Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp
(stop killing
young people)
September 2, 2013,
Vol. 11
No. 12
PO Box 7424,
Reading, PA 19603
Phone, 484-706-4375
Circulation, 233
Editor, John
“Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic
response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month. If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for
defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or
go to the website. Emails are free but
snail-mail is free only for PFCs, two grand for others.
I think
we can all agree there is nothing peaceful, nonviolent, or prolife about
letting innocent children be killed. So I believe we should examine every
legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect children from
being tortured to death. I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and
from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the
prolife use of force and call it violence.
Prisoners For Christ:
1. Curell, Benjamin D., (out on bail)
2. Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180, FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036
3. Griffin,
Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000
4. Grady,
Francis 11656-089, USP Terre
Haute, PO Box 33, Terre Haute, IN 47808
5. Holt,
Gregory 129616 Varner Supermax, PO
Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600
Kopp, James 11761-055, USP
Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472
7. Roeder,
Scott 65192 PO Box 2, Lansing,
Kansas 66043
8. Rogers,
Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP
Beaumont, PO Box 26050, Beaumont, TX
9. Rudolph,
Eric 18282-058 US Pen. Max, Box 8500, Florence CO 81226-8500
10. Shannon,
Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,
P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093
11. Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP,
P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg PA 17837
the rest of Roxana Hegeman’s report on Angel
Dillard’s vindication:
Dillard’s vindication:
Her husband, Dr. Robert Dillard, also testified in his deposition
that the agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation who called them about
the letter in April 2011 told the couple that he personally, and the FBI in
general, were frustrated by the Justice Department's lawsuit because they
"felt it was undermining the trust and relationships that they were trying
to develop with people who were not extremists but were still pro-life,"
according to the court filing.
When questioned about that conversation, FBI
agent Sean Fitzgerald did not "directly deny," making such comments
but testified he was trying to build rapport with the Dillards, the judge
The judge also rejected the government's
request for a permanent injunction prohibiting Dillard from again contacting
Means. He was persuaded by the defense argument that she would have no reason
to do so since Means no longer has any plans to offer abortion services in Kansas.
The court also noted the government's
argument that Means had refrained from contacting Means while the lawsuit was
"If the glare of publicity and the
prospect of additional government legal action are sufficient by themselves to
prevent further communications by Dillard, they would remain even in the
absence of separate injunction relief," the judge wrote. "That is,
the government effectively concedes that Dillard is a rational person, at least
in sensing the folly of additional communications with Dr. Means."
here’s Michael Bray the Great:
Dillard Delivered from Obamanation!
The Obamanation suffered a well-earned smack
in the chops by U.S. District Judge J. Thomas Marten.
Angel Dillard had been charged with various
threats for simply warning would-be Tiller replacement Mila Means that her
chosen profession was a de facto dangerous one.
AP reporter, Roxana Hegeman, covering the
case since it began in 2011, wrote “U.S. District Judge J. Thomas Marten
summarily found in favor of Angel Dillard in the April 2011 civil lawsuit
brought by yours truly, the U.S. Justice Department.” (See “Judge sides with
abortion opponent in Kansas Case,” 15 August, 2013)
She reports the response of Dillard defense
attorney, Don McKinney: “It was a great victory for the First Amendment . . .
Obviously, we agree with the opinion. I appreciate the court held the
U.S. Department of Justice accountable to the law and the evidence.”
McKinney noted that Dillard had “been deposed for eight or nine hours by the
Referring to the business of butchering
children in the womb, the Obama Justice Department’s “Civil Rights Division”
declared, “The right of doctors to deliver lawful reproductive health services
free from threats of violence is protected by federal law,”
Sadly, the feds want not only to
protect the right to butcher children, but to ensure that no one
utters too loud of an objection to the same. And they are quick to interpret as
“threats” simple dialogue and fair, heartfelt warnings about the personal
physical, spiritual, and psychological damage which comes quite demonstrably in
consequence of “abortion.” Indeed, the butchering of one’s child cannot
be transformed into something else by renaming it “abortion” or “reproductive health
service” or any other such deceitful euphemism.
