Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"Contraception" is Murder, May 2, 12-2, 2014


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp

(stop killing young  people)


May 2,  2014,  Vol. 13   No. 2

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375

Web, skyp1.blogspot.com

Circulation, 195

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, two grand for others.


  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect children from being tortured to death,  I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.



Prisoners  For  Christ: 


1.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Allenwood, P.O. Box 3000, White Deer, PA  17887

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616   Varner Supermax, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

7.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP Beaumont,  PO Box 26030, Beaumont, TX 77720

8.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

9.         Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

10.       Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837 



  Jim Kopp asks me to post these excerpts from an address given by Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev:


  Your holinesses and beatitudes, your eminences and graces, dear brothers and sisters, esteemed delegates of the assembly,

  The World Council of Churches has a long and rich history. Set up after the Second World War, the Council responded to the expectations of Christians of various confessions who strove to meet, to get to know each other and to work together...

  The World Council of Churches today remains a unique instru­ment of inter-Christian cooperation that has no analogy in the world. However, the question arises as to how effective this instru­ment is. We must note with some regret that, in spite of all of the efforts aimed at bringing Christians of various confessions closer to each other, within Christendom not only are the divisions of the past not disappearing, but new ones are arising.

  The contemporary situation demands from us more decisive action, greater cohesion and more dynamism. And yet it also demands a re-orientation of the basic direction of our work, a change in priorities in our discussions and deeds. While we contin­ue to discuss our differences in the comfortable atmosphere of con­ferences and theological dialogues, the question resounds ever more resolutely: Will Christian civilization survive at all?

  In my address 1 would like to focus on two fundamental chal­lenges which the Christian world today faces in varying degrees. The first is that of the militant secularism which is gathering strength in the so-called developed countries, primarily in Europe and America. The second is that of radical Islamism that poses a threat to the very existence of Christianity in a number of regions of the world, mainly in the Middle East, but also in some parts of Asia and Africa.

  Militant secularism in Europe has a long history, going back to the period of the French Revolution. But it is only in the 20th cen­tury in the countries of the so-called socialist bloc that godlessness was elevated to the level of state ideology. As regards the so-called capitalist countries, they preserved to a significant degree the Chris­tian traditions which shaped their cultural and moral identity.

  Today these two worlds appear to have changed roles.

  In the countries of the former Soviet Union, in particular in Rus­sia, Ukraine, Belorussia and Moldavia, an unprecedented religious revival is underway. In the Russian Orthodox Church over the past 25 years there have been built or restored from ruins more than 25,000 churches. This means that a thousand churches a year have been opened, i.e., three churches a day. More than 50 theological institutes and 800 monasteries, each filled with monks and nuns, have been opened.

  In Western European countries we can observe the steady decline of the numbers of parishioners, a crisis in vocations, and monasteries and churches being closed. The anti-Christian rhetoric of many politicians and statesmen becomes all the more open as they call for the total expulsion of religion from public life and the rejection of the basic moral norms common to all religious tradi­tions.

  The battle between the religious and secular worldview is rag­ing today in academic auditoriums and on the pages of newspapers. And the subject of the conflict is far from being exhausted by the question of belief or lack of belief in God. Today this clash has entered a new dimension and touches upon the fundamental aspects of the everyday life of the human person.

  One of the main directions of its activity today is the straight­forward destruction of traditional notions of marriage and the fam­ily. This is witnessed by the new phenomenon of equating homo­sexual unions with marriage and allowing single-sex couples to adopt children. From the point of view of biblical teaching and tra­ditional Christian moral values, this testifies to a profound spiritual crisis. The religious understanding of sin has been conclusively eroded in societies that until recently thought of themselves as Christian. Particularly alarming is the fact that we are dealing in this instance not only with a choice of ethics and worldview. Under the pretext of combating discrimination, a number of countries have introduced changes in family legislation. Over the past few years single-sex cohabitation has been legalized in a number of states in the USA, a number of Latin American countries and in New Zealand. This year homosexual unions have attained the legal sta­tus of "marriage" in England and Wales and in France.

We have to state clearly that those countries that have recog­nized in law homosexual unions as one of the forms of marriage are taking a serious step towards the destruction of the very concept of marriage and the family. And this is happening in a situation where in many historically Christian countries the traditional family is enduring a serious crisis: the number of divorces is growing, the birthrate is declining catastrophically, the culture of a family upbringing is degraded, not to mention the prevalence of sexual relations outside of marriage, the increase in the number of abor­tions and the increase of children brought up without parents, even if those parents are still alive.

