lake and Allen Counties where Klopfer had worked, including a lack of reporting of abortions done on underage girls. In at least one case, Humbarger discovered that Klopfer failed to report an incident of statutory rape on a 13-year-old girl.


  To date, over 1,200 consumer complaints have been filed with the Indiana Attorney General’s office against Klopfer for violations of the state mandated reporting laws, non-reporting of child sex abuse, and other violations. Indiana Right to Life is demanding that his medical license be revoked.

  It was soon after news of Klopfer’s stunning disregard for Indiana reporting laws was made public by Indiana Right to Life that Klopfer’s Ft. Wayne back-up physician quit his agreement with the troubled abortionist.

  Klopfer continues to run the Women’s Pavilion abortion clinic in South Bend, but if Humbarger’s group is successful, that clinic could be in jeopardy of closing as well.

  With a record amount of pro-life legislation flooding statehouses since the 2011 legislative season, pro-life activists have more opportunities than ever to document abortion abuses and violations of the law.

  “We consulted with Cathy Humbarger on how to proceed with this situation and are so proud of her and her group for doggedly pursuing these massive abortion law violations against Klopfer that have ultimately resulted in the closing of his Ft. Wayne abortion clinic,” said Newman. “Cathy is working a plan that we have used with great success, and is proving that abortion laws – even the most mundane – can be used to close abortion clinics and save lives at the local level now while we continue to work toward ending abortion altogether. We pray their efforts will put this scofflaw abortionist out of business for good.”


  Read Humbarger’s consumer complaint, one of over 12,000 complaints pending against Klopfer.




  Here’s the beginning of Cathy Ramey’s comment on Jahi McMath’s situation:


  Latest reports on this 13-year-old child are that she moves (mother's testimony) and remains alive (as opposed to being a corpse forcibly maintained on machinery).
  But whether Jahi is truly dead or alive, people should know that in the U.S. there are over 50 definitions of "brain death." Most are construed to be useful in appropriating organ donations. This is important to the harvesting industry because fresher organs have less chance of failure in the new "host." (Sounds a bit like cannibalism and taking in the blood of another for the new patient's personal gain, to some ethicists, but these are not the "Caplin" or "Singer" types that get quoted in the news.)
  Healthier organs increase transplant success rates and bring in a lot of money to hospitals and surgeons involved in the transplant.
  There have been several cases reported over the years that indicate "life support" was pulled for the patient and she was used as a donor in a situation the autopsy physician later determined was entirely survivable; the moment of death was really and truly at that point when the heart or other vital organs (lungs) were removed.
  In organ donation, the machinery to support life is not actually "turned off." That would place organs at greater risk of failure. The patient's chart, under her own name is closed with a time of death.
  A new chart has already been set up and is opened immediately, so the patient who was someone's son or daughter, father or mother, aunt, or best friend a moment before, becomes a "Jane Doe," or "John Doe." That new chart, along with necessary life support machinery and various medications (organ preserving; not necessarily life sustaining, which are started well before the "death" of the individual patient is charted in the original chart)  are now tracked under the name "Doe."  These go with the "Doe" patient and the surgical team into the surgery where organs and tissues are then "harvested."     [tbc]




  For back issues go to



  To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to Federal Bureau of Prisons,  PO Box 474701,  Des Moines, IA 50947-0001.

  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state.



  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.





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