The Obamanation had sued citizen Dillard
under the 1994 abortion-industry-protecting “Freedom of Access to Clinic
Entrances Act (FACE)” after Dillard wrote the prospective abortionist who
would replace the decedent abortionist George Tiller. Two years after the
mass baby killer had been terminated by Scott Roeder in January, 2009, one Mila
Means had intended to take the place of Tiller. In a letter sent in January
2011 when Means was “training to offer abortion services” at the Wichita
“clinic,” as Hegeman describes, Dillard warned with candor and simple speech
the prospective Tiller replacement of the potential personal danger. At
the time, no abortionist had theretofore taken up the bloody trade from which
Tiller had been scrupulously relieved. As one would attempt to arouse
another fellow human being from what would seem to be a bedeviling stupor,
Dillard obviously intended no sinister threat. Even, as Hegeman
necessarily reports, Dillard patently presented her concerns for a fellow human
being with her own return address! Where is a sinister threat in such
The good news reported by Hegeman is that
“Means no longer has any plans to offer abortion services in Kansas.”
Indeed, we hope she has come to her senses and decided that baby killing is not
a good thing to do anywhere in the world and not just Wichita.
Religion in America
Where it was, is now, and is
Religion in America has two streams,
originally far apart but now converging. The oldest stream originated in Latin
America and watered the American Southwest from Texas to California in the 16th
century, with outliers in Florida and Louisiana. It’s the Catholic stream. The
strongest stream originated primarily in Britain and Ireland. It watered the
Atlantic seaboard in the 17th century and spread across the continent in the
18th and 19th centuries. It’s the Protestant stream. Both streams were
reinforced in the 19th and 20th centuries by immigrants, primarily from Europe
initially and then mainly from Latin America that continues today.
The United States was
shaped by the Protestant stream, primarily by our Founding Fathers, a truly
remarkable group of men forged by the bloody struggle to unite Church and State
in England and inspired by English Common Law. That legacy survives to this
very day. In Virginia and the South generally, the Episcopal Anglican tradition
was more benign toward other Christians. This was not the case in England
itself. New England was settled by English Puritans in the Congregational
Calvinist tradition who, like Catholics, were persecuted by the State-run
Anglican Church and sought religious freedom. Once established here, Puritans
also became intolerant. Unitarianism became a Deistic alternative that
minimized doctrinal conformity. The Mid-Atlantic colonies, notably New York and
Pennsylvania, were more diverse ethnically, with a large German population
belonging to the Lutheran tradition in Pennsylvania. Along the Appalachian
frontier, from Maine to Georgia, America was settled primarily by Presbyterians
from Ireland, mostly from Ulster. The Presbyterian Calvinist tradition was
introduced by settlers from Scotland in 1609. The Presbyterian Church required
an educated clergy, but the American frontier was too vast and remote to
maintain that standard, so religious needs were met by less educated “circuit
rider” preachers as the frontier moved westward. These preachers were mainly
Methodists in the Ohio Valley and Baptists further south. The Lutheran
tradition was reinforced in the second half of the 19th century by immigrants
from Germany and Scandinavia who settled primarily in the Upper Midwest.
The Catholic tradition in Protestant America
began in Maryland, but didn’t become strong until the 1846-1851 potato famine
in Ireland sent millions of Irish Catholics to Atlantic coastal cities and
other large cities across America. These Irish immigrants shaped the Catholic
Church in America. Unlike other Catholic immigrants, they spoke English (and
Gaelic), they arrived early in large numbers, and they understood English
Common Law. With these three advantages, they overcame prejudice (e.g., “No Irish
need apply” and “No Catholics need apply” signs in shops and factories) by
taking over the Democrat Party, first in New York and New England. The native
Yankees were mostly Whigs, a party on its way to extinction, replaced by the
emerging Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln. The takeover was possible
because Irish families were large. Boys would become priests, politicians,
policemen, and firemen. Girls would become nuns, nurses, teachers, and maids.
