Friday, March 29, 2013

"Contraception" is Murder, April 2. 10-16, 2013


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp (stop the killing of young people)


April 2, 2013 Vol. 10   No. 16

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375


Circulation, 213

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, a grand for others.

  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect those being tortured to death, I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them.  I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ:


1.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Terre Haute, PO Box 33, Terre Houte, IN 47808

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616 (Prisoner For Allah), Varber super Max, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, 3057 Easton Tpk., Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Mower, Donny Eugene 65828-097, FCI ,PO Box 3997, San Pedro, CA 90731

7.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

8.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, FTC Oklahoma City, P.O. Box 898801, Oklahoma City, OK 73189

9.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

10.       Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

11.        Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837   



  Here’s the last of this year’s newsletters.  In May I’ll begin volume eleven, and, since I’m almost an octogenarian, that might be it.

  Then what will happen.  I try to provide information and a voice for the jailed prolifers.  Of course I hope someone will take over, a slight hope.  The incarcerated are rarely mentioned by us prolifers and then usually to be criticized.

  This quote says why:


  If someone receives a special call from Jesus and starts growing toward a greater love and compassion, to a deeper life of prayer in the community, there will come a moment when he or she begins to reveal the mediocrity of others and thus becomes dangerous.

  A prophet is always dangerous. Prophets were always killed in Jerusalem because they were dangerous. They make people ask questions about their own mediocrity, but they are unwilling to face them and to seek change.

  A community can become a place of death, just as it can become a place of life. Bonding can stifle and bring death just as it can bring life.


  Do you remember what God said about mediocrity, about the lukewarm?  But I refuse to accept the fact that our pro-life community, our bonding, has become a place of death.  I refuse to accept it in spite of the evidence indicating otherwise.


  If someone does take over this newsletter, may she or he be honest and courageous.  May it not continue as a weak and pathetic response to baby murder.



  more on this topic:


Mr. Pro-Life, The reason we cannot stop the pre-born baby murders is because the so-called pro-life community will not call abortion murder. This is the main reason the babies lose their lives, so that pro-lifers can play nice with the murderers.


Neal, You nailed it, brother. Pussy whipped cowards is what I call the pro-life leaders other than yourself and a couple of others. Nobody argues with me about my naming ministry because they know deep in their souls what’s behind this generation of Christians is not the Holy Spirit but the spirit of fear.

Jonathan, The body-count of dead babies shouts “Amen” to Neal and Mr. Pro-Life.


Me,  And who are the murderers?  Are they the killers? their helpers? we prolifers?

  To track down the murderers you have to answer three questions:

  Who of those three say life begins at conception?

  Who say you may not kill an innocent life anytime after that?

  Who live freely in a country that denies the above?


  Matthew Jackson’s remarkable 1988 interview with Jim Kopp continues:


MJ: We are in a holocaust in our country and that has escalated to over 20 million, maybe 21 or 22.

JK: Right.

MJ: And it’s been going on for fifteen years. What do you think it’s going to take to stop the holocaust here in America? And number two, do you think it can be stopped?

JK: I will tell you something that is my private opinion. It’s not something that I can prove to you. When I say that I don’t mean that it can’t be publicized, I just mean that there is no proof that I can offer for it. I am not pointing to any particular Bible verse or anything. But look at the tradition of the major prophets and look at the times they were in. Over and over they are describing that judges can be bought.

  Jerusalem goes whoring under any tree or hill top with any god that she feels she wants to. You just look at the picture that was painted of Jerusalem when the Lord sent major prophets. Then you look at the time now, and to that extent I would say that there is a connection with Scripture in terms of just looking around the world right now and trying to piece it together. I personally feel that... and I don’t want to discourage anyone when I say this, but the basic picture of abortion will not stop in the absence of a catastrophe.

  Now, there are all sorts of catastrophes that could happen. If the Lord were to come again, obviously that would be a catastrophe in the eyes of unbelievers. If AIDS were to pass the epidemic threshold which is 6% of the total population, it would start moving up toward 51% which is what you would call pandemic; if it became a much higher thing and started cutting much deeper into the hetero population, that’s an example of a catastrophe. Or a nuclear war, or a communist takeover, these sorts of things.

