Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"Contraception" is Murder, July 1, 11-6, 2013



formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp

(stop killing young  people)


July 1, 2013,  Vol. 11   No. 6

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375

Web, skyp1.blogspot.com

Circulation, 260

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, two grand for others.

  I think we can all agree there is nothing peaceful, nonviolent, or prolife about letting innocent children be killed. So I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect children from being tortured to death. I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ:  Burt, John


1.         Curell, Benjamin D., (out on bail)

2.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

3.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

4.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Terre Haute, PO Box 33, Terre Haute, IN 47808

5.         Holt, Gregory 129616   Varner Supermax, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

6.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472 

7.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

8.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP Beaumont,  PO Box 26050, Beaumont, TX 77720

9.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

10.       Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

11.       Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837



 The words of old soldiers never die:

  The May 23, 2013, issue of The Wanderer devotes a page to posting again and commenting on the statement Jim Kopp made in 2003 at his sentencing hearing.  This powerful statement, which obviously would persuade a normal person to see the justice of Jim’s actions, did not persuade the judge, who then sentenced Jim to 25 years in jail.

  In 2007 Jim appealed that sentence in federal court.  Unfortunately, the Catholic judge Arcara would not allow Jim to use his statement from 2003.  Arcara said, among other things, that Jim was “bared from stating . . . moral reasoning for his actions.”

  Yep, that’s what he said!

  Then he increased Jim’s sentence to “life imprisonment plus ten years” just to make the bizarre bazarrer.


  Here’s the part of Jim’s statement that scared hell into the judge, and, I wish, out of me:  

  “Abortion is terrorism, by scale, and by the indiscriminateness of its attack on the weak, helpless, and innocent.  Force against  [abortionists] , by contrast, is very specific, limited, and targets a preeminently non-innocent, guilty person, always with the goal of saving innocent human life.  So who is the terrorist? . . .

  “Abortionists need protection to kill harmless children.  Anyone who provides protection to mass [killers] . . . whether under the cover of law or not, is participating in murder.”


  Jim goes on to say that he himself had been participating in murder because for  “. . . twenty years I have walked up and down the streets of America walking by those abortion mills . . .”, and he quotes John Paul II,  “If the laws of the state are manifestly at variance with the Divine Law, then to resist becomes a positive duty, to obey a crime.”


  Bingo, it hit me!  I realized that I have walked up and down the streets of America right past those abortion mills for forty years!  I myself have been participating in murder!  Me!  Of all people!

  If Jimbo had been part of the problem, I am now twice that!

  What about you?


 Check it out:


The Day Free Speech Died in Winter Park, Florida
                                       Michele Herzog

  Could it really happen in America? Could three citizens be arrested on the public sidewalk for reading a Bible, having a camera and holding a "Celebrate Life" sign?  I want to believe that this would not and could not happen in the country I love so dearly, but yesterday it did. 
  The city of Winter Park Florida thought that these three American citizens, were dangerous enough that they called in the city Swat team to body search, hand cuff and arrest fellow prolifers and friends Jay Rogers, Professor Pat McEwen, and Cheryl Bishoff.  They were then taken to the Orange County Jail for booking.
  So why did this city find it necessary to go to such measures to arrest three Christians on a public sidewalk?  Let's go back to last August when a group of peaceful Christians took to the streets and held a public witness in the neighborhood and residence of the newly promoted  CEO of 
Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando, Jenna Tosh.  On a side note , this particular center performs on an average of over 100 abortions per week!
  Almost immediately city commissioners of Winter Park went to the aide of Jenna Tosh and  passed a 60-day emergency ban on residential picketing aimed at a specific home.  Later, commissioners approved in a 4-1 vote an ordinance that would make the ban permanent, not without the packed house of
concerned citizens expressing their utter dismay and opposition to this ban that prohibits free speech.  Mayor Ken Bradley was the only dissenting vote, expressing his opposition to the ban siting it unconstitutional.
  Since then, prolifers have gone back to publicly witness and share the truth of abortion in the neighborhood with police coming, telling the Christians they must leave, but never with the threat of arrest.  The police on both occasions seemed to be confused as to what the ordinance really enacted.
  Which led to yesterday's Awareness Campaign leading to the arrests of my friends, who love the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul.  While they sat in the jail, we all stood outside of the jail holding signs, worshiping the Lord and praying that God would protect our brother and sisters in Christ and use them for the time they would be behind bars in jail, and that HE did!  

  This is only the beginning, but I believe with all my heart that this is what Jesus meant when He said to be the salt and light of the earth.  Please pray with us down here in Central Florida that God will use these unjust arrests to bring God glory and to challenge this ordinance that bans American citizens from their first amendment rights of free speech!


  Cathy Ramey comments:


  "Free Speech" has not been so much "taken away"; it was given away in the 1980s and 90s when churches allowed Christian protesters to be marginalized, sued and jailed for speech activity. Most court trials involved a mere smattering of faithful Christian witnesses/observers (God bless them!) in the courtrooms; many churches and church organizations around the country either joined in the condemnation of activists, or they chose to be silent. "It was [our] ministry" to have speech trampled underfoot, a pastor stated. 

  When churches do all they can to squash speech from Christian protesters and apologetes, both in the congregation and in the public arena, how can we blame the world for taking a shot at it as well? 

This is what is happening in Florida.


  Caught my eye for sure because I’ve been holding prayer vigils  outside the homes of baby killers for forty-three years.  Cops have always treated me fairly, and I’m wondering why.  Maybe because I don’t picket, I hold prayer vigils?  Maybe because no one has joined me?  Maybe because I first tell them what I am about to do?

  It couldn’t be that the sign I hold, A KILLER LIVES HERE, is more acceptable to them than pictures of pulled-apart young people because I hold those pictures too when I visit the home of the “Jenna Tosh” in our area.

