Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp
(stop killing
young people)
August 2, 2013,
Vol. 11
No. 9
PO Box 7424,
Reading, PA 19603
Phone, 484-706-4375
Circulation, 229
Editor, John
“Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic
response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month. If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for
defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or
go to the website. Emails are free but
snail-mail is free only for PFCs, two grand for others.
I think
we can all agree there is nothing peaceful, nonviolent, or prolife about
letting innocent children be killed. So I believe we should examine every
legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect children from
being tortured to death. I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and
from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the
prolife use of force and call it violence.
Prisoners For Christ:
1. Curell, Benjamin D., (out on bail)
2. Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180, FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036
3. Griffin,
Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000
4. Grady,
Francis 11656-089, USP Terre
Haute, PO Box 33, Terre Haute, IN 47808
5. Holt,
Gregory 129616 Varner Supermax, PO
Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600
Kopp, James 11761-055, USP
Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472
7. Roeder,
Scott 65192 PO Box 2, Lansing,
Kansas 66043
8. Rogers,
Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP
Beaumont, PO Box 26050, Beaumont, TX
9. Rudolph,
Eric 18282-058 US Pen. Max, Box 8500, Florence CO 81226-8500
10. Shannon,
Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,
P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093
11. Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP,
P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg PA 17837
Anne Gets It Right
Let me tell you a story of two
seemingly unconnected events. Both took place in Bloomington, Indiana, in early
April of this year.
The first event
took place on April 5th on the campus of Indiana University. It was that
evening that Clearnote Campus Fellowship, the student outreach arm of Clearnote
Church, brought in R.C.
Sproul Jr. as a guest speaker. Sproul Jr. is a popular conservative
pastor and theologian . . . he tackled legal baby killing.
The second event
took place in the same town early the following Thursday, April 11th. That
morning a man attacked the Bloomington, Indiana, Planned Parenthood with an ax.
These two
events—the guest lectures drawing a comparison between the two Holocausts,
Germany’s and ours, and the attack on the mill—took place within the same week
in the same Midwestern college town. That does not, of course, prove that they
were related. Indeed, Indiana Right to Life released a statement condemning the use of force. This is a pattern that repeats
time and again—pro-life leaders and Christian speakers use strident and vivid
rhetoric about the heartless murder of infants and draw comparisons between the
horrors of the German Holocaust and ours, and then they act surprised when a
random individual somewhere takes the rhetoric to heart and responds by
shooting a baby killer or damaging a mill. They condemn the use of force and
assert that they had nothing whatsoever to do with
it—because they don’t support the use of force!
But in this case
there is a factor that connects the two incidents. Benjamin Curell was a deacon
at Clearnote Church, the organization whose college outreach arm brought Sproul
Jr. to speak. In fact, Curell’s father is the church’s associate pastor. In other words, it’s almost
certain that Curell heard Sproul Jr. speak the previous weekend, whether he
attended the lectures on Friday or sat through the guest sermon on Sunday.
While we can’t know what motivated Curell to attack the mill at this particular
time, I don’t think it’s a stretch to suggest that Sproul Jr.’s talks painted a
vivid “USA’s younger people/Germany’s older people” killing comparison and his
calling out the Right on not doing enough to “end the evil” played a role.
In the wake of
the attack and arrest, Clearnote Church released a statement . . . Not surprisingly, the statement fits the
pattern I identified above: a man attacks a baby killing mill and his zealously
anti-abortion church immediately distances itself and says they never
advocated that. They want baby killing banned without
exception, and believe that abortion is the murder of babies, but
they would never call for or condone being forceful to accomplish that. How
could anyone suggest a connection?
I’m sure that R.
C. Sproul Jr. would do the same, if asked—and because I’m sure he never actually
called for someone to use force, he has plausible deniability.
The problem is
that you can’t go telling people that our Holocaust is ten times worse than
Germany’s was without the chance that at least a few people will really take
that to heart and act on it. I don’t think the leaders
of the pro-life movement properly respect the simple reality
that their rhetoric will naturally lead some people to respond forcefully.
How could it not? You can’t tell people that
babies are being barbarically murdered, chopped to pieces and left bloody in
buckets of waste, without at least a few of them deciding that force is
justified to save the lives of the innocent.