  The absolute worst thing that could happen for this whole planet is for everything to go along with the status quo, because then the judgment that God holds in reserve is even greater. Hitler and his people did not stop doing what they were doing because they had moral qualms about it. They stopped doing what they were doing because we forced them to. You know this whole thing about pro-choice now? That’s bologna. They are murdering people, there is no choice. They evolved in that and it’s the same with Mr. Hitler. Hitler did not stop doing what he was doing because he chose to, and the fact that he had to be forced to stop was that the western civilization slipped back morally. If Germany could have come to the conclusion that it was morally wrong and stopped for that reason, I don’t think we would have had abortion. So this is really just a continuation of the German situation.

JK: (cont’d) But, in terms of whether it can be stopped or not, the other side of this whole thing, is because we are pro-life workers, each of us has the tremendous pleasure of knowing at least one woman who had a baby as the result of the efforts that the Lord brought to pass through us. This is a tremendous privilege. I would say most of the pro-lifers in the entire country have never had that privilege even though their work accounts for very much. But, still in a way we know people, we have the faces of the women in our minds right now and the faces of their babies stored away, that we know that if we hadn’t gotten out of bed that morning and overcome all the fear and so forth, humanly speaking… as Dr. Schaffer would always say… “humanly speaking” those babies would have died and the souls of those mothers would have been on the path to hell. And for that matter I’ll tell one even worse, our own souls, who know where we would have been with the Lord if he had really been tapping at our heart. I am not saying that that is what you have to do to save yourself, I’m just saying Jesus wants us to walk with him. But anyway, what I was going to get at… I ramble too much, (laughs)

MJ: That’s okay.

JK: What I was going to get at was this, as far as those women are concerned, abortion did come to an end. You see what I’m saying? As Mother Teresa says over and over and over… all these atheist reporters come up to her and ask, “Mother, why are you working in the black hole of Calcutta?” There are however many tens of thousands of people dying in the streets and you pick up your 500 a day, imagine, I don’t know what the number is, but imagine picking up a 100 dying people in a day and taking good care of them, I mean good care of them. And even more than that… I mean even an atheist could even do that if they had enough money. Right? Giving them enough emotional support so they can die with dignity which is part of what Mother Ts ministry is all about. Just imagine how much effort that is.

  But anyway, so the atheists come and they say, “well mother you come and pick up these 100 or 200 bums of the streets and half of them die anyway. And the other half, after you patch them up, they are going back out on the street and they are going to die next week.” She always has her standard answer that she gives. She says, “it’s a drop in the ocean, but without that drop, the ocean would be one drop less.”

  I have said this to myself many many times while I am sitting in a jail cell, or sitting in a court room. We have got our one or two babies and as far as the Lord was concerned, he probably would have been prepared to ground the whole universe to a halt just to make sure we got our lazy tails out of bed that morning when we were having second thoughts. You know what I mean, that feeling before you do a rescue. You know, and He said, “Jim, the whole universe has been ground to a halt so you can take another 5 minutes sitting there in bed overcoming your fears.  Get down there! That’s how important that baby is to me.”

  And there’s a bigger picture and because of the television and everything, we are used to seeing TV pictures of everything that is evil in the whole world in 30 minutes on headline news, but that’s not our problem. I hate to say it, but in the bigger picture I suppose it’s our problem.

JK: (cont’d) The Germans had this expression of Weltschmerz, “you want to have this pain for the whole world.” Well, I do have a pain for the whole world.  I wish I could preach the Gospel to every human being. But I also know that Jesus cannot call me to do that. Not if he wants to keep me in the flesh doing this and having this amount of energy and needing so much sleep and so much to eat and so forth. There are limitations. I can think of a lot of pro-lifers that I have met that have burned out because they wouldn’t take care of themselves and wouldn’t set limitations for themselves, or would not allow the Lord to set limitations on themselves. Had they not done that, we would have a lot more manpower, we would have two or three times the number of manpower in the rescue movement alone. And in the CPC movement, I would say that we would easily have two or three times the manpower there. If the people had just paced themselves.

  This is probably an aside, but there have been many times during my pro-life career where I have taken a whole day off and I didn’t answer to anyone for it on this planet. There are times when I took two weeks off. Just before New York I was in a hidden location where nobody knew where I was except for one priest. Finally toward the end I finally broke down and called Randall Terry.