  Instead of encouraging by all means possible traditional family values and supporting childbirth not only materially but also spiri­tually, the justification of the legitimacy of "single-sex families" who bring up children has become the center of public attention. As a result, the traditional social roles are eroded and swapped around. The notion of parents, i.e., of the father and the mother, of what is male and what is female, is radically altered. The female mother is losing her time-honored role as guardian of the domestic hearth, while the male father is losing his role as educator of his children in being socially responsible. The family in its Christian understand­ing is falling apart to be replaced by such impersonal terms as "parent number one" and "parent number two."

  All of this cannot but have the most dis­astrous consequences for the upbringing of children. Children who are brought up in families with "two fathers" or "two moth­ers" will already have views on social and ethical values different from their contemporaries from traditional families.

  One of the direct consequences of the radical reinterpretation of the concept of marriage is the serious demographic crisis which will only grow if these approaches are adhered to. Those politicians who are pushing the countries of the civilized world into the demo­graphic abyss are in essence pronouncing upon their peoples a death sentence.

  What is to be the response of the Christian Churches? I believe deeply that this response can be none other than that which is based on Divine Revelation as handed down to us in the Bible. Scripture is the common foundation which unites all Christian confessions. We may have significant differences in the interpretation of Scrip­ture, but we all possess the same Bible and its moral teaching is laid out quite unambiguously. Of course, we differ in the interpretation of certain biblical texts when they allow for a varied interpretation. Yet much in the Bible is stated quite unambiguously, namely that which proceeds from the mouth of God and retains its relevance for all subsequent ages. Among these divine sayings are many moral commandments, including those which concern family ethics.

  In speaking out against all forms of discrimination, the Church nonetheless must vindicate the traditional Christian understanding of marriage as between a man and a woman, the most important mission of which is the birth and upbringing of children. It is pre­cisely this understanding of marriage that we find on the pages of the Bible in the story of the first human family. This same under­standing of marriage we also find in the Gospels and the apostolic epistles. The Bible does not know of any alternative forms of mar­riage...

  Unfortunately, not all Christian Churches today find within themselves the courage and resolve to vindicate the biblical ideals by going against that which is fashionable and the prevalent secular outlook. Some Christian communities have long ago embarked on a revision of moral teaching aimed at making it more in step with modern tendencies.

  It is often said that the differences in theological and ethical problems are linked to the division of Christians into conservatives and liberals. One cannot but agree with this when we see how in a number of Christian communities a headlong liberalization is occurring in religious ethics, as a rule under the influence of processes taking place in secular society. At the same time the wit­ness of the Orthodox Churches should not be reduced to that of con­servatism. The faith of the Ancient Church which we Orthodox con­fess is impossible to define from the standpoint of conservatism and liberalism. We confess Christ's truth which is immutable, for "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever" (Heb. 3:8).

  We are not speaking about conservatism but of fidelity to Divine Revelation which is contained in Scripture.   And if the so-called liberal Christian Churches reject the traditional Christian understanding of moral norms, then this means that we are running up against a seri­ous problem in our common Christian witness. Are we able to bear this witness if we are so deeply divided in questions of moral teaching, which are as important for salvation as dogma?

  In this regard, I would like to speak about the Church's prophetic vocation. I recall the words of Fr. Alexander Schmemann who said that a prophet is far from being someone who foretells the future. In reminding us of the profound meaning of prophecy, Schmemann wrote: "The essence of prophecy is in the gift of proclaiming to people God's will, which is hidden from human sight but revealed to the spiritual vision of the prophet" (Schmemann, The Celebration of Faith, Vol. 1: I Believe..., p. 112).

  We often speak of the prophetic voice of the Churches, yet does our voice actually differ much from the voice and rhetoric of the secular mass media and non-governmental organizations? Is not one of the most important tasks of the WCC to discern the will of God in the modern-day historical setting and proclaim it to the world? This message, of course, would be hard to swallow for the powerful of this world. However, in refusing to proclaim it, we betray our vocation and in the final run we betray Christ...

  One of the important directions of the WCC's work is interreligious dialogue. I believe that we ought to pay more attention to the development of a deep and interested mutual interaction with tradi­tional religions, especially with Islam.


  Keep this ‘cause Jimbo takes off on it next issue.




                    War Party Oligarch

                                          By Patrick J. Buchanan


  Is the Republican Party's Middle East policy up for bid?

  For four days ending Sunday, March 30, a quartet of presidential hopefuls trooped to Las Vegas to attend the annual gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition.