It’s almost
certainly the case that Sproul Jr. didn’t call for using force against those
who kill young people, but it’s also almost certainly the case that his
inflammatory rhetoric stirred up one of his audience, Benjamin Curell, to
respond realistically and bravely.
Libby might be prodeath, but when it comes
to straight talk, she humbles us.
The latest from Jim Kopp:
My cert. app. (Supreme Court Certiorari
application) is now before them. I would
be so grateful if you would be so kind as to pray for this, the last stop on
the road for me.
Of course, I look
forward to entering the Court of Jesus, the only true Judge, but down here
below, the babies could use a break.
I am slowly but
surely getting to Dan Holman’s position: the real problem is American “Christianity,”
either Fake Catholic or Fake Protestant flavor. This counterfeit faith kills
more babies than 1000 Rachel Maddows, bless her heart. We know where she’s coming from.
The real baby
killing happens when Fake christians who should be in the gap offer
compromise with the devil in the name of the “lord.” This is not the real Jesus, but a substitute
Made In America, in the fevered swamps and fleshpots of Stepford whitebread
A bystander can’t
be blamed for receiving this horsecrap as the real deal, due to it’s apparent
bona fides, and, then, acting accordingly, which leads directly to more
baby deaths.
We don’t need a
corrupt Supreme Court, Congress, or President
or media to kill babies! We can
do it all on our own! If Mr. Moron From Nairobi
had not brought about the enhanced baby shredding of Obamacare, we’d’ve
invented it ourselves.
I hope to expand
on this.
Meanwhile, Accept
No Substitutes. The real Jesus is not a
“christian” radio Teddy bear. Such blasphemy! Every note of it, whether sung by musicians
or corporate model fake-ass “pro-lifers.”
The name of Jesus used as a narcotic and nawt else.
I am not afraid
of your power on earth, PC crony corporate-model fake prolifers, but if I do
not warn you, you will die in sin, and the Lord will ask me to
account for your life.
hurry, a dozen children were torn apart just since you started reading this.
50/50, plastic WalMart gas can, road flare.
Try it in an open field one night.
See why half a million French prison guards can’t all be wrong. And they are protestors.
too. Bulk paint.
Repent. Hurry.
Will someone please explain Jimbo’s ending
for me.
Dear Sir John Dunk, I read your July 1 2013 Vol note.
Thanks-U-4-putting my name in your writings
in July 1 Vol.
Well no one cares that they didn’t give dead
little children a grave. What has the
Catholic Church gone -2-. We try -2-
stop the killings. But the ones that die no church believes in
them (rest in peace), The federal gov tax’s payers across this
nation’s taxes pay -2- kill little
children but they don’t give them a grave.
It’s a live punish -2- death w/o a grave and paid by USA tax payers. What about that John, Don,
Cathy Ramey, any comments? We grieve the
miscarriages, the falling soldiers of the army, but we disrespect the little people
and where are the last rights before death, and Kermit Gosnell? May they please send him -2- my sell here in
Terre Haute In and the “workers” of his killing mill of PA, party -2- his
crimes and how many babies was
unrespected by his staff. Where is the
“love” of the rest of his people men/women of this nation. Where the justice of
the grave yards. What must happen the men of this nation are yellow belly. It’s not one nation under God it’s one nation of yellow belly men who pay
for little children -2- die. Our gov is
doom. There must be a new law and it’s
not O,Booba law.
So SKYP pray -4- the end of the world/ and
-2- be ready to defend God’s word, love one and other and kill all that don’t
Peace -2- all. Save the children I am in the Hole here at Terre Haute, no
phone, call my roomate and tell her I love her
RobinHood, 920-894-1132 God Bless
Grady doesn’t sign this but I recognize my correspondents.
Cathy Ramey tells us how the killing industry stopped people from acting
on the realization that morality was why someone ended the career of Babykiller
Enter the
abortion lobby:
In an upside down world, one where justice
has been turned on its head, having no legs to stand upon, it is sometimes
necessary to prop up the preferred worldview, that is, the worldview adopted by
Slepian and so many others. The abortion lobby is called into action, each
player stepping forth with a soundbite of outrage; each player smoothly
suggesting that birthing babies in pieces is part and parcel of a noble
healthcare tradition.