Irish politicians cleared the way to founding Catholic hospitals and schools
run by priests and nuns who made sure Catholic voters kept the politicians in
power so public service jobs (policemen, firemen, teachers, etc.) remained in
Irish hands. This way of overcoming anti-Catholic bigotry created a strong bond
between the Catholic Church and the Democrat Party, and a belief that
government provided upward mobility, that persists to this day. But it is
weakening because the Democrat Party was taken over again, this time in the
second half of the 20th century, and not by force of numbers but by a new
ideology. Darwinism. The Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party (RINOS,
Republicans In Name Only, “elitists” who are few in number but have money) has
also been seduced by Darwinism.
As defined here, Darwinism asserts we came
from worms and will be eaten by worms. Period. End of story. Among the
self-styled “elites” who control the Democrat Party, education, the media, and
much of business and entertainment, Darwinism has made deep inroads into
Mainline Christian denominations (Episcopalians, Congregationalists,
Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, etc.) in the Reformation tradition, and
has weakened the Catholic Church in America. Darwinism is resisted by Biblical
Christians (Pentecostal and Fundamentalist Christians, notably Baptists, and
Traditional Roman Catholics). Christians influenced by Darwinism try to meld it
with Biblical Christianity by postulating a form of “evolution” that is not
mindless but is directed by “intelligent design” because random genetic
mutations cannot produce new species over time. Neither view can be “falsified”
by scientific investigation, given our current understanding of genetics, so
both remain in the domain of religion, not science. But Darwinian “elites”
control education and the U.S. Supreme Court, so the Darwinian religion is
taught as science in public schools. Christianity cannot be taught so
Darwinism, with no rival allowed, is becoming the “elitist” dogma that shapes
America today.
Darwinism makes no
distinction between right and wrong. “Survival of the fittest” is its reigning
dogma. Hence, the U.S. Supreme Court “constitutionalized” murdering the entire
next generation of Americans, every person, in Roe v. Wade, denying they
are “persons” just as it did with Black people in Dred Scott v. Sandford
over a century earlier. These Justices who don’t know right from wrong are
sociopaths. Think about that. The court of last resort in America is in the
hands of sociopaths. Six of the nine are Catholics. Two of the six always vote
with the other three, who are secularized Jews, to keep the killing going.
There are no Protestants, the people who founded America and enacted the
Constitution they have sworn to defend. The goal of abortion is to eliminate
the “unfit” which means killing Black babies. Legalizing abortion is racist.
How did this happen? Pride. Willful pride.
How so? Darwinism insists the human mind is an evolutionary product of the
animal brain. “Mind” results only from electro-chemical processes in the brain.
There is no human “soul” apart from the human brain. This denies the
fundamental revelation of Jesus Christ: God is a pure spirit consisting of
three Divine Persons who are one, and we are created in His image and likeness.
These Persons each have three purely spiritual attributes: intellect, will, and
empathy. Intellect resides primarily in the Father, who instructs His Son out
of love. Will resides primarily in the Son, who obeys His Father out of love.
This perfect exchange of love Personifies empathy as the Holy Spirit. God is
Love. And because God is Love, God is One. God created angels and men, giving
us intellect, will, and empathy too. Angelic and human happiness depends on
preserving the Divine order. Will must be obedient to intellect if love is to
prevail. Among both angels and men, will overcame intellect so empathy
descended toward hate. Why? Because will unguided by intellect cannot
distinguish between right and wrong. It produces a sociopathic personality.
This personality is dominant among America’s Darwinian “elites”. It is
permanent among fallen angels because they exist outside of time. Men exist in
time so redemption is possible. Redemption came to us as the Word of God
incarnate in Jesus Christ. He taught us that pride is overcome by humility. Humility
is a primary attribute of God. It comes from subordinating the will to the
intellect, just as Jesus subordinated His will to the intellect of His Father
out of love for His Father and for us.
Jesus demonstrated the humility of God by
being born in a cave used as a stable, with a feeding trough for His crib, and
then by living humbly and dying between thieves on the cross, naked, with all
but a few onlookers mocking and reviling Him. He had been brutally scourged, so
His bleeding body was covered with flies, feeding on His torn flesh, defecating
and copulating. He could not shoo them away because His hands were immobilized
by nails. Another name for Satan, leader of the fallen angels, is Beelzebub:
“Lord Of The Flies”. The humility of Jesus Christ allowed Satan to inflict this
unspeakable torment on His naked body. Triumphant rebellious pride was overcome
by triumphant obedient humility. “By His holy cross He has redeemed the world!”
Our destiny is union with God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, for eternity.
Because God loves us so much He paid this price for our salvation. When our
will runs rampant, it is impossible for us to understand how Almighty God can
be supremely humble. We wouldn’t be humble if we had that power!
What has Darwinism to offer that displaces
this sublime understanding of human origins and destiny? Let’s look where
Darwinism has taken us. Since we are ultimately only worm food, what place is
there for intellect and empathy, the wellsprings for ethics, and love? None.
Will prevails: Triumph des Willens in Leni Riefenstahl’s propaganda film
for Adolf Hitler. Without obedience to an Almighty God, “Eat, drink, and be
merry, for tomorrow we die.” becomes the prevailing ethos. Why devote the time,
energy, and money needed to bear and raise children, who are only worm food
like us? Children are a burden, not a blessing. How do we avoid the “curse” of
children? By engaging in contraception, abortion, sterilization, and sodomy.
Then we can have la dolce vita, the good life. That is what Darwinism
promises. It is pounded into our heads by the “elite” educational establishment
when we are children ourselves, from Kindergarten through graduate school,
backed up by the media, the courts, and liberal/progressive politicians in both
political parties. Not mentioned is the fact this is a recipe for extinction.
Children are the only future mankind has. We exterminate our own species just
so we can pursue pleasure in a mere 30 or 40 years of “productive” life.
Happiness is never delivered but its allure trumps an eternity of real
happiness with our Creator. Only an “elitist” will prefer this Faustian
bargain. “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven!” Pride. Willful pride.
Racism is imbedded in Darwinism. The full
title, never uttered today, of Darwin’s magnum opus is, The Origin of
Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in
the Struggle for Life. The “favoured race” is the White Race (Englishmen).
This view found its way into the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1902 edition,
published at the zenith of British imperialism. Under the heading Negro
you will find fourteen “proofs” that Black people are inferior. Example: “(3)
weight of brain, as indicating cranial capacity, 35 ounces (highest gorilla 20,
average European 45).” In the Biblical view human intelligence resides in the
human soul, individually created by God. Cranial capacity has nothing to do
with it.
Since White people are no longer replacing
themselves with children, Darwinian “Survival of the Fittest” ideology demands
that White elites (“the Fittest”) use all their powers to limit growth of
non-White populations. This is done by the American Government through USAID
and by the United Nations (run by White “elites”) through UNICEF and UNESCO.
The common goal is to prevent non-White babies from being born by imposing
contraceptive drugs and devices, chemical and surgical abortions, and surgical
sterilizations on women in non-White countries, all attacking the natural
fertility of women. It’s a Crime Against Humanity and totally racist.
“Scientific” cover is provided by scare tactics such as Paul Ehrlich’s
“Population Bomb” in the 1960s and “man-caused catastrophic global warming”
from CO2 today. Never mind CO2 is “oxygen” for plants, so agriculture would
flourish worldwide. Warming would thaw permafrost, opening Arctic lands,
one-seventh of Earth’s land area, to agriculture (two harvests per year with 18
to 24 hours of daily summer sunshine), mining, petroleum and natural gas
production, population expansion, manufacturing, and commerce. Warming would
cut shipping times to the Orient in half by melting Arctic sea ice. Rising sea
level from melting land ice would have benefits, notably causing a construction
boom in coastal cities as aging harbor facilities were replaced farther inland.
How does Barack Obama fit into this picture?
Recall the “Negro Project” hatched by Margaret Sanger, racist founder of
Planned Parenthood, in her letter to her rich racist patron, Clarence Gamble of
the Proctor and Gamble fortune: ”The most successful educational approach
to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that
we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can
straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious
members.” What trumps a “Negro” minister? A “Negro” President of the United
States who got his “religion” from pro-abortion minister Jeremiah “God Damn
America!” Wright. This is why Darwinist “elites” in the media, academia, and
government are so committed to polishing Obama’s image no matter what scandals
and crimes are traced to Obama. He gives “legitimacy” to their genocidal desire
to “exterminate” Black people because he’s on board. Obama knows Planned
Parenthood’s Abortion Auschwitzes are concentrated in Black (and now Hispanic)
neighborhoods, making sure three Black babies are aborted for every White baby.
Obama ordered Hillary Clinton to push for a new constitution that legalized
abortion in his father’s native country, Kenya, as the opening wedge to
aborting Black babies all over Black Africa, financed by American taxpayers.
Obama is the Darwinists’ ideal “useful idiot” Karl Marx said was needed to
advance his socialist/communist revolution. The smokescreen White “elites” use
to conceal this goal is to brand as “racists” anyone who exposes it, and these
Darwinist “elites” control the media. Obama himself plays this “race card” at
every opportunity.
So where does this leave
us? The struggle of our time is not between competing Christian traditions. It
is between Christianity and Godless atheism “legitimized” by tying it to a
Darwinian religion masquerading as science. But Darwinian science is bogus.
Doctrinal statements in most large Mainline
Protestant denominations show leadership has all but abandoned Biblical
Christianity (many in the pews have not), adopting the Darwinian embrace of
contraception, abortion, sterilization, and sodomy. The Fundamentalist and
Pentecostal traditions in Protestantism still adhere to Biblical Christianity,
even in leadership. Half of Catholics in America have left the Church to join
these Biblical Christians or the Darwinists. Half of those who remain doubt the
Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This sacramental belief is so central
to Catholicism, when Catholics lose it many not only stop being Catholics, they
stop being Christians. Their numbers include bishops, priests, nuns, and lay
Catholics who run most diocesan chancery offices in America and who control
Catholic education from primary schools through universities. Their political
allegiance is to the Democrat Party, which has also abandoned Biblical
Christianity. Abortion and Sodomy are their two “sacraments”, both condemned in
the Bible because no children are born. God’s gifts counting as sacraments
among Protestant Biblical Christians are baptism, on impressive display in the
large Southern Baptist Convention, and “speaking in tongues” that inspires
evangelization among Pentecostal Christians.
Catholics made Obama President of the United
States. Twice. Even after his anti-Catholic political agenda was fully exposed,
most still supported him, at the ballot box and in Congress. They abort their
children at a greater rate than Americans as a whole. In Congress they lead
efforts to increase the number of abortions in America and the world. How can
they possibly believe in the Real Presence? Their will has overcome their
intellect. They no longer know right from wrong. They aren’t Christians. “By
their fruits you will know them.”
Apostasy within the
Catholic Church has happened repeatedly, most notably leading to the Protestant
Reformation. In these cases, revolt began because the Church became too worldly
and too tied to corrupt States. The Church reformed itself, painfully, but never
recovered those who left in the meantime. Most new Christian denominations
repeated this history of alliance with the State, followed by fragmentation.
Within and without the Catholic Church, leaders in the rebellion were typically
men whose will overcame their intellect. It led to religious wars within
Christendom, and then nationalist wars when Biblical Christianity was abandoned
by European governments, notably in World Wars I and II, both genocidal wars
stoked by national pride. Apostate Catholics in America are being replaced by
Hispanic Catholics, many of whom have joined evangelical Protestant
denominations. So the two streams, one from Latin America and one from Europe,
at the beginning of American history are now merging into a single stream having
Biblical Christianity as its strongest current.
The Darwinists have no such reinforcements.
They weren’t allowed to be born. So the Darwinists must seduce the children of
Biblical Christians using their control of public education from elementary
education through university education to preach Darwinism, and using the
Courts to suppress the alternative Christian view.
With this history, we can expect more of the
same here in America. This time, half of Catholics and most Mainline
Protestants will have defected to the Darwinian view. Authentic Christianity
will be retained by Catholics loyal to Rome and by Protestants loyal to the
Bible. Ultimately, loyalty to Rome means loyalty to the Bible. Rome produced
the Christian Bible. So the battle lines will be loyalty to God and His Word on
one side and loyalty to a morally bankrupt, openly murderous, inherently
racist, and intellectually dishonest Darwinian ideology on the other side. God
will win. He always does. We are His Creation. He paid an infinite price to
claim us. Darwin gave humanity only division, destruction, and despair.
Social Darwinists deny they can’t distinguish
between right and wrong, deny their empathy slides toward contempt for those
“lesser breeds” in the human family (Black people). They insist they care for
Black people more than Christians do, but their idea of “care” is to keep Black
people on Government “slave plantations” where their dignity is stripped away
and they survive on Government handouts that stifle their native ability to
compete in the larger society. Stable Black families are kept from forming by
forbidding fathers of Black children from living with them and their mothers,
so these children grow up in gangs that replace the Biblical family and are
bound together by drugs and crime. This is not love. It’s hatred driven by
fear. In large cities like Chicago, White “elites” occupy the “downtown”
centers of commerce and the arts where their wealth is concentrated (the
“Chicago Loop”). A “skid row” of derelicts lies just beyond, and beyond that
are the Black ghettos of crumbling public housing, single households, drug
lords, juvenile prostitutes, and teenage gangs.
White “elites” know their centers of
“downtown” wealth and power are surrounded and potentially held hostage by this
servile Black population deprived of hope and upward mobility. Barack Obama
entered Chicago ghettoes as a “community organizer” courted and coddled with
money and promises designed to wean him away from his own people by stoking his
pride and promising him a future that frees him but keeps them in thralldom.
These tactics keep Black leadership from uniting Black people and taking over
the inner cities by urban guerrilla warfare and sheer force of numbers, as
Irish immigrants once did in New York City during the Civil War draft riots.
Before Obama it was Jesse Jackson, for whom abortion was “Black genocide” until
the Democrat machine wooed him away with ransom money and promises of a
nomination to the U.S. Presidency if he endorsed the slaughter of his own
people. Today young Black males in Chicago and other urban cities have two
futures, a coffin or prison bars. Obama is President, prancing as Drum Major
for the Culture of Death.
White “elites” see this suppression of Black
people as supremely “right” because it saves civilization from the savages who
have not produced any kind of civilization in their African continent and can’t
compete in America. There is little difference between this attitude and that
of circus “lion tamers” who keep the wild animals in their cages and train them
to jump through hoops, lap their faces, and cower before their whips in
exchange for scraps of raw meat. White “elites” cannot admit this, even to
themselves, but their actions expose them. They delude themselves, believing
this suppression is benign and charitable. They think imposing these curses
demonstrates their love. Two millennia of Christian civilization have slowly
lifted mankind from degradation by preaching love of God and neighbor. Elitists
tell us their sense of right and wrong comes from Darwin, not Christ, pointing
to Christianity’s failures. Yet they can point to nothing altruistic or benign
in Darwinist dogma. They can only point to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi
Amin, and their atheistic forebears. Not one saintly man or woman. Not one. But
are these “elitists” really atheists? Or do they hate God and mankind,
having gained the whole world but lost their immortal souls? Is Darwin just
“intellectual cover” to hide their true identity and the “god” they really
serve? The showdown between these two visions of humanity is building. America
is the center ring of this mind-numbing ”circus” and humanity is watching. Terence Hughes
including only a short selection here from Melvin and Maude because I had to get in another powerful
piece from Terry. But don’t worry,
M&M will be completed. The
conversation between Mr.Veracitino (MV) and Dr. Canard (DC) becomes more
interesting by the minute. Don’t dispose of any parts of this novella; you
won’t find it anywhere else.