  Just maybe, though, the day is coming.


  If the day is coming, as most readers of this newsletter seem to think (check the comments on the statement of the ClearNote Church in the  last issue),we can know what we will face because our neighbors to the south faced that a hundred years ago.

  Google  Viva Cristo Rey! The Cristeros Versus the Mexican Revolution.            by Christopher Check




  Neal takes on Jonathan, Mark, and Ken:


  John, I think this exchange with a pro-lifer who seems satisfied he has fought the “good fight” over the past forty years is very instructive about the real chasm that exists between people who have spent their lives fighting legalized abortion and those who have only spent their tithe.

  The exchange begins with Jonathan O’Toole on Facebook.


  Jonathan: God took their "inalienable" civil rights away from the Canaanites when he authorized their slaughter, God let the Turks envelop the eastern half of Europe, God sold his own people into Babylonian captivity. God can alienate us from our inalienable rights because they are inalienable only with reference to everyone but the Creator. My point is that we have no reason to expect His help in defending our rights when we (the richest generation of

Christians in history) failed to use our resources to defend the pre-born for 40 years and counting.


  Mark Cunningham is an long-time pro-lifer.  He answered Jonathan by referring to a pro-life article that read: On the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, pro-lifers have something to celebrate: the closure of 1,500 abortion clinics over the past 22 years...In 1991 there were 2,176 surgical abortion clinics nationwide; today there are 660 and falling. Over 1,500 abortion clinics, 70% of the total, have closed their doors for good...In 2012, an average of 7 abortion clinics closed each month...”


  “Abortion has been legal for 40 years this month, and 57 million babies have paid with their lives. While the pro-life movement has not ended all abortions yet, it has made some significant progress.” said Ken Brady, president of Planned Childhood Life....

  “Five states: Arkansas, Mississippi, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, have only one clinic each...The city of Chattanooga, Tennessee has no abortion clinic. Pro-lifers closed both clinics 20 years ago. It is the largest city in the nation without an abortion clinic. For more than half of the 40 years in which abortion has been legal, there is one city that has been abortion-free." he concluded.


  I responded to Mark:  Mark, you act like a willingness to resist evil in itself is tantamount to repentance. A heroin addict might want to resist, but as long as the heroin addict keeps putting heroin in his body, he has not truly repented no matter how much he wants to resist his addiction. That's the way it is with every Christian in this nation except for the people who have either died or are in prison for resisting legalized abortion. All the rest of us are collaborating with the murderers that are occurring today. As long as you rationalize how you're some kind of good example because you've wanted abortion to be outlawed, you stand as an example of a soldier who claims to have joined the army but refuses to fight: kill or be killed. And that's exactly what the men of God in the USA have done in the face of legalized abortion. That's the truth about men of God in the USA. Even men like Mike Bray and all his ilk have rationalized how their decision to withdraw from the actual blood and guts battle was the will of God. That's a lie that blames God finally for our collaboration. That's not only a lie; it's blasphemy. The only reason I can speak without a defiled conscience is God gave me this strategy to spend my life implementing: http://www.aogusa.org Those who refuse to implement it are just as unrepentant as the most unrepentant abortionist working in this land.


See why I think the exchange is significant?

  Ah, you can learn so much from vocal killers’ helpers like Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL.  Yesterday I learned the names of the two prolife politicians they fear most these days – Todd Akin and Ken Cuccinelli. Gotta help those boys!  And today I learned what prolife organization they fear most: “Susan B. Anthony List is an extreme anti-choice political group that has its sights set on becoming the NRA of the anti-choice movement.”


   Let’s look at a recent email from SBAL to see why  killers’ helpers consider it Enemy #1:


  Hello --    Abortionists like Kermit Gosnell and Douglas Karpen are more common than you think.  They’re aren’t exceptions, they’re the rule.  Unsafe conditions and barbaric practices in abortion clinics are an epidemic, not a random occurrence. The blood splattered walls and freezers full of children do not just exist in a few clinics in Pennsylvania and Texas. They’re in clinics across the nation from Illinois to Virginia.

  Every day SBA List uncovers more clinics around the country and adds them to our fact sheet of negligence and brutality. It falls to us to expose the abortion industry’s inhumanity because pro-abortion politicians and their allies in the mainstream media refuse to acknowledge the horror shows.
  At SBA List, we know the multi-state breakdown of oversight of the abortion industry has gone on for too long. Many states have not enacted or enforced basic regulations for abortionists across the country, and vulnerable women suffer the consequences of their inaction.
  States have left the abortion industry to regulate itself, and across the board it has led to disaster. They refuse to acknowledge that abortionists are driven by one goal: make as much money as possible by ending lives and hurting women at high prices.
  This has to change, and SBA List is taking the lead to get it done.
  We cannot allow Kermit Gosnell conditions and practices across the country to go unnoticed. The abortion industry knows no bounds and no borders, and we’ve discovered a frightening trend. The worst abortionists cross into states that don’t enforce regulations on abortion. For instance, did you know that Kermit Gosnell also worked in a clinic in Delaware that the state never inspected?
  Not only that, but we’ve identified several other abortionists like Gosnell who still perform abortions today even after numerous victims and staff members have come forward to their state governments:

  Douglas Karpen still practices abortions in Houston, TX even after his former staff members released the photos of viable babies from failed abortions whose necks had been wrung.

  Leroy Carhart still practices abortions in Nebraska and Maryland even after his negligence likely led to the death of Jennifer Morbelli.