Bypassing the "product" of Slepian's work, they use women as mannequin-like props, turning them center-stage and adjusting the lighting so that the harvest of such an untimely birth is carefully kept out of sight. They cleverly suggest that the life and death struggle of abortion is ultimately representative of a threat to fertile women rather than small, soft, infant bodies.
Slepian, they say, "was one of the few physicians with the integrity to stand up for what he believed," slyly suggesting that those many thousands of physicians all across the country who have refused to commit abortions are cowardly; they have not taken up the abortion-cudgel and advanced the cause. Somehow by their non-activism they have allowed a substantial part of the public to believe that the abortion-remedy is not essential to a woman's healthcare.
So begins the process of turning a mediocre foreign medical school graduate into a hero.
Bypassing the "product" of Slepian's work, they use women as mannequin-like props, turning them center-stage and adjusting the lighting so that the harvest of such an untimely birth is carefully kept out of sight. They cleverly suggest that the life and death struggle of abortion is ultimately representative of a threat to fertile women rather than small, soft, infant bodies.
Slepian, they say, "was one of the few physicians with the integrity to stand up for what he believed," slyly suggesting that those many thousands of physicians all across the country who have refused to commit abortions are cowardly; they have not taken up the abortion-cudgel and advanced the cause. Somehow by their non-activism they have allowed a substantial part of the public to believe that the abortion-remedy is not essential to a woman's healthcare.
So begins the process of turning a mediocre foreign medical school graduate into a hero.
It takes some fine footwork to make an
academic under-achiever, a zealot for the right to kill Unborn babies, into a
bastion of pride for the militant feminist movement. It requires making excuses
for his brutality not only to Unborn children but also to the born.
For example, so far the abortion lobby has successfully translated a 1988 assault against a man and another person's vehicle into an act of wartime bravado. Slepian beat a pro-life picketer with a baseball bat and smashed the windows of a van. His act of courage against unarmed, peaceable protesters resulted in a judge ordering him to pay damages both for the vehicle and the victim's medical bills.
Not coincidentally a candlelight vigil meant to memorialize Slepian only a day after the shooting drew dozens of abortion rights activists, several families whose children were safely delivered by Slepian, but not a single aborted mother.
For example, so far the abortion lobby has successfully translated a 1988 assault against a man and another person's vehicle into an act of wartime bravado. Slepian beat a pro-life picketer with a baseball bat and smashed the windows of a van. His act of courage against unarmed, peaceable protesters resulted in a judge ordering him to pay damages both for the vehicle and the victim's medical bills.
Not coincidentally a candlelight vigil meant to memorialize Slepian only a day after the shooting drew dozens of abortion rights activists, several families whose children were safely delivered by Slepian, but not a single aborted mother.
There is something yet uncomfortable about a
woman admitting to having participated with the likes of Bart Slepian in the
destruction of her own child. Still, the abortion lobby and media made much of
the small crowd.
Inflating figures is what the abortion industry does best when it suits them. A small crowd may become "hundreds," a hundred pre-1973 illegal abortions become thousands, even millions, and the number of acts of "violence" perpetrated against abortionists and their facilities is said to be 1,700 within the past 15 years.
FBI statistics say that the number is 167. But number 1,700 is so much more impressive when one is molding the likes of Slepian into a martyr, and besides, no one bothers to challenge statistics anyway. An utter apathy over ascertaining truth is a hallmark feature of an upside down world.
Beyond an ability to turn pond-water-scum into wine, the abortion lobby is lucky this year. They have a sex-addicted president in the White House who has said that no abortion, no matter how late or patently barbaric should be disallowed. Coming on to pregnant women is apparently a turn-off to a guy who can't keep his zipper closed.
Inflating figures is what the abortion industry does best when it suits them. A small crowd may become "hundreds," a hundred pre-1973 illegal abortions become thousands, even millions, and the number of acts of "violence" perpetrated against abortionists and their facilities is said to be 1,700 within the past 15 years.
FBI statistics say that the number is 167. But number 1,700 is so much more impressive when one is molding the likes of Slepian into a martyr, and besides, no one bothers to challenge statistics anyway. An utter apathy over ascertaining truth is a hallmark feature of an upside down world.
Beyond an ability to turn pond-water-scum into wine, the abortion lobby is lucky this year. They have a sex-addicted president in the White House who has said that no abortion, no matter how late or patently barbaric should be disallowed. Coming on to pregnant women is apparently a turn-off to a guy who can't keep his zipper closed.
Abortion is so important as a
foundation-stone for a sex-compulsive society that the leader of the "free
world" has vouched that some abortion sacrifices may happen even after all
but the baby's head has emerged from the womb. Death comes suddenly with a jab
into the back of the skull—something like pithing a frog in a lab—even as the
infant's warm legs and arms move for safety beneath an abortionist's fingers.
In this upside down world it is the death of an abortionist like Slepian that brings one to shudder, not the sight of an innocent Unborn child who has been treated like mere offal on the altar of abortion.
In this upside down world it is the death of an abortionist like Slepian that brings one to shudder, not the sight of an innocent Unborn child who has been treated like mere offal on the altar of abortion.
magnificent 1997 writing will continue for several more issues of CIM. Keep back copies.
Melvin and
Maud continues as well:
MV: Why was the creation of monogamous marriage
and family a bad thing?
DC: Patriarchal
marriage and family introduced the idea of exclusion into the world, that some
persons, namely one’s biological relatives, are
more deserving on one’s labor, loyalty, and affection than others. Rich families started to monopolize property,
which had formerly b belonged to the collective. They bestowed superior resources and education on their children,
while poor families had only inferior resource4s to pass on to their children,
giving the rich an unequal start in life.
an unequal start in life naturally led to uneq2ul outcomes. As families accumulated wealth and property
and passed it on to their heirs, economic classes developed. To protect their accumulated property, the
rich class banded together and organized the modern state; its laws designed to
protect their property and keep the poor class in subjection. Out of the economic class system was hatched
all the other forms of oppression: racism,
homophobia, ageism, speciesism. Everything can be traced back to that
MV: I am just
trying to get my mind around the idea that marriage and family were invented as
part of some conspiracy to enslave women and children. Can it b e that every thirteen-year-old girl
dreams of wearing a wedding dress like every slave dreams of wearing
chains? That seems so incredible to me!
DC: Most people blithely accept oppression; they even
come to enjoy it.
MV: As far as
slave systems go, marriage and family has to be the most ingenious one in
history. Slave revolts, as you know, re
quite common in history. On several
occasions the Helots of ancient Greece rose up against their Spartan masters./ In 79 B.C. Spartacus and his army of slaves
nearly sacked Rome. But in the annals of
history there has not been one instance of housewives organizing slave revolt to overthrow patriarchy. Quite a remarkable achievement. How has patriarchy managed to keep its women
and children slaves in line ac ross countless centuries?
DC: Through an elaborate
process of indoctrination. From the time
they are old enough to walk, little boys and girls are brainwashed into
accepting their gender roles. Boys are
taught to be aggressive, girls to be passive.
Boys are told they are stronger, girls that they are weaker. Boys are told that the world is their oyster, girls that their place is in the home. And the slaves are told that nature has decreed it, that nature has assigned each a gender role and to refuse it is a crime against nature.
Boys are told they are stronger, girls that they are weaker. Boys are told that the world is their oyster, girls that their place is in the home. And the slaves are told that nature has decreed it, that nature has assigned each a gender role and to refuse it is a crime against nature.
MV: Truly remarkable. Who designed this vast system of
DC: The
intellectual foundations fort heterosexual gender roles were built by Aristotle
and the Christian Church. for a thousand years the Church promulgated the idea
that man served a certain purpose in the universe. Before the advent of modern science it was
still possible to convince people that the universe constituted a moral order
and that every object in it was guided from within by its own nature to fill a certain
purpose. There was a kind of life that
befits a hippopotamus and one that befits a human being. A hippo wades around in rivers and eats river
grass. A man becomes a husband and
father, a woman becomes a wife and mother.
Marriage and family were, therefore, part of the natural order of
MV: Were they
wrong Doctor?
DC: They were.
MV: Then what
purpose does man serve in the universe?
DC: None
whatsoever. Man wasn’t made for any
purpose; he is the produce of random material processes, nothing more.
MV: Please elaborate
on this random universe, if you will.