  Impresario: Sheldon Adelson, the Vegas-Macau casino mogul whose fortune is estimated at $39 billion — eighth richest man on the planet — and who dumped $92 million into the election of 2012.

  Adelson kept Newt Gingrich alive with a $ 15 million infusion of ad money, gutting Romney, and then sank $30 million into Mitt's campaign.

  This time Sheldon wants to buy himself a winner.

  Ari Fleischer, press secretary to Bush 43, and a member of Adelson's RJC fiefdom, put it plain and simple: "The 'Sheldon Primary' is an important primary....Anybody running for the Republican nomina­tion would want to have Sheldon at his side."

  One such man is Jeb Bush, son and brother to presidents, who was the prize bull at Sheldon's cattle show. Daniel Ruth of The Tampa Bay Times speculates on Jeb's mo­tive in showing up:

  "Would you slink into Las Vegas to schmooze gambling mogul Shel­don Adelson who regards GOP presidential nominees as if they were trophy heads mounted in his den, if you had no interest in the White House? Bush is not going to Vegas to catch Meat Loaf's act at Planet Hollywood."

  The 2016 presidential hopefuls "are falling at his feet," said a vet­eran Republican strategist of the 80-year-old oligarch. Each of those who came — Bush, Chris Christie, and Governors Scott Walker and John Kasich — apparently audi­tioned, one by one, before the god­father.

  In 2016, says Adelson's top po­litical adviser Andy Abboud, Shel­don's "bar for support is going to be much higher.. . . There's going to be a lot more scrutiny."

  Guess that means no more Newts.

  Victor Chaltiel, a major donor and Adelson friend who sits on the board of Las Vegas Sands, tells us Sheldon "doesn't want a crazy ex­tremist to be the nominee." Adds Shawn Steel, a big California GOP money man, Sheldon is a "very ra­tional guy."

  Perhaps. But last fall at Yeshiva University, this "very rational guy" gave this response to a question from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on whether he supports U.S. negotia­tions on Iran's nuclear program:

  "No. What do you mean support negotiations? What are we going to negotiate about? What I would say is, 'Listen, you see that desert out there, I want to show you something'. ... You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, 'OK let it go.'

  "So, there's an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of the desert, that doesn't hurt a soul. Maybe a couple of rattlesnakes, and scorpions, or what­ever.

  "And then you say, 'See! The next one is in the middle of Te­hran. So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and take a tough posi­tion and continue with your nu­clear development.

  " 'You want to be peaceful. Just reverse it all, and we will guaran­tee that you can have a nuclear power plant for electricity purpos­es, energy purposes'."

  Adelson's response was record­ed by Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss web site who was at Yeshiva and filmed the interview. Weiss says the audience cheered Adelson's pro­posed nuclear strike on Iran and no one on the stage, not Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens, peeped a word of dissent.

  And this is a "very rational guy," who doesn't want "a crazy extremist to be the nominee"?

  This is someone Republican presidential candidates must ap­pease, if they don't want tens of millions in attack ads run against them?

  This is someone the Republican presidential hopefuls must hearken to now?

  Again, so it would seem.

  During his talk before the few dozen members of the RJC, Gov. Chris Christie recounted his recent trip to Israel: "I took a helicopter ride from the occupied territories" and came "to understand the mili­tary risk that Israel faces every day."


  Christie's effort at bonding boo-meranged. An angry Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of Amer­ica confronted Christie to demand that he explain just what he meant by "occupied territories."

  For half a century, the United States has considered the West Bank occupied land where Israeli settlements are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

  Whatever Christie's response, it did not satisfy the ZOA or Klein who declared: "Either [Christie] doesn't understand the issue, or he's hostile to Israel."

  Whereupon Christie, in a private audience with Adelson, apologized.

  A source close to Adelson told Politico that Christie made clear "that he misspoke when he referred to the 'occupied territories.' And he conveyed that he is an unwa­vering friend and committed sup­porter of Israel, and was sorry for any confusion that came across as a result of the misstatement."

  The governor is a tough guy, but this sounds like groveling.

  Is this what Republican presi­dential candidates must do now?

  Kowtow to this fattest of fat cats who wants to buy himself an American war on Iran?

  Is that what has become of the party of Reagan?


  Christians and Jews face a dilemma: vote for a Republican who will try to eliminate Israel’s enemies, or vote for a Democrat who will try to eliminate legal abortion’s enemies.

  Chief among the anti-lifers is Democrat Hillary Clinton, who would try to do both.  An article about her in the April 17 New York Times says

 people who worked with her say, [she] would be instinctively less reluctant than Mr. Obama to commit the military to foreign conflicts.”

  See Buchanan above.  “Commit the military to foreign conflicts” means fighting the  Israelis wars for them.  It means obeying the bully boys who want “the gun” to solve every problem.

  Here’s how fattest cat Israelophile Sheldon Adelson threatens his enemies, “The next one [exploding atomic weapon] is in the middle of Te­hran. So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and take a tough posi­tion . . .”

  Notice that “the next one” comes from Nebraska. 




The Untold Story of How El Salvador Passed a

                    Total Ban on Abortion


  It took a national prayer campaign and a miraculous turning of hearts in politics.

  It is totally illegal for a mother to abort her child in El Salvador, the smallest country in Central America. But the amazing story about how a country with a name meaning "savior" came to constitutionally protect its unborn children from conception-despite ongoing massive international pressure to the contrary-remains practically unknown.

  "It was a miracle," said Julia Cardenal, president of Sí a la Vida  of San Salvador, to attendees at Campaign Life Coalition's national pro-life conference last weekend in Toronto.

  Cardenal related to about 200 attendees how underdeveloped countries like El Salvador depend on foreign aid to help improve the country. But she said that such aid usually comes with "reproductive rights" strings attached.

  She remembers one cabinet minister saying after returning from a foreign assistance meeting in Europe: "All these people want to do is talk about abortion."

  "If you go to the international conferences of the United Nations, it's incredible how in every treaty they want to put [in] abortion," she said.


  In 1998, a massive pro-life effort resulted in El Salvador removing from its 1973 penal code exceptions that permitted abortion, including to save the mother's life, and in cases of rape and serious congenital disorder. Abortion was now illegal, but the victory was tenuous.

  Pro-lifers feared foreign aid groups would too easily woo the country into signing onto a treaty that would override the penal code and effectively bring back abortion. They knew the only way to guarantee protection for the unborn was a constitutional amendment that no treaty could override.

  Cardenal and her group began a national campaign for a constitutional amendment that would "defend the right to life from conception."

  They passed the first hurdle when about half of the country's legislators voted for the amendment. But for the amendment to be enshrined in the constitution, it had to be ratified by a two-thirds majority in the next parliamentary period.

  But then an election was called and a significant number of pro-life legislators lost their seats to socialists. Pro-lifers felt sure the amendment was doomed.

  "We thought it was going to be impossible to get it, but we said we have to try. We have to do our best," said Cardenal.

  Pro-lifers immediately ramped-up their efforts, calling for a national prayer campaign. The spiritual battle reached its height during the last three days of the legislative period for that year...


  What happened next shocked everyone.


  "When the time came for the vote, the first one who spoke was a socialist woman who said: 'I'm going to give my vote as a woman and as a medical doctor for the constitutional amendment."

  "After that, there was no vote against it," said Cardenal to applause.

"We could not believe [it]. It was a miracle."




  In the last issue I included part of an article about the dwindling number of auschwitzes in Montana. A reader said I should have included the whole article.  Here’s the omitted begriming:


                      Abortion Desert


  Taking a page from liberal activists concerned with "food deserts" in America s inner cities, it seems abortion rights absolutists are taking a rhetorical test drive with the arid metaphor for areas lacking many abortion clinics.

  "There is a nearly 1,200-mile-wide desert of abortion providers stretching from the western boarder of Idaho to the eastern boarders of North and South Dakota," the Daily Beast’s Robin Marty whines in her April 14 story, "America’s Abortion-Free Zone Grows."

  “Montana used to be an oasis in that abortion desert, with four clinics in four different cities offering both surgical and medication abortion options, but not anymore.” 

  Susan Cahill, a physician’s assistant, provided abortions in Montana for decades, through fire-bombings and lawsuits, but is now no longer practicing. After learning that the building that housed her clinic had been bought and her lease was not being renewed, Cahill moved to a new building this February. Three weeks later, that new clinic was broken into and vandalized beyond repair.    (tbc)




  For back issues of this newsletter go to skyp1.blogspot.com



  To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to Federal Bureau of Prisons,  PO Box 474701,  Des Moines, IA 50947-0001.

  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state.



  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.

"Contraception" is Murder, May 1, 12-1, 2014


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp

(stop killing young  people)


May 1,  2014,  Vol. 13   No. 1

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375

Web, skyp1.blogspot.com

Circulation, 193

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, two grand for others.


  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect children from being tortured to death,  I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.



Prisoners  For  Christ: 


1.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Allenwood, P.O. Box 3000, White Deer, PA  17887

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616   Varner Supermax, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

7.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP Beaumont,  PO Box 26030, Beaumont, TX 77720

8.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

9.         Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

10.       Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837 


Dear Sir John, I like it when Francis Grady calls you that. I agree with you that only the Prisoners For Christ are innocent in this war.  Only they don’t have blood on their hands because only they don’t pay to have people killed (I’m talking taxes).  The rest of you do, including you, Sir John.

  The change-hearts-and-minds-only, law abiding, peace loving nudniks should wake up to the fact that their pro-choice countrymen support laws that enable murder.  Ain’t no way they’ll ever stop until prolifers prove they’re serious by breaking those laws.  That’s the only way to change hearts and minds, prove you’re serious.

  You don’t have the guts to do what Evans, Griffin, or Grady has done, but here’s an idea.  Someone good in math should figure out how much each taxpayer pays to support Planned Parenthood.  Then you should withhold that amount when you pay your taxes.

  This won’t work unless you get several thousand to agree to do it.  Start signing them up, Sir John.

                                 “Peace,”  Phil Salmuler


  Not a bad idea, Phil.  I’m appointing my son-in-law to do that job. 




Dear John, The press version of Roe v. Wade is that the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a woman's right to choose.

  But having read the decision myself, what I walked away with is that the Court specifically rejected a woman's right to choose in favor of reaffirming its initial decision in a case called Buck v. Bell, so that this way, if push comes to shove, women can ultimately be forced to abort, even in arbitrary connection with crime and poverty, the criminal drug use of the Hippie craze being of most concern to the Court.
  When I first ran this by an attorney at the American Center for Law and Justice, Walter Weber, he basically said it was ridiculous: "I do not find it convincing; rather, it comes across as having taken isolated quotations out of context and manipulated them in the service of a conspiracy theory."
  So I did some more research. It turns out that two months after Roe was handed down, Justice Marshall, joined by Justice Douglas, gave Roe the same interpretation as I did. (They both supported the decision in Roe.) At pages 100-101 of San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez, Justice Marshall states that to his knowledge the Court has never recognized any "right" to procreate, as evidenced by the fact that recently in Roe v. Wade "the Court reaffirmed its initial decision in Buck v. Bell."
  In 1942, Skinner v. Oklahoma modified Buck v. Bell to prevent states from applying forced procedures to control reproduction based solely on an individual's crimes or poverty. But in Roe, concerned about women getting pregnant while taking illegal drugs during the Hippie craze, the Court abandoned Skinner's protections so women can be pressured to abort, for example, to avoid being punished for drug use. (As a scholarly note, at page 159 in Roe, fearful that voluntary abortion measures would not be enough to abate women's pregnancies in light of the illegal drug use of the Hippie craze, the Court says, "The situation therefore is inherently different from ... Skinner.") Thus, by abandoning Skinner for abortion, the Court went back and reaffirmed its "initial decision" in Buck v. Bell, as Justice Marshall puts it (joined notably by Skinner's author, Justice Douglas).
  When I ran this exciting new finding by Mr. Weber, he replied: "The new material from Rodriguez and Buck does indeed bolster your case."
  The story behind the true story of Roe is that before Roe v. Wade there was Buck v. Bell. Buck is the original case in which the Court extended the abatement authority of Jacobson v. Massachusetts to pregnancy abatement, starting with forced sterilization. To abate means to get rid of, like weeds or mosquitoes. Jacobson was originally intended to prevent epidemics using forced vaccination. But in 1927, swamped with the Flapper craze, the Court turned its attention to an epidemic of pregnancies that were not in keeping with community standards of marriage and responsibility.

  The Flapper craze of the 1920s saw women drinking alcohol and jazzing it up in backwoods hangouts where many had drunken sex. The Flapper craze was the old school version of the Hippie craze, which strongly influenced the Court's decision to hand down Roe v. Wade in 1973.
  Although on the surface Buck addressed mentally ill women, the Court used it as a vehicle to encourage states to use forced sterilization laws to pressure women to control their sexual behaviors under the threat of being forcibly sterilized. Using thinly veiled subtlety, the Court called the Flapper craze a "form of insanity" and was disgusted by the sexual "imbecility" that accompanied it. The Court was especially concerned that if left unchecked the craze would have an "hereditary" potential to leap to the next generation of impressionable young females.
  So in syllabus part one of Buck v. Bell, the Court, fed up with the Flapper craze, sounds the alarm, saying our females are "afflicted with an hereditary form of insanity or imbecility." The Court opined that without extending the abatement authority of Jacobson v Massachusetts to pregnancy abatement, the nation would be "swamped with [female sexual] incompetence" in the form of an epidemic of scandalous pregnancies. To this day, Buck v. Bell remains an extremely loose decision; for so long as the authority to do so is at least implied by state law, literally anyone walking down the street can authorize a physician to have a female forcibly sterilized, even today.
  In 1978 the Court ruled in Stump v Sparkman that controlling women's pregnancies is such a priority that immunity from prosecution will be guaranteed even to those who use any ruse imaginable to forcibly control women's reproduction, even if it means lying to them about what sort of procedure is being performed. This also explains the rationale behind letting women think they have a "right to choose" when really they do not, for it is simply a part of the ruse. In Stump, a judge had authorized a pair of physicians to tell a female she was having her appendix removed so her mother could have her sterilized over fears she was given to promiscuity. The Court upheld his immunity as a vehicle for giving states the legal confidence to pressure females to abort in the effort to control the cocaine baby epidemic of the Disco craze.
  It is easy to keep track of the Court's four major decisions on forcible pregnancy abatement by keeping track of the associated crazes American females have been "afflicted" with, crazes which the Court calls forms of "insanity": the Flapper craze (Buck v. Bell, 1927), the Hippie craze (Roe v. Wade, 1973), the Disco craze (Stump v. Sparkman, 1978), and the Hip Hop/Dirty Dancing craze (Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 1992). Actually, Roe also had a companion case, Doe v. Bolton, so there are really four sets of decisions, with five major cases overall.
  The press version of Roe is that the Court championed a woman's right to choose and that its lesser known companion case, Doe v. Bolton, guaranteed women access to safe, legal abortion without interference from the state.

  Instead, what Doe v. Bolton literally did was to create a safe haven so washed out physicians can stay in practice as abortion doctors by suspending medical regulations. A side effect of this is that women are being injured and abused by incompetent physicians. But the Court is willing to accept such dirty risks, if this is simply what it takes to get the job done.
  As Justice Douglas puts it candidly at pages 220-221 of Doe v. Bolton, "In short, I agree with the Court that endangering the life of the woman or seriously and permanently injuring her health are standards too narrow for the right of privacy that is at stake." Notice how specific he is about the grave risks to women the Court is willing to accept if this is what it takes to get the job done.
  Having made up its mind to use child homicide to cover up for what it calls the sexual "imbecility" of our females, the Court refused to let queasiness about harming women interfere with its goal of abating their pregnancies with abortion. So the Court created a safe haven for washed out physicians to stay in practice as abortion doctors, so they can do the dirty work other physicians are unwilling to perform. (The Court created the safe haven by suspending the medical regulations that incompetent physicians cannot stand up to, this way they can stay in practice as abortion doctors.)
  To accomplish its abortion objectives, the Court agreed to accept the risks of exposing women to unregulated practices, at the hands of washed out physicians, even though it means "endangering the life of the woman or seriously and permanently injuring her health."
  Note also that despite any ruse to the contrary, by code word "privacy" the Court ultimately means not an individual's right, but rather the privacy of our nation collectively as a whole. In other words, the Court feels our nation's right to privacy is at
stake, out of fear of public embarrassment. For by abating women's scandalous pregnancies with abortion, the Court means to keep private the matter of their sexual "imbecility," so we are none the wiser once the evidence is disposed. Sincerely, Cal


  Cal is honing this argument to the point where feminists are going to have to take it seriously.  Google “feminists” to get a list.  I sent it to five of them: Jennifer Baumgardner, Rita Mae Brown, Faith Wilding, Dave Zirn, Susan Faludi, and Catherine Mackinnon.  Take it from there.




   movie reviews


  Rage with George C. Scott. Taken, with Liam Neeson. Eight Millimeter with Nicolas Cage.

  I hesitate to recommend these movies, but this short list has been accumulating in my mind for years. These flicks are not for kids to watch. They are even hard for adults to watch.

  All of them depict the kidnapping of young girls into prostitution or pornography movies, one of them an industry that specializes in movies depicting or appearing to depict torture and murder (8 mm).

  All three movies show a man who simply says, I won’t tolerate this and i will do whatever i can to get my daughter back.

  All of us prolifers need to study this idea carefully. It is an indication of the sickness of our current culture that I have to make a point about this.


  P.S. Some more recent flicks you may not have heard of:

  The Passion of The Christ   The one Mel Gibson made before he went bongos. I don't think most Christians realize the stir this flick made. Hollywood only looked closely at it after it made more bucks than any other flick in history. Hello? Got your attention now, Hollywood bankers?

  It is an incredibly realistic flick, and Gibson took a lot of flack for putting it in Aramaic, but think about it: that makes it more like a home movie than a Hollywood movie. You hear Jesus speaking exactly what He said way back then. Any Bible scholar would love this.

  It also has tons of detail from Anne Catherine Emmerich. Protestants: don't have a spaz attack. This stuff is not official, its just unofficial. But if you read The Passion of Christ, the book by her, you might realize why lots of us traditionalists have taken her very seriously. Example: she tells that when Our Lord was on the Cross... when He turned His head one way, he saw the top of such and such a building inside the wall. The other way... another building. No, I'm not saying it’s true because she said so, but this could be another Josephus, who has his place. The more people read Emerich the less they can find wrong with her stuff.  It would be hard to make up that much stuff and not make any mistakes. Anyway, this adds a huge dimension to this flick and can't be easily gainsaid, esp. since it’s all perfectly in line with Scripture. The overall effect of this flick is to make the Bible believable.


Bella   A great flick showing the agonizing emotional details of a young mom who chooses life for her baby.


The Natural with Glen Close and Robert Redford. ca. 1990.  An oldie. Remember this one? The main scene is him knocking out the lights at a night game, but don't forget the end of the flick: his hometown girlfriend faithfully gave birth to his child, which was only conceived at a moment’s notice, so to speak, and years later she presents the boy to him and it gives the flick a wonderful ending. Most would say corny, but think about it. Think about the quiet uncomplaining sacrifice of this mom, and how it all came out well in the end despite the scoundrelness of the protagonist. Think about it. This is a deeply prolife flick, right out there in plain view, and liked otherwise only for its “period” and sports memes.


  Title Unknown   Commissioned by Christians, this flick shows the story of a gal who's a waitress in a diner, gets pregnant, moves to another town, gives birth and otherwise lives a life of quiet heroism. It’s in the Ignatius Press catalogue somewhere, I'm sorry i forgot the title, something about food. A list actors and a kind of art house reception in the press. A gem.


Wall Street  Charlie Sheen and Kirk Douglas' son. This is a big flick, right? People always talk about it. But they never talk about the end: Gecko's's son gets his girlfriend pregnant and AB is on the front burner.  Right at this point, Mr. Tough Guy who eats his enemies for breakfast gets all mushy looking at... can you believe it? ultrasound footage of his son's girlfriend's baby swimming around on his computer. He swoons over this, meditates on this, and at the very end he basically adopts the biological daughter-in-law and grandchild in a profound move of emotion.

  I want to tell you: this is not how movies like this end. And it’s important, since movies like this have a hard time ending right. Most movies like this have shallow endings, or just plain stupid Spielberg CG endings with dragons erupting from the floor, etc. but this is a wonderful ending, very satisfying and makes the whole story hum.

  Did you know of any first rate, secular critic-approved flick had ultrasound footage in it of an unborn baby? No? I didn't think so. But here it is, right in this flick.   It is a testimony to the schizophrenia of this age that this and Ides of March could come out. All these big actors make 'em, and they get all stupid and Deer In The Headlights if you were to mention these parts.

  People don't want to know. In the old days, the old politically incorrect days, we used to call this "Invincible Ignorance" or -"Willful Ignorance.” This era is saturated with it, but with these movies, they are without excuse. Even without the full gospel, each one of these flicks presents a perfectly legitimate starting point for a truly open mind. Liberals don't have an open mind, even if they keep insisting that they do.


  This concludes this edition of Jim Kopp’s movie reviews.  Other editions to follow. One, I hope, will include Juno.




  Francis Grady wrote this in December but I misplaced it:


  Mr. John, Hi, what’s new sir?  I been thing about life w/o freedom arrested april-2-2012 now Dec-20-13  Miss -2- christmas w/o family tree, Gifts.

  love with soulmate all down the drain -4- 11 years in this shit hole sir call United states Penitentiry a waste of tax payers Money Tax’s Payer’s pay -4- abortion should be put into a grave.  ya John iam sicken totaly Think John all the piss heads high life people is just as at fault as the other and Doctor  Do you pay taxes John well do ya I don’t pay taxes from 1985 over 28 years I don’t help pay -4- abortion or bombs -2- blow up children and woman in other counrys Thats what I real feel sorry about SIR John  This countgry is gone -02- shit  Sorry about the Hell USA citizens are about -2- see us men that care will stand completely -2- the Iron Raft, and fight with God, are you real ready -2- take your life John I am in this USP day care center 90% are abortion case that dont happen before birth  John, there 250,000 Fed  prisoners that get feed three times a day  750,000 meals a day.  New York Strip for New Years 250,000 New York Strips, steak John  The taxes are dum founded who realy ucking care!  Let them taxs pay citizen be robbery -2- them self because God wright around the corner that that Lake of Fire brimstone lake of fire boil over with dont care taxs citizen hope your in the wright boat sir the battle about -2- get worse  I hope when the balls of God gets his revenes on the unwanted humans on earth then the children of abortion will be free of there chains  From the people we the people of the ucken  people that dont give a hoot but there only self  they worry about.  So John becareful out there because the government are rats.  They deleate children from earth 11, 12,  13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 year old children are  being  rape then the government has you taxes payer pay -2- deleate them from earth   Ya John magents are raping our children parents don’t care -2- watch there children from magent the children raper get -2- USP they don’t live long John ya the world will come -2- the end soon Becausd Life is Killing life and destroying  children mines  Print Please SIR,

                  Prisoner of Christ

                       Francis Grady   

                         shingel dog Grades








  Buttercup: folks we have some of the students who were at the school yesterday where the mass stabbing occurred.

  Tiffani: it was like so gross, I was like wow this is so gross. hey ya'll want to see my butterfly tattoo? I am considering a carreer in porn, do you think I can use this video to show my star potential?

  Johnny: hey homies, did you see me run out of that building? I hauled ass didn't I? hey mom laura and mom lisa, aren't you proud? I told you I was going to get my sweet self to school this morning, damn I picked a great day to show up. this is so fucking cool. we  finally had a school massacre. hey, how many got knocked off? I hope we beat the record of those weirdos who whacked SandyHook and VA Tech

  Attorney WeSue: These children have experienced trauma that will stay with them a life time, was your child a victim? call me at 1-800-WeSueU2.  I am there to help.



 Buttercup: what ya'll think about this protest in Nevada?


Dandy: protest, frank, you and howard call the faithful, have them grab some dead baby signs and head out to the streets while we man the command posts from some casino.


Howard and Frank: fun in the sun, and hon we gonna roll in the dough while our faithful works the show.


Buttercup: guys, this ain't about abortion.


Dandy: what you say, woman?


Buttercup: some pissed of ranchers are protesting cause the federales stealing some rancher's cattle.


Dandy: you mean this ain't about peaceful prolife protestors hanging out in front of abortion clinics, hiways and walmart.


Buttercup: no baby, it's about stealing cows, not about protecting unborn babies from being slaughtered.


Dandy: holy shit, then this could get mean. let's just keep our selves and our money making faithful here at home base and ready to defend the innocent. turn up the volumn baby, cause



  As I say, I hardly understand anything Tobra writes, but I love it.




  Last month, an apparent pro-life vandal destroyed the abortion clinic in Kalispell, Montana. Now, the state has just two clinics providing surgical abortions, in Billings and Missoula. This crisis of access affects not just Montana residents but thousands of women in neighboring states, too.

Susan Cahill, a physician’s assistant, provided abortions in Montana for decades, but is now no longer practicing. After learning that the building that housed her clinic had been bought and her lease was not being renewed, Cahill moved to a new building this February. Three weeks later, that new clinic was broken into and vandalized beyond repair.

  Michelle Reimer, executive director of Hope Pregnancy Ministries, a local crisis pregnancy center, was soon revealed as the owner who forced Cahill out of her old office. Reimer makes no bones about the fact that her intention was to stop Cahill from performing abortions in the city, telling Democracy Now: “We made a stand for the pro-life position in a legal, peaceful and non-confrontational way, purchasing the building in order to advance the cause of life.”

  The vandalism, on the other hand, was a destructive act of aggression and malice, according to those who saw the clinic after the attack. Maggie Moran, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Montana told the Billings Gazette, “Equipment, records, the plumbing and heating system—all destroyed. And all of her personal things were maliciously torn and stabbed.”

    The suspect in the case, Zachary Jordan Klundt, is the son of Twyla Klundt, a board member of Hope Pregnancy Ministries. Klundt, has pled not guilty, although documents from the office were found in his home and his shoe treads match those found at the scene. His mother, meanwhile, resigned from the board.      (KH)



Quote of the Day: The greatest enemy of unborn children is the mainstream prolife movement, not the aborts who are known bums.  Why?  They were God’s rescue squad.             Anonymous



  For back issues of this newsletter go to skyp1.blogspot.com



  To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to Federal Bureau of Prisons,  PO Box 474701,  Des Moines, IA 50947-0001.

  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state.



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