DC: Fundamental
ones. Let me illustrate my point by
returning to the work of Dr. Money.
Toward the end of the 1970’s he published a book titled Lovemaps: Clinical Concepts of Sexual Erotic Health and Pathology,
Paraphilia and Gender Transposition in Childhood, Adolescence, and Maturity. Certainly not a New York Times best
seller, but a very influential book in
the academic community. In this book Dr.
Money theorized that every one of us has
a unique “lovemap,” a subconscious tour guide that leads us to the object of
our affection. The first lines of our lovemap are drawn in the womb, under the
influence of sex hormones. During
childhood, erotic play further sketches
the contours of our lovemap, until puberty when we mature into a fully
functioning lover. “Healthy” adults then
try to “match” lovemaps with someone else, an ideal lover, according to the contours
of our own lovemap.
Dr. Money thought that frustrated childhood
sex play sometimes created a :vandalized lovemap.” Individuals with “vandalized lovemaps” are incapable of “healthy pair-bonding.” Some
go without sex entirely, becoming celibate.
Others become sex addicts, engaging in sex with compulsive frequency.
Still a third group with “vandalized lovemaps” find release in “paraphilia,”
another term for perversion. A
paraphilia is essentially a short-cut around normal sexual behavior. Paraphilias are incapable of becoming aroused
without some “substitute imagery, object, or ritual.” Paraphilia can range from shoe fetish to cross
dressing to pedophilia. The paraphilia
probably formed when sexual arousal became associated with a particular activity. A pedophile, Money speculated, had had as a
child a sexual relationship with an odder
person; his attraction to children is “repetition
to the earlier affair.” A shoe fetishist
had probably first experienced arousal while playing hide-and-seek in his
mother’s shoe closet.
The problem Dr. Money struggled with in Lovemaps was how to classify homosexuality. Was it just another paraphilia like
pedophilia? Was the homosexual’s lovemap
healthy or vandalized?
Since the days of Sigmund Freud, psychiatry
had classified homosexuality as a form of pathology. “Anatomy is destiny” said Freud. The only acceptable outlet for a person born
with male anatomy was to behave in a masculine way, which included, among other
things, sexual attraction to females.
According to Freud, the male homosexual had had a warped upbringing, a
domineering mother and a passive father.
Rather than modeling himself after his father or some other masculine
adult male, the homosexual chooses his domineering mother as his role model. Lesbians, it was thought, usually had a
profound hatred of men related to some early childhood abuse, rather than a
specific attraction to other women.
decades psychotherapists prescribed drugs and shock therapy to gays and lesbians
to “cure” them of their “disease.” A sad
chapter in the history of science.
Anyway, beginning in the late 1940’s, a new
spirit of tolerance started to emerge.
Finally, in 1973, the American
Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its diagnostic manual.
Dr. Money had been on the frontlines of this
battle to end the persecution of homosexuals.
Dr. Money himself was a bisexual.
His research into transsexualism was key in establishing the idea that
sociological-cultural influences were uppermost in shaping a person’s gender
identity, not anatomy, as Freud had contended.
MV: Why did Dr. Money express reservations about
homosexuality in Lovemaps?
DC: Because he fell back into the same mistake
that the designers of traditional gender roles had made thousands of years
MV: Which was?
DC: That there is a natural basis for
sexuality. Dr. Money went groping in the
dark, trying to find an objective difference between “natural sex” and
“paraphilia,” between “healthy lovemaps” and vandalized lovemaps.” But there are no differences – once you
accept sociological-cultural influences as the primary ingredient in gender
identity. It’s all relative after than. (tbc)