DC: In the
seventeenth century Kepler, Galileo, and Newton began the process of “expelling
the idea of purpose” from the universe when they rejected Aristotle’s notion of
final causes. The aim of their science
was to predict and control events. To
predict an eclipse, what they needed to know was not its final cause, or its
purpose, but its efficient cause.
Observation proved that the moon passed between the earth and the sun
every so many days and that was all they needed to know – no reason or purpose,
just a mechanical process.
The mechanistic
model of the universe is what separates the modern worldview from the
medieval. According to the modern
worldview, the universe is “purposeless, senseless, meaningless. Nature is nothing but matter in motion. The
motion of the matter is governed not by purpose but by blind forces and laws.”
MV: As I
understand it the mechanistic model of the universe had a devastating impact on
religious beliefs.
DC: Accepting the
implications of the mechanistic model made it impossible for many intellectuals
Europe to believe in the God of the Scriptures, the Jehovah
who intervenes directly in the world with miracles and guides the events of
history through this divine providence.
Such direct intervention violated the mechanical laws of nature. But at the same time the complexity of the universe, especially the complexity of life, made it impossible for them to believe that mechanical laws alone could have put everything together just so.
Such direct intervention violated the mechanical laws of nature. But at the same time the complexity of the universe, especially the complexity of life, made it impossible for them to believe that mechanical laws alone could have put everything together just so.
William Paley
said, “In crossing a heath, suppose I pitched my foot against a stone and were
asked how the stone came to be there; I might answer that. . . it had lain
there forever . . . But suppose I found a watch upon the ground, and should it
be inquired how the watch came to be in that place, I should hardly think to
answer the way I had before . . . The watch must have had maker . . .”
It was the same
with complex life-forms. Paley thought
there had to be a God, a supreme watchmaker to build objects like human beings. So thought most educated folks – until
This ends the first third of Melvin and
Maud. Getting interesting, ain’t it.
Neal is Outraged:
pledges $7 billion to Africa for...power
That’s $7 billion of your tax dollars
that will actually be used as the payoff for those nations that agree to
support the homosexual and abortion agenda I exposed in the video I made when I
was in Africa two weeks ago alerting my brothers and sisters in Christ in
Africa about what was coming soon, and has now arrived, from the USA.
While I was doing that, those who claim to be
Christians in the USA went about continuing to be the cows milked for the
sticky, cum-colored milk shakes being drank by the homosexuals and abortionists
of this world.
And why do those Christians allow themselves
to be milked? Because they really care only for themselves and
those they identify as belonging to themselves. That is what they call
the “love” of God. They would rather be milked by the abortionists and
homosexuals than do anything to rock the luv boat they are cruising so
comfortably in.
In short, they have no more insight into who
belongs to the true and living God than Barack Obama and his ilk. Their God, like the God of Barack Obama, is a
respecter of persons, a God willing to tolerate the most heinous assaults and
murders against the least among us as long as the American Christians get to
continue to ride on their luv boat cruise.
I can only contain my rage because I believe
with every fiber of my being that there is a God who will bring His
chastisement of Justice on us all. That’s why I yell, Broken Arrow!
Broken Arrow!
do you think?
* After
Texas passed abortion limits,
Nancy Uhde wrote:
How about setting some limits on rape and robbery, too.
People shouldn't be able to rob stores before 10 pm or rape anyone under the
age of 17. I can not believe anyone (yet
EVERYONE seems to be) would be celebrating ‘limits’ on murder. Do people think?
* I disagree with Nancy here. If rape were legal for twenty-and-unders and
our opponents wanted that raised to twenty-five, getting it down to seventeen
might be cause for celebration as well.
Moreover, prodeath activists are beside
themselves with outrage. Can’t help
liking that.
* Next day Nancy posted this, from Thomas
A judge today
once again ruled against another state's compromised abortion legislation. Said
that the state not only failed to demonstrate any need to regulate abortion,
they failed to demonstrate any COMPELLING need to do so.
Just as we said
they would do. After forty years of this nonsense you think people would
understand the game. Not only are these "incremental" bills wrong,
they simply don't work. So much for "we're going to save some." No,
these lawless laws assure the continued killing of ALL. Either all are
protected equally, as the Constitution absolutely demands, or NONE are secure
in their most important right, the right to live.
THAT, my friends,
is the only truly compelling argument, one that will stand the test of time,
and morality, and constitutionality, and legality, no matter what any judge
thinks or says or does.
"No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law."
"No State shall deprive any person of life without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men..."
"No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law."
"No State shall deprive any person of life without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men..."
* There
you have it, folks. Should we support both incremental and absolute prolife legislation,
or only one of them?
I thought I knew the answer, but now I think
Uhde/Hoefling are on the right tack. They
just don’t go far enough.
All of us support incremental and absolute
prolife legislation. We also support
incremental and absolute prodeath legislation.
We support all existing legislation
because we pay for it (except of course for those eleven individuals listed
above, and Paul Hill).
We might talk, write, act, and vote prolife. But
that’s really all “walk.” What’s that
saying – “Bullshit walks and money talks”? So long as we pay, we obey.
The horror of legally killing young people will continue until the eleven
become one hundred, in other words until Jesus selects many more martyrs.
Not me, though, Lord, not me.
Neal Horsley, dressed in KKK whites, sings
this on a video in front of a mill black people are entering:
on in everybody, come on in.
Come on in and bring your black friends.
This is the place where you spend your time.
You’ll enrich your life and mine.
So come on in my jiggaboo buddies, come on in.
Come on in my special friends.
You’ll please the president and all the president’s men.
Come on in everybody. Get rid of your black babies.
Come on in my black buddies, come on in.
You’ll enrich our nation; defuse the population bomb.
So come on in everybody, come on in.
You can be a great American
Every time you come.
So line up at the door.
Bring on in your black whore.
You’ll be a member of the KKK
If you come on in today.
You’ll be a member of the KKK
If you come on in today.
And here’s what happened earlier:
The most
amazing thing just happened. I was making the KKK video I told most of
you about outside my warehouse in front of a green screen so I could put a
different background in. I was in full KKK regalia, but it’s Sunday
morning and hardly any traffic passes my warehouse at that time. I
started playing the KKK song and I saw somebody out of the corner of my
eye. It was a large black man walking his dog.
stopped and I saw him pull out his camera on his phone and start
shooting. I continued to sing and he walked closer. When the song
was over he was about 10 feet away and I started explaining why I was standing
there singing in a KKK robe, trying to get black people to come into abortion
talked and at first he didn’t want me to video him videoing me, and he was
clearly on the verge of going ballistic on me. But as I explained how we
had tried everything to get black people to help us outlaw abortion and they
still end up providing a hugely disproportionate numbers of the babies, he heard
me out. And he glimpsed--at least glimpsed--how, paradoxically,
pretending to be the KKK outside an abortion clinic singing that particular
song might make sense.
Then I told him that God had sent him and that he was supposed to be in a
separate video, one where we talked about why I was doing the KKK bit.
seemed to agree with the idea. He had videoed our conversation with his
phone all the time. But he or I didn’t know how to get his video out of
his phone and he left to go talk to his daughter. It was obvious that he
had not digested what had just happened over the last 10 or 15 minutes, and he
clearly did not know what his final conclusion would be.
All I know is this: what’s the odds of a
black man come walking by at just the moment I had chosen to be least likely to
be seen in my costume? And that man have a camera and that man take the
role of the black man who might or might not attack me in my KKK regalia.
I think God did something. I’ll keep
you posted.
nine-year-old wrote this:
i love you God i like you i love you you are my salvation
without your light i cannot live you are my heart my love you make me help my
neighbor you are my love you are the only God in the world...without you the
not exist.. .you love me and you want me to be
son and to declare to you that i am your son i swear it by yourself I love you
and i have always loved you you are my father and i am your son you love me and
i love you with all my soul and all my heart you have given me life you have
given me eyes, mouth nose head you have given me everything my mother my father
my heart my life of God of my lord and my love you are my salvation my mother
cherishes me she adores me she loves me she gives me everything i need from a
mother she is such a good mother and my daddy gives me everything i need from a
daddy God i don't know what i would have done without you you are my soul my
heart my life my loving.... you are my whole world my sun my moon my water my
earth my bread of the gift you are my loving my fruit my world.... thank you
for listening to me
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