  You might recognize Douglas Karpen from that list, but you probably didn’t read about him from major news networks. The state of Texas has started an investigation, but like with most abortionists, the Texas Medical Board has already dismissed his abuses.
  These men need to see justice. They need to be stopped. And, we have to act.
  We must demand that Congress and state legislatures stop turning a blind eye. That’s why the SBA List is producing a running fact sheet of negligence and brutality. It’s up to us to educate Americans and lawmakers – and demand action.
  It will only be a matter of time before the national abortion network starts to collapse. If we can continue to expose Gosnell-like practices and conditions across the country, we can force Congress and state legislatures to take action and save lives.
  We can’t do this alone. We’ve compiled the information and spread the word as far as we can, but you need to take the next step.
Share our fact sheet of negligence today to help us expose the abortion industry and demand action.   For Life,   Marrjorie Dannenfelser,  President, Susan B. Anthony List


  So whadaya think, especially you, Tobra?  SBAL wants us to send them our money!

  Another voice for John:


  I really believe John Burt should be on the prisoners list.
  Despite the allegations and the jury conviction, I still believe John to be innocent of those charges. Instead, he was intentionally taken down by evil people.
  They aren't brave enough to pick on strong men; they went after an elderly man who had never had such an accusation ever lodged against him like that.
  I imagine if he dies soon, it will be of a broken heart.

  Letters dealing with “The Gregory Holt Affair” appear in the May 1 and May 2 issues of this newsletter.  Here’s more: 

Greg, Hadritak (sir)

  Ahlan wa sahlon!   (Hello and welcome!)

  This letter is an attempt to rectify any misunderstandings or hostilities that might be in the air regarding my correspondence to you.

  I thought I had put to rest any doubts about whether I was a Christian or not in my letter last year to Don Spitz on the matter.  Then I saw a notation by my name in  John Dunkle’s newsletter that indicated that I was a “Prisoner For Allah.” In my anger I attributed this to you when I wrote to Mr. Dunkle to get that removed.  If I was in error on this, I sincerely apologize to you.  My whole point of my last letter to you was to show you that you were incorrect about some aspects of Islam  and to help you get a clearer understanding of the Saloaf.  Your response left a lot to be desired, so I “stepped off my square” temporarily and reverted to my ex-jihadist self and tried to show you how real it could get for you if a mujahid decided to take offense to you.  I am sorry for that, and I ask for your forgiveness.  Also I never intended for you and Tobra to get into a scrum behind it.  I was incensed that the Muslim notation was put by my name after I went to such lengths to put that to rest.  I was concerned about Tobra and others seeing that and thinking that I had lied to her or them.  You can imagine what would have happened at that point.  If I had not addressed that to Tobra,  we would have fallen off, not to mention all of those who had assumed  I was a Christian.

  I ask that you forgive me, and I hope that you “still have time for me.”  Please put me back on your mailing list.  Also, can you sent me January, February, April, and May issues of your newsletter in that I did not receive them.  Please send me some more bookmarks and those with the pre-born baby on them so I can distribute them.

  I look forward to hearing from you, and I trust that we can put that to rest and get past this. I admire and respect you.

  Hujambo wa Asante!    (Good Day and good bye)         Gregory


Dan, I asked before and I ask now, why is Mr. Holt on the Prisoner of Christ list?

  In my own research I find some mention of terroristic threats in 2003 while he was imprisoned on another matter. I have no information as to what those threats were about. He was free for sometime after this and was re-arrested in 2009 on charges for which he is serving a life plus sentence.

  I cannot find Mr. Holt’s last letter to me, perhaps I threw it away. I don’t think I was mistaken about his reconversion to Islam. But suppose I am mistaken. Suppose that Mr. Holt is a true and genuine Christian. Is he what we refer to as a Prisoner of Christ?

When and how did Mr. Holt become a Christian?

  Mr. Holt’s letters still smack of Islam. I wonder if I might lead him in sort of a “Sinner’s Prayer.”

  Mr. Holt, do you reject Satan and his minions?

  Mr. Holt, do you believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate; i.e. in the flesh?

  Mr. Holt, do you believe there is salvation in any other name but in the name of Jesus Christ?

  Mr. Gregory Holt, Abdu Maalik Muhammad: Do you renounce the false god Allah?

  Do you renounce that lying imposter Mohammad?

  Do you renounce his lying claim to be a prophet of God?

  Do you renounce Islam the lying prophet’s false religion?

  Write this renunciation in your own words Mr. Holt, and I will reconsider my exclusion of you on my mail list.


Michael,  Good point, Dan.  I have received a letter from him and have not replied yet.  I don’t know that “Mighty Men” deed he has done to merit the POC


Tobra,  Dear Mr. Dunkle,  I hope you will publish this letter.

  Greg is a human being.

  You gentlemen that are cutting down Greg have told the babykillers how much Christ loves them, therefore I think you gentlemen need to be kind to Greg as you have been to the babykillers, Greg is prolife after all.

  Basically writing off a prolifer because his answers do not fit into your criteria of acceptable.

  Shooting your own wounded is not Christianity.

  Next time it could be you in supermax looking at life and folks you write decide to treat you worse than a serial killing abortionist.

  Guys, I am really upset at your letters and attitudes toward my brother in Christ Greg Holt.


   Then again Dan Holman is the one who got these lies and gossips and rumors started against Greg.

   It's not the first time Dan has pulled this holier than thou attitude.

   And our boy Dan is the same man who solicits funds to  vacation around the country while claiming to be "saving babies" and "spreading the truth" or whatever catch phrase sound good in his fundraising letters.


Dan,  I never accused Mr. Holt of not being a human being, or being pro-life.

  I will make you a deal Vicki, produce one of my fundraising letters and I will admit that you are right about me. If you cannot produce a solicitation of money from me you must apologize for slandering me. 

Me, How’d I get in the middle of this scrum.

   Sweat sent Jimbo three articles recently, and Jimbo issued orders:


   . . .   Hey  could you do me a massive favor? Could you send the Slattery and the Dolan and the exorcism pieces to dr. John, professor of english, and send a note that I recommend he print them up, or relevant parts?  they are very very very relevant to skyp. . .

  Obviously, Cal of skyp was on to something, and this helps elucidate it. . .


  I’ll post most of the Ann Barnhardt’s Dolan piece, some of Gerard O’Connell’s exorcising one, and a summary of Chris Slattery’s latest problems


  First,  Ann --In case you haven't heard, Dolan and the Archdiocese of New York have been happily  covering contraception, sterilization and abortion through their health insurance program all along. So, yeah, Dolan will never, ever take any of this into court because they would be laughed out the door post haste.

  And here's the very unpleasant truth that, again, everyone is dancing around but nobody wants to face: Dolan and the rest of his ilk, which includes most of the bishops today, don't actually believe the Church and see no problem with the grave mortal sin of contraception, and beyond that, most of these men find abortion to be merely distasteful, but certainly nothing to go severing relationships with high-ranking politicians and celebrities over. We can't be disinvited from our Manhattan and Georgetown cocktail parties, now can we?

  This business of viewing abortion not as a wholesale slaughter and holocaust against children, not as the macro-crime against humanity, not as the intolerable sin crying out for God's vengeance that it is, is very common among not just bishops and priests today, but also among so-called "conservatives."  The republican party (I spit upon its grave) is folding on abortion and sodomy. Why? Because most of these godless psychopaths involved in politics really, if you pin them down, don't have much of a problem with black people and white trash self-culling half of their population before they are even born. All they care about is money and power, power and money.

  The same goes for the neo-con Catholics, which is to say Catholics who call themselves conservative, but just LURV the superfun rockband uber-effeminate Novus Ordo Mass and culture. These are the people I rail about who have superfun social outings in which they walk in a two mile circle and then have a fabulous lunch and pass out narcissistic participation t-shirts ... to "stop abortion." Give me a large, personal break, Kathy. Declare a tax strike and then get back to me about how much you are personally consumed by the horror of abortion. Uh-huh.

  Bottom line: God is very, very angry with His people for their heresy, apostasy and lukewarmness at best, and thus we are all being cursed with men like Timothy Dolan. Yes. Timothy Dolan and all like him, are a curse and a scourge upon the Church and society as a whole, because as the Church goes, so goes the world.


"The most evident mark of God's anger, and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world, is manifest when He permits His people to fall into the hands of a clergy who are more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds. They abandon the things of God to devote themselves to the things of the world and, in their saintly calling of holiness, they spend their time in profane and worldly pursuits. When God permits such things, it is a very positive proof that He is thoroughly angry with His people and is visiting His most dreadful wrath upon them." Saint John Eudes


    Second, Gerard--When Pope Francis laid his hands on a young man in a wheel chair, in St Peter’s Square, at the end of mass on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, many people at first thought he had actually carried out an exorcism.  The Vatican flatly denied that, however, and said the pope had simply prayed over the man.  The priest who accompanied the man also confirmed this.

  But one thing is certain, the man claims to be possessed by demons, and says he has been tormented in this state for the past 14 years. He revealed this May 22, in an exclusive interview in Rome with Irene Hernandez Velasco, the correspondent of the Spanish daily, El Mundo.

  The man, Angel V., a 43 year-old Mexican from the state of Michoacán, is married with two young children, said some ten exorcists, included the renowned Roman exorcist – Father Gabriel Amorth,  have tried but failed to liberate him from his terrible predicament.

  Father Juan Rivas, who accompanied Angel to Rome and was with him when he met the Pope, confirmed all this when he spoke to El Mundo.  He revealed that when the Pope met Angel, he told him, “Holiness, this person needs a blessing, he has had more than 30 exorcisms and the demons that live in him do not want to leave him.”

  Fr. Rivas, a member of the Legionaries of Christ, described what happened that Sunday. He said: “The Pope greeted Angel, and he kissed the pontiff’s ring and in that instant fell into a trance. The Pope then laid his hands on his head and at that moment a terrible sound was heard (from him), like the roar of a lion. All those who were there heard it perfectly well. The Pope for sure heard it, and his bodyguards heard it as did a child who was at our side. But in spite of this horrific roar the Pope did not let himself be moved; he continued with his prayer, as if he had faced similar situations before.”  


  Angel listened to what Fr. Rivas told El Mundo, and nodded his assent. He said he felt better now, and said the prayer of Pope Francis made him feel much good.  Significantly, El Mundo’s correspondent noted that he came to the interview walking on his own two feet, whereas he was on a wheelchair when he met the Pope.


  Angel told El Mundo, “I still have the demons inside me, they have not gone away!” He recalled the very first time the demons entered into him, it was in 1999 when “I was returning home by bus from Mexico D. F. to my birthplace in Michoacán state”.  He felt that “an energy had entered the bus. I did not see it with my eyes, but I perceived it. I noted that it came close to me, and then stopped in front of me. Then, suddenly, I noted that something like a stake pierced my chest and, little by little, I had the sensation that it was opening my ribs” It felt like a heart attack, he thought he would die.


  From that moment on, he said, his health started deteriorating: he vomited whatever he ate; he felt  pains in his whole body, as if he was full of needles; he began to have difficulty in walking, and breathed “I could not sleep, and when I managed to sleep I had terrible nightmares connected with the evil one”, he added.  He began to fall into trances in which he blasphemed, and spoke in unknown languages.   [tbc]
  Third, Chris:     The Chris Slattery pieces are in the May 29 issue of LifeSiteNews.  Slattery has come under fire because two influential New York killers’ helpers, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Governor Andrew Cuomo, are determined to destroy all opposition to legal baby killing, and Chris’s crisis pregnancy center, “Expectant Mother Care” is a very effective opponent of those murders.

  Years ago an attorney general got Chris to agree that he would tell women who called EMC that they did not kill babies there.  The hope was that a woman looking to kill would immediately hang up. 

  When that AG left office, Chris thought their agreement ended as well.  He stopped saying they didn’t kill.  Volunteers at EMC now talk quietly and logically, often persuading the woman to change her mind.

  No one complained for seven years until Eric and Andy teamed up and sent in the FBI.  Chris’s hearing is next week.

To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to PO Box 474701,  Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001. 
  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.  



Monday, June 17, 2013

"Contracpetion" is Murder, June 3, 11-5, 2013


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp

(stop killing young  people)


June 3, 2013,  Vol. 11   No. 5

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375

Web, skyp1.blogspot.com

Circulation, 251

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, two grand for others.


  I think we can all agree there is nothing peaceful, nonviolent, or prolife about letting innocent children be killed. So I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect children from being tortured to death. I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ:


1.         Curell, Benjamin D., (out on bail)

2.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

3.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

4.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Terre Haute, PO Box 33, Terre Haute, IN 47808

5.         Holt, Gregory 129616   Varner Supermax, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

6.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472 

7.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

8.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP Beaumont,  PO Box 26050, Beaumont, TX 77720

9.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

10.       Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

11.       Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837



  Here’s the rest of Terry Hughes’s “The Kermit Gosnell of Pennsylvania Avenue”:


  Obama’s war on women and children has a long history. When he was an Illinois State Senator, he chaired the committee that voted on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act designed to guarantee legal protection to babies who survived an attempted abortion. It was drafted after Jill Stanick, working at Christ Hospital, witnessed a baby left to die after surviving an abortion. Obama fought to keep the bill from reaching the Senate floor and, when it did, denounced it by saying a woman paid for a dead baby and she should get what she paid for. When the bill came to a vote, he voted “present” the first two times and only voted against it when he was pressured to vote the way he talked. Even then, he was looking toward the White House and wanted to cover his political ass. That’s why he delayed his PP appearance to a Friday, traditionally a “no news” day just before the weekend. That’s when all cowardly politicians try to sneak through legislation or regulations they know voters don’t want.

  At the time, Obama had been “teaching” Constitutional Law as a part-time ad hoc lecturer (not a “professor” as the pro-abortion media claim) at the University of Chicago. Obama knew any baby born in the USA was automatically a U.S. citizen entitled to full protection of U.S. law, as stated clearly in the U.S. Constitution. He knew by opposing the Born Alive Infant Protection Act he was violating the Constitution. He was a Constitutional lawyer. When he was a Harvard law student, he was editor of the Harvard Law Review.

  During his 2007 campaign for President, Obama championed unrestricted abortion, saying, “If one of my daughters became pregnant, I wouldn’t want her punished by a baby.” Punished. After he became President, he acted immediately by Executive Order to restore American taxpayer funding to all international agencies engaged in abortion, even funding the anti-woman forced abortion activities in Communist China. And, of course, restoring funding to the International Planned Parenthood Federation. He directed Hillary Clinton, as his Secretary of State, to make access to abortion a keystone of American foreign policy in the Third World, especially in Black Africa where most countries had outlawed abortion. Using money from American taxpayers, Clinton financed a media campaign in Kenya to change the Kenyan constitution so abortion will be legal. The campaign was successful. Kenya, the country of Obama’s Black ancestors, is now the new “killing field” in Africa.

  Obama is the first openly anti-Catholic president, all because of his enthusiasm for abortion. Early in his presidency, Obama used his commencement address at the University of Notre Dame to beat the abortion drums in his divide-and-conquer strategy to split Catholic higher education from the Catholic Hierarchy. This strategy was intensified under Obama’s Affordable Health Care law (Obamacare) when Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services dictated that abortion be included, along with contraception and sterilization, as “health care” when the only purpose was to prevent healthy women from having babies. Not surprisingly, Obama had appointed as head of HHS former Kansas governor, Kathleen Sebelius, a “Catholic” who was the open protector of Kansan late-term abortionist, George Tiller, known as “Tiller the Killer” to pro-life activists. The HHS mandate forced Catholic institutions, Notre Dame included, to include insurance coverage for contraceptives, chemical abortions, and sterilizations, or be punished with bankrupting institutional fines and even long prison sentences for administrators refusing to comply. They were told, “If you insist on honoring the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ through your medical, educational, and charitable activities, you must also agree to finance Obama’s campaign to prevent new life from being born into the world. If you refuse, you will be punished by fines that will force you to terminate these activities and we will put you behind prison bars.”

  Murder is serious business. It leads to lying. Read Genesis 3. Obama’s election campaigns and his terms as President have been built on lies. He’s a consummate liar who spreads calumnies defaming his political opponents, either directly or through his surrogates. In his earliest political campaigns in Illinois, his main tactic was what has become known as “the politics of personal destruction” which routinely commits the vile sin of detraction against any opponent. It was on full display nationally when Mitt Romney ran against Obama in 2012. Month after month, especially in the critical state of Ohio, Obama’s campaign aired a constant drumbeat of lies designed to demonize a kind and generous man, a man who Obama feared would restore America morally and economically, and who was pledged to de-fund Planned Parenthood.

  Now the American people are discovering that Planned Parenthood operates, on a national and international scale, the same kind of charnel houses that Kermit Gosnell operated in Philadelphia, miniature Aushwitzes where the next generation of humanity is being murdered by the millions and where women are treated as worthless breeders who deserve the vile abuse of their bodies and souls inflicted by abortionists and abortion enthusiasts like Barack Obama. Given his longstanding record of enthusiastic support for these criminal abuses, Barack Obama richly deserves being labeled The Kermit Gosnell of Pennsylvania Avenue.




  Tobra takes aim at “40 Days” and other prolife organizations that solicit funds:


Dear Ya'll,

today is the last chance to give to save a life

there will never be an opportunity like this

yes dear brothers & sisters & others

give to buttercup's 40 days of midlife crisis

help buttercup now!!


don't stifle the holy work began

so many years ago with our boy r. terry

recall how we made merry

at those clinics & mills

there is still a chance

so give give your last dime

a time to give

now is here

hurry hurry give to buttercup's midlife crisis


  She continues:


Dandy: WTF? do these money making greedy cowardly bastards, got a video on the meridith bed?


Buttercup: well i hope not, of course on the bright side, they might learn about night things.


Howard: this just proves our long held & seldom supported viewpoint that the antiabortion industry is making as much if not more money than the abortion industry.


Frank: well let's recap for the fine folks & others reading our readworthy email.

            recall if ya'll will those moneymaking prolife slogans of yesteryear.

            WE ARE WINNING TO STOP THE KILLING--89% of amerikan counties do not have abortion clinics!


Kathielee: yes & 96% of nazi german counties did not have concentration camps.




  Most of the recipients of this newsletter came from Todd Stave of “Voice of Choice” after he persuaded about a thousand killers’ helpers to use mail, phone, and especially email to try to stop my prolife activities.  I read and sometimes answered the mail, stopped answering the phone, and saved the email addresses, which I added to a list of those I send the newsletter to.

  At first the “stop-sending-me-this-crap” messages poured in, but now it’s down to a trickle and I still have about two hundred killers’ helpers receiving every copy!

  The most recent opter-outer is  Diana Lewis (dlewis4117@msn.com):


   Please remove me from your email list.  Your hate and vile is disgusting.  You are not Christian in any sense of the word.  You promote murder to further your cause.   May God forgive you.


  My vile are not disgusting.  Wha?


  I still try occasionally to revive that connection I once had with Todd:


  Todd,  Several years ago you rounded up more than a thousand people to make contact with me by phone, by mail, by email, or by visit to talk about our differences of opinion on the legality of murdering young people. 

  Here it is more than three years later and no visitors have shown up – even though I promised them iced tea in summer and hot chocolate in winter.  Few emailers continue to talk to me even though I now send more than two hundred of them this newsletter.  And as for writers and callers lately?  None.

  When I learned that you were gathering friends to challenge me on my prolife beliefs and activities, I was pleased.   I like few things better than talking to people who don’t agree with me.  But I soon learned that the people you persuaded to contact me did not want to talk.  Instead, they wanted to threaten, to curse, to berate, to intimidate, or just to get rid of.  And then they turned silent.

  In other words instead of rounding up a group of literate and fair pro-choicers, you rounded up a bunch of illiterate bullies; like yourself, I might add, because I haven’t heard a word from you either.

  If you do know, though, one or two others of the type I’d like to meet, please give them my addresses and phone number.   And let’s keep in touch.  It’s not too late to change.


  John Dunkle,  204 S. 4th St., Reading, PA 19602,  johndunk@ptd.net,  484-706-4375




  I believe I transcribe Francis Grady’s letter here more or less accurately:


“pray time”


  Please, dear Lord save all them children from the jaws of the government of the USA.   Raise them all up from the horrible, failing death.  Let them unborn children rise up on Judgment Day to fight the evil law makers of the world.  May the doctors and the mothers of the unborn babies live through the same death they did.  Kill, dear Lord, today the ones that force the underage children to have abortions.

  God, burn all clinics and believers of abortion.  All the “real men” can’t “scare” to do God’s work, ya.  Mr. Benjamin “My Jesus/God” in my soul is different “than” most men, yes most “unnormal” men think they have Jesus in their soul.

  All men that dont stand and bare arms 4-4-4- Jesus unborn children/people.

  Yes Don bare arms.

  All the churches are bullshit 2-2 a big point, And they stand for - 4- faith in Jesus.

  What Jesus die 4 our sin or 2 be yellow bellies.  He rose on the third day.  Yes, yellow belly devil lovers, men that don’t bare arms plust let their tax money pay to kill.  Jesus die -4- all +_2 grow a back bone. 
  The churches across this nations don’t even care 2 open the grave yards across this nation, 2 Jesus was given a tomb and he die 4-4-4- all.  So his unborn children would have a grave 2 lie their souls down until Jesus returns. The unborn children murder them, the churches murder them, ah yes Ben Curell/Don the churches murder them unborn children by not opening their grave yards [here Mr. Grady draws pictures of seven tombstones].  I am piss no grave yards 4 each child 65 million unborn children w/o graves.

  All them churches need 2 wake up.  Ben/Don 1. If the churches don’t “grave” their unborn children on the cost of Federal government, they ain’t a church of God  in the name of Jesus, in the churches of Hell if they don’t grave unborn children.

  Piss I am – when are the boys of this nation/ men, yellow belly going to stand w/Jesus.  “Jesus” my brothers.  When this nation of  men go to release their real Jesus out of their soul.

  The real loving Jesus  Love   He die on the cross.

  Like the Pope said even kills -U- fight 4 the lives of unborn children.

    Prisoner of War – in the name of Christ – I a Real Irish Man – die, reborn, and fight again.




  Sad All Around


  John Allen Burt and his wife managed a Florida home for pregnant mothers. We believe John was falsely accused of touching the breasts of one of the teenage pregnant moms who later fled to Ireland. John was convicted on the hearsay testimony of this rebellious teen mother. His conviction caused great financial and emotional distress to him and his wife. He wrote me earlier this year that if he was not soon released he would soon die in prison. The details of his death are unavailable. Farewell honest soldier.       Dan Holman




  Ilyse Hogue again.  This woman is a very slow learner:


  Rep. Franks may say he is concerned about the conditions that would lead a woman to seek help from someone like Gosnell in the first place.  But we know his true motives. Rep. Franks wants to ban abortion. Period.






  Dear John, From a journalistic perspective, the problem with giving in-depth coverage to the Gosnell trial is that the story ultimately leads to an even dirtier and more shameful secret, namely, that the abortion policy handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 has always been Gosnell-by-design.
  In fact, the issue has never gotten in-depth coverage, which is why few Americans really know much about Doe v. Bolton, the companion case to Roe v. Wade.
  There are actually three parts to the abortion policy handed down by the Court in 1973. The public is mostly aware of only the first part. It is only this first part of the policy that gets mainstream attention from the media, not the other two.
  However, in his concurring opinion to Roe and Doe, each of the three parts is candidly outlined by Justice William O. Douglas, using Roman numerals I-III. His concurrence is published under Doe so as to also include Roe, which is followed by Doe. (When I say candidly, I mean within the context of preserving the Court's traditional subtlety in such matters.)
  The first two parts of abortion policy stem from Roe: Roe has a well-known main plan, this is the first part, and a lesser known backup plan, this is the second part. But the third part of the Court's abortion policy stems from Doe.
  The citation is Doe v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 179 (1973), and Justice Douglas' opinion starts at p. 210. But the gist of parts I-II is found at pp. 214-215, and the gist of part II is found at pp. 220-221.
  He explains Roe this way: (I) When it comes to abortion, a woman is free to make the "basic" decision, which is Roe's main plan, but (II) "Such reasoning is, however, only the beginning of the problem," and so Roe has also reserved a backup plan.
  In other words, there are two parts to Roe, a main plan and a backup plan, though only the main plan gets mainstream media coverage.
  Regarding the main plan, the "reasoning" Justice Douglas refers to is that the Court hoped that if it showed women a big white sign saying "Choice," then perhaps they would abate their pregnancies voluntarily, on their own, as the path of least resistance to maintaining the traditional appearances of pregnancy standards.
  Then the reason why he says "[s]uch reasoning is, however, only the beginning of the problem" is that the abortion decision encompasses two alternatives, namely, the decision to keep the baby and the decision to terminate the pregnancy. Ultimately, the Court felt a backup plan was needed in case women went overboard with either alternative.
  The main fear was that if women went overboard by refusing to abort, or were too spaced out to get themselves to an abortion clinic on their own, then the abatement program would fail in its goal of maintaining the appearances of traditional pregnancy standards. The lesser fear was that if women went overboard having abortions, then this could lead to unhealthy population declines.
  In view of these fears, the Court figured that, either way, "[t]he State has interests to protect," such that, if need be, the State can override the woman's abortion decision in either alternative, as the case may be.
  As Justice Douglas explains the Court's backup plan: A) The State can override a woman's decision to refuse an abortion, citing the abatement authority of Jacobson v. Massachusetts (forced vaccination) and Buck v. Bell (forced sterilization), when females run around like "imbeciles afflicted with hereditary forms of insanity or imbecility" and swamp us with "epidemics" of scandalous pregnancies; and, B) the State can also override a woman's decision to have an abortion, citing the "woman's health" and at some point "the life of the fetus" she carries.
  It may be noted that the B-side of the override does get some attention from the media, but there has been a press blackout concerning the A-side of the override, which literally forms the foundation of Roe, as I detailed in my previous letter. See "Contraception" is Murder, June 1, 11-3, 2013.
  As an aside, there is a bit of history in the epithet Justice Douglas uses to describe American women. The original comes from Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927). The Court, with traditional subtlety, used that case to crack down on flappers in the Roaring 20s. In syllabus ¶1, the Court sounds the alarm, saying that our women are "afflicted with an hereditary form of insanity or imbecility." Here, form of insanity means the flapper craze, imbecility means the sexual imbecility that went along with it, and hereditary means that by 1927 the Court realized that a whole new generation of "feeble minded" females stood eagerly poised to inherit the behaviors of their predecessors.
  The State of Virginia had been a particular nesting ground for flapper behaviors. So in syllabus ¶2, the Court took the opportunity to scold Virginia for its "failure" to apply its forced sterilization law "outside" the confines of its mental institutions, meaning to flappers on the loose; in other words, what the Court found to be "obnoxious" about the law's application was that Virginia could not even control the women like Carrie Buck who had already been confined to mental institutions, and who should therefore have already been under substantial State controls, let alone the women running around on the loose outside in the flapper craze.
  Justice Douglas updated the original by rendering it in the plural ("forms of insanity"), the most notable addition being the hippie craze; and, then, to make a long story short, miffed by what he felt was the need to go along with the Court in Roe by abandoning the decision he had once written for a unanimous Court in Skinner v. Oklahoma, he added harshly that American women are not merely afflicted with imbecility but are imbeciles in their own right.
  Five years later, in Stump v. Sparkman, the Court, ever-possessed by its own subtlety, decided it was a bit too harsh of Justice Douglas to call American women imbeciles in their own right; for by 1978, the Court had seen the new phenomenon of women who can basically make the grade intellectually, at least enough to be "promoted each year" with the rest of the class in college. So instead, the Court explained that the problem is that when it comes to their sexuality in dealing with older youth and young men, American females are still "somewhat retarded." The case was heard in response to a new form of insanity, which at the time was the disco craze. Next to come was Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which was heard in response to the hip hop/dirty dancing craze.
  At any rate, back to the presentation, the Court has reserved forced abortion as a backup plan in case there is no other way to manage women's pregnancies. Yet, aside from this well-kept secret, Roe reads like a fairytale: Roe's main plan makes it sound like a doctor, wearing a white coat, leans over and taps a pregnant lady on the belly with a magic wand, and then, uttering the magic word "Choice," the stork takes the baby back.
  But in real life someone has to do the bloody, grisly, murderous dirty work of killing the babies full time as a career abortion doctor in order to satisfy abatement objectives. That is where Doe v. Bolton comes in. The Court ultimately knew that Roe would be little more than a piece of paper in the absence of a brigade of physicians to perform the abatements. But the Court also knew that seldom would skilled physicians abandon their careers in legitimate medical practice in order to kill babies full time.
  So in Doe v. Bolton, the Court decided to create a safe haven for washed out physicians, by eliminating medical regulations in the first trimester. That way physicians who would normally be weeded out could stay in practice as abortion doctors.
  The reason why the Court allowed for increasing levels of regulation in the second and third trimesters had nothing to do with any real concern about viability or the life of the child. Instead, it was the Court's way of forewarning these washed out physicians that if they fail to get the job done during the first trimester, when the difficulty of the procedures is on par with their limited skills, then they can expect added scrutiny for their actions should they attempt the more challenging second or third trimester procedures.
  It was in this way that the Court in Doe v. Bolton created a safe haven for people like Gosnell, Tiller, and Carhart.
  As Justice Douglas explains this third part of the Court's abortion policy: (III) "In short, I agree with the Court that endangering the life of the woman or seriously and permanently injuring her health are standards too narrow for the right of privacy that is at stake." Doe v. Bolton, supra, at pp. 220-221.
  By this sort of "privacy" is meant not a woman's own privacy in the literal sense per se. Instead, all subtlety removed, by operation codeword "privacy" the Court literally means the privacy of our Nation, collectively as a whole, so as to keep the matter of what the Court calls the sexual "imbecility" of our females as a matter in private to ourselves, so that no one need be the wiser once scandalous pregnancies are aborted.
  That Doe v. Bolton was truly Gosnell-by-design is all the more evident by noticing how candid Justice Douglas was. Notice what great lengths he goes to in expressing the great amount of deference that should be given to washed out physicians who hide in the safe haven of their abortion clinics. He says that, in short, he agrees with the Court that even if these washed out physicians are "endangering the life of the woman or seriously and permanently injuring her health" they should not be stopped, because such concerns are "too narrow" in view of "the right of privacy that is at stake." Hence, the truth be told, the Court is willing to kill women and children to maintain appearances.
  This is the story the Press cannot cover.                                      

                                                     Sincerely, Cal


 “. . . But the Court also knew that seldom would skilled physicians abandon their careers in legitimate medical practice in order to kill babies full time.
   “So in Doe v. Bolton, the Court decided to create a safe haven for washed out physicians, by eliminating medical regulations in the first trimester. That way physicians who would normally be weeded out could stay in practice as abortion doctors.”


  Wow!  I’m going to incorporate this into Step 3 of the six steps I take before visiting the home of a baby killer.




  Ben gets no break: statement regarding the arrest of Benjamin Curell


  Yesterday morning the pastors and elders of Clearnote Church learned that Ben Curell, a deacon of the church, had been arrested for vandalizing Planned Parenthood. No one in the church knew about his plans. We are convinced Ben’s actions were not justifiable civil disobedience. The elders and pastors have met with Ben and admonished him.

  Throughout history faithful Christians have confessed that from conception children bear the image of God. Therefore, we at Clearnote Church have encouraged and will continue to encourage Christians to peacefully and lawfully witness against the great evil of abortion.

  We have counseled Ben to repent and submit to the civil authority that God has placed over us for our good. This authority reflects and points to the judgment of God before Whom we all one day must give an account.


  Rev. Bray sent this around and asked us to contact ClearNote.  Send me any emails you come across.  Here are four I’ve gathered so far:


1  The pastors and elders of the church don’t seem to realize that the second sentence of paragraph 2 contradicts the first.

    Moreover, abolitionists, Jodi Arius, Jesus Christ, Al Capone, fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto, Kermit Gosnell and others have broken the law. Each case has to be examined by itself.  Tired terms like “peacefully and lawfully witness” don’t cut it.


2  Cowards attempting to make a two-fold child of hell out of the only man in their effeminate congregation. 

    On a bad ink day, they shriek and scamper off the battlefield like scared school girls.

    They pervert Romans 13 by giving unlimited obedience to government edicts. These will be among the very 1st to turn in their weapons when it becomes illegal to own them. 


3   If they’d been killing two-year-olds instead of two-month-olds in the mill Ben damaged, would you still have issued that statement?  You sound like Catholic bishops!


4   Church leaders, I have spent most of the past 20-years researching biblical justice as presented in accord with God's holy nature. I caution you to be "slow to speak" in calling Mr. Curell's actions wrong. In fact, please reconsider your condemnation of the deacon, Ben Curell, who sought to establish a witness for God's view of justice over that of man's.
     I have attached a word document for easy access to an apologetic I wrote that was published in 1995; it looks at circumstances far weightier than the breaking of property. I also recommend to you a book by Rev. Michael Bray, A Time to Kill, since both of these deal with the actions of men who have modeled justice consistent with that of biblical heroes like Shiphrah and Puah, Moses, Phineas, Gideon and many, many others who defied the "law of the land" in their expressions of zeal for God's righteousness over the evil of the world (in accord with 2 Cor 7).
     Radical evil requires "radical" (Godly) justice to correct the disease. It is otherwise left to thrive like black mold in a house. We cannot afford to cover it up by turning a blind eye to its existence. To do so is to court death and destruction of those living in the house, and in this case it is a nation that is at risk.
      In the affirmative sense, I implore you to sound forth the justice of God in a condemnation of the evil taking place at the abortion facility. (In this instance, have you spent as much time condemning the works of evil at Planned Parenthood's facility?)


     Affirm your brother, Ben, as a man after God’s own heart.   Warmly in Christ

     Every comment I’ve read so far on the pastors’ and elders’ statement has been disapproving.  Well over 90% of us prolifers would support their statement but I just cannot get the anti-force people to explain themselves.  Someone says we should be peaceful and prayerful, and everybody nods, both ways.

   Common, guys, gimme a break. 



 To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to PO Box 474701,  Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001.


  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state.




  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.