  I didn’t want to tell him where I was. But for two weeks, I walked up and down the beach, because I knew the upcoming Operation Rescue event in New York was going to be a heart attack. It was going to be a panic and there were going to be people up in my face asking me to do things all week long and that’s exactly what happened. And as it was, I barely made it through the week, having had the resources of two weeks of silence and prayer to build up.

MJ: It’s a marathon race. What a lot of people don’t realize, especially pro-lifers, is that abortion is only one front. Abortion just happens to be the watershed point, it happens to be the tip of the iceberg. Even if we do stop abortion which I really think we can. I think it is a very realistic goal, but even if we do stop abortion, there is still a lot of work to be done and a lot of other fronts and we definitely just can’t kick back.

  If you really want to evaluate how well your movement is doing, sometimes it’s good to listen to what your enemies are saying about you. Because they have a different perspective and can sometimes tell it best. This is something that Kate Mitchelman who is the Executive Director of the National Abortion Rights Action League said. This is her quotes: “Up until now the anti-choice groups have been chipping away at the right to abortion with a chisel. But now they picked up a sledgehammer and they are trying to crush the whole thing. They obviously feel that it is within their reach to overturn Roe V. Wade and make abortion illegal again. And the frightening thing is that I am not sure they are wrong.”

JK: Hum… it’s great.

MJ: That is heavy when we got the abortion industry shaking in their boots. I mean they are scared, we have got them scared, Jim. Now that the iron is hot, if we could just mobilize the masses to do it. What do you think it’s going to take to stop abortion?

JK: Well that’s what I was saying, it would take a catastrophe which would force people to remember God. In this country we have obviously forgotten about God.

MJ: Do you think a series of rescues would be enough of a catastrophe? If the rescue movement were to gain more momentum and numbers within the next few years?

JK: I’ll tell about another quote that was made that same week by a similar person. And this was after a week-long effort which I don’t think anyone would ever deny that this was the greatest rescue effort that has ever been done. In terms of manpower, organization and prayers and just raw success that the Lord heaped on this thing. Suffice it to say, it was a great effort and one of the abortionists said during that week, “Well these people can do what they want. But basically what it boils down to is that next week we are going to be here and they aren’t.”

  That’s one of the reasons I am anxious to get back in New York. But, I’ll tell you another little story, quickly and that is, I was at a pre New York, OR (Operation Rescue) rally held on Long Island. Not a rally, it was just where Randy was speaking to a group of people that was let’s just say your average right to life group. I’m not casting aspersions, believe me these are great people. Randy was going to speak at the end of the agenda, and they ran through their agenda and there were two people there who were identified to us as being clinic workers for Bill Beard. Or I should say, mill workers that were there sitting in that meeting. I don’t know why they were even allowed to be there, but the right to life people said, “that’s okay we don’t have any secrets.” And Randy said the same thing when he started to talk. But anyway, so they went through this meeting, and we waited for Randy to go on.  and the meeting continued for about an hour and a half.

  They talked about all sorts of things, legislation, education, “we got to get into this church” and “we got to hold a dinner here” and “we got to have a potluck,” all kinds of stuff which is all fine work. Now I do remember toward the end that they had a 15 minute discussion on the cheapest source of a precious feet pin. There were about 30 people there and they were discussing where can you get precious feet pins for the least amount of money.

  All of this I admit is great pro-life stuff, and during this whole time these two women sat in the back joking with each other. Then Randy Terry comes on, and they became extremely quiet, and the expressions on their faces became extremely sullen. And after a while, they realized the impact of what Randy Terry was going to do, or what he was hoping to do with the Lord’s blessing. They wanted to ask some questions and they got very angry and got very upset.

  For that matter, if they had known that Jim Kopp was standing in that same room, the one who is being sued by N.O.W. for opening up a Crisis Pregnancy Center in the city of San Francisco, the Devil’s play ground, I would have imagined that they would have been quite upset about that too. Especially if I want to target and open up a CPC across the street from Bill Beard’s mill, or whatever. You see what I’m saying? When you get into the more intense pro-life stuff, suddenly just like the point you were making, you enemy perks up and says you’re hurting me! You’re hurting me! Well, that’s what I want to do.

MJ: Joe Scheidler said that he attended these abortionist conventions and has told me of the number one thing they complain about… they don’t complain about Jack Wilke and National Right to Life, (Jim interjected, “as great of a worker as he is”) and the pro-life political agenda. When they talk about the problems that they are having, and who is giving them the most problems, they are talking about the activists. They are talking about the people who are doing the sit-ins, the picketing and the sidewalk counseling. They are talking about, “how are we going to stop these people.” That should be a good barometer to go by, I would think

. JK: Keep in mind, I include in the activists, although they are not in a high of profile, and on purpose they are not as high of profile is the Crisis Pregnancy Centers because in the long run they save more babies. Even though I do believe in the rescues. Obviously I do, I do them all the time.

MJ: Well they work together hand in hand. In my first rescue we saved 6 babies, but if we had not had a CPC a block and a half away from the actual mill… In fact, all of them walked over there. Some of them couldn’t get in the mill because the door was blocked. If that CPC wasn’t there, I am not so sure that we would have saved 6 babies. However, I am of the opinion that CPCs in and of themselves will not stop the abortion holocaust. 

  I’ll finish this interview in the first issue of Volume 11 where Jim will say more about the crisis pregnancy centers.

  Before that, though, I have something to say about them.  I receive’s blog (I try to read as much stuff put out by the killers’ helpers as I can).  “Change” is not the only group of kayhaitchers scared to death of crisis pregnancy centers, but they are the most intense.  I judge what prolife actions are effective by how the enemy reacts to them (as Jim says above, I want to hear them shout, “you’re hurting me,”) and these days the centers are their nightmares.

  I’d never put much stock in crisis pregnancy centers even though my daughter was president of one.  I might have to change my mind.
  ------------------------------------------, the self-publishing house, no longer sells Eric Rudolph’s Between the Lines of Drift. 

  I bought two copies and when I went back to get a third, their message said that Between the Lines matched nothing they had.

  It’s scary when you think about it.

  Cathy Ramey sees more clearly than the rest of us:


  Though I am a supporter of the God-given right to self-defense and defense of the innocent, I see another principle at play......

Why Americans Deserve to Lose the "Right" to Self-Protection

  In the 1960s and 70s Americans worshipped at the altar of "Free Speech," no matter how abominable.
  They praised high court decisions allowing anti-Semites and anti-Blacks to spew hatred in public and applauded large public marches with anonymous men garbed in long white robes and coned hoods with cloth cut out for their eyes. Some even rallied around those who burned crosses onto lawns.
  Others argued for the "right" of women to have their Unborn babies killed for all kinds of reasons; "rape," "incest," "life-of-the-mother," And for no reason at all. Those who hated the so-called "burden" of children argued on behalf of "Free Speech" for "the Klan," all the while planning to use those ugly masked men and the Supreme Court decisions supporting them as a means to spread a form of hatred all their own.
  They redefined reality; said Unborn children were merely "products of conception"--spitting it out like an obscenity with other words like "fetus," "tissue" and "medical waste."
  They chose to ignore that we all start life at conception; that is what it means to be human.
  They were cowards, as were their predecessors. Their vision of "health" was no different than Adolph Hitler's. "Survival of the fittest," both pre and post WWII include those deemed most intellectual, most monied, most powerful, most white and a useful cadre of others approved for survival to serve their Elitist interests.
  Like Hitler, "feminist wags" (Margaret Sanger, Ruth Barnett, Mary Dennett, Eleanor Roosevelt, etc.) crusaded during the first four decades of the 20th century for Anglo-superiority, and so Adolf was confident the world was with him in getting rid of one subset of "useless" humanity and "vermin," as his German State redefined the Jews.
  By the last days of WWII Adolph was in despair. The world that he presumed would applaud his efforts at exterminating Jews and political "undesirables" had turned its back on the very sort of population control through sterilization and eugenics all the scholars from industrialized nations had been promoting when he came to power. In despair he shot himself before the Americans and Russians got a chance.

  They would have used him alive just as they did after he became a corpse; suggesting he was an aberration, a singular evil, so alien no other national leader or regime could ever be compared.
  Americans, Italians, French and Russians would self-righteously deny their own complicity in the deaths of 14-million inmates of the Nazi Death Camps; victims like
  64-year-old Isaac Angel
  19-year-old Eti Axselrad
  38-year-old Szmel Oskola
  75-year-old Helena Veit
  The seven Adler children ranging in age from 4 to 17-years of age
  39-year-old Deitrich Bonhoeffer and his brother Klaus and two brothers-in law, Hans von Dohnanyi and Rudiger Schleicher
  18-year-old Schmul Fudiman
  2-year-old twin girls Anshel and Beila Altman, along with their siblings who were 5, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 16-years of age
  And 14-million others.

  A holocaust is no deterrent to Zealots like Madison Grant, author of the 1921 "Bestseller" in America The Passing of the Great Race, a book of "modern science" extolling "racial hygiene" to rid societies of those deemed "unfit" by virtue of their non-Aryan progenitors. (Wikipedia wrongly cites the 17,000 copies sold in 1937 as if that was the total number of copies printed and sold.) Grant swarmed with the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Margaret Sanger, Harry H. Laughlin and Secretary of the U.N. Dag Hammarskjold, as well as thousands of other Elitists fighting to save culture from Blacks and other racial groups naively considered to be genetically inferior and the cause of criminality, poverty and wars.
  These individuals and their "foundations" (Yes, the same ones that fund Public Broadcasting) set the stage for Eugenics on a grand scale, far more dramatic and deceptive than Hitler's murder of 14-million in death camps.
  The Elitist call for "racial purity" to advance the wealth of societies would eventually take a death grip on the Disabled as well as the Unborn of any race. (Better to lose a few Aryan children than to openly advocate their real agenda to eliminate all Black children.) Over 60,000 individuals in America were forcibly sterilized because they were deemed disabled or part of "disadvantaged groups" living on the margins of society.

  Dr. Lutz Kaelber writes,
  "American eugenic laws and practices implemented in the first decades of the twentieth century influenced the much larger National Socialist compulsory sterilization program, which between 1934 and 1945 led to approximately 350,000 compulsory sterilizations and was a stepping stone to the Holocaust." (see attachment or go to
  And of course now we are seeing a push for mandated death of those deemed worthless by virtue of mental or physical incapacity, and of particular concern are the older generation (I have an entire file of recent cases, "scholarly papers" and commentaries).
  Those entering retirement are among the most vulnerable as the Progressive Movement started by these Eugenicists, Communists and Elitists sees little value in lives that no longer labor to uphold the State and its definition of "health." (See for one analysis that also includes information suggesting why the government no longer enforces immigration laws.)
  This is a global issue for industrialized nations (see ) and will only become a crisis of larger proportions to the Progressive Mind which cannot fathom transcendent aid from a Great Creator.
  The Internet is a hodge-podge of views on every imaginable subject, but the "scholarly" articles demonstrating the Progressive worldview are easily identified, and they are in a fever over the growth of what they perceive to be a dependent population with little to do but eat up resources they consider better-spent elsewhere. It matters little that resources like Social Security have only existed because taxpayers have been tapped all their working lives to contribute to a Trust Fund that was set up to provide some safety net for the worker's possible disability or old age. (But that too was a government ruse since the average age of death at that time was 63, and so Social Security eligibility was conveniently set at 65.)
  So having looked at a little, tiny (very tiny) slice of history and seeing the manner in which Americans have allowed the nation to transition from one established to uphold the dignity of all persons, to a nation that defines "dignity" for portions of the population as an obligation to die and disappear.... (I speak of the Unborn slaughtered by abortionists, as well as the Disabled like Nancy Cruzan and Terry Schiavo killed by their respective "care providers"..... millions and millions of people)... I can only conclude that the hue and cry over "gun control" is too little, too late.
  Such panic as we witness today as the New Police State attempts to disarm all American citizens should have been sounded in the 1960s when Eugenicists dressed as "feminists" began to lobby for the "right" to murder their own offspring.
  Such loud protest should have included the bearing of arms in the late 60s and early 70s to stop the opening of any hospital or facility willing to commit the inalienably evil crime of abortion against an Unborn child.
  It should have resulted in an army of well-equipped Winchester, Remington, Barretta, Colt... (among other weapons) owners making it a point that not only abortionists were risking getting caught up in a battle to protect the Unborn, but so too would their accomplices all along the Abortion-Murder-Conveyor-Belt be at grave risk as good men and women sought to protect innocent babies.
  In 1993 the first man with testicles defended the Unborn by bringing down an abortionist who was on course for killing--MURDERING-- a dozen Unborn infants in his "clinic" in Pensacola, Florida that day. That too would have been an appropriate time to loudly, boldly, courageously affirm the right to Self-Defense and Defense of the Innocent; the right to own and use guns to assure justice for all.
  But instead gun-owners were silent; Second-Amendment freedoms were negotiated away under the idea the government would limit its intrusion into our lives as long as men were silent in the face of over a million dead babies every year since 1973.

  Well, America, how’s that working for you?
You see, we do "reap what we sow"; those who thought it unfit to rescue over 60-million Unborn infants from those bent on their slaughter now stand to lose a "right" to keep the guns they used for sport and never thought to bring out to rescue even ONE of those Unborn victims. After practicing cowardice and selective justice for over 40 and 50 years, do you really think God cares about the government taking away your guns?!



God takes His stand in His own congregation; He judges in the midst of the rulers.

How long will you judge unjustly And show partiality to the wicked? Selah.

Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute.
Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked. (Psa 82:1-4)

To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001.  

  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state.

  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.



Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Contraception " is Murder, April, 10-15, 2013


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp (stop the killing of young people)


April, 2013 Vol. 10   No. 15

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375


Circulation, 222

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception”  is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, a grand for others.

  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect those being tortured to death, I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them.  I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ:


1.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 131471, Wisconsin Resource Center, PO Box 220, Winnebago, WI 54985-0220

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616 (Prisoner For Allah), Varber super Max, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, 3057 Easton Tpk., Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Mower, Donny Eugene 65828-097, FCI ,PO Box 3997, San Pedro, CA 90731

7.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

8.         Rogers, Bobby Joe,  Santa Rosa County Jail, PO Box 7129, Milton, FL 325872

9.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

10.       Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

11.       Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837   

Shelley’s back and beautiful:


  I’m planning to mail this to quite a few people, including some I haven’t written to or heard from in a long time. I don’t even remember who some of you are!  Forgive me.  Since they limited our number of correspondents, I found out we can juggle names in the computer, which is what I plan to do for this.

  When I was at the FCI in Dublin, CA, and needed eye surgery, the doctor there said there was no such thing as a glaucoma specialist.  People contacted the BOP /Regional Office and Central Office in Washington, DC, and a glaucoma specialist was found and I got the necessary surgery.  I won’t ask anyone to contact the regional and central offices; after all we have a grievance process, futile though it is.  I’ll give you the contact information in case you ever want to use it:


Federal Bureau of Prisons Central Office

320 First Str. NW

Washington DC 20534


BOIP North Central Regional Office

400 State Ave.

Tower II, Suite 808

Kansas City, KS 66101


  Mostly everything is going well for me.  FCI Waseca has been treating me unfairly with regards to my mail, though. When I was at the FCI in Carswell, TX, I did a grievance because they were refusing to give me my prolife mail.  I won it and was then given all of my mail.  At Dublin for over five years I continued to get my prolife mail, and here in Waseca for about the first two years.  Then suddenly I couldn’t have any pictures that show aborted babies.  I took that through the grievance process assuming I would win again, though I shouldn’t have needed to do it again.  However, the wicked at this regional office rubber stamped the mistreatment, as they do with others.  At first they said the photos were a “security risk,” and now they claim it’s because the photos are related to my “crime.”  Others get photos of co-defendants and such, and magazines such as Rolling Stone, even if they have drug crimes.

  I’ve never heard of anyone else with a similar mail problem.  I am being treated differently than the other inmates, and I don’t thank them for making me feel special because it is NOT RIGHT.  Now they have gone even further and won’t let me have newsletters or anything that approves of the use of force to really stop the murders.  I can still get hunting and fishing magazines (so far) that advocate the use of force to kill meat with, and I got a Bonheoffer book that advocates the use of force to stop another serial murder, Adolph Hitler.  What will they do to me next?

  Other than that things are well.  This prison has a great track, and we even have snowshoes, which I love to use.  The food is a lot better than Dublin’s.  There aren’t as many jobs, and the classes aren’t as good, though we do have a College Office Administration program that I'm trying to get into.  For now I teach grammar and math classes for my job.  It’s easy hours usually but always subject to change.  I feel healthy and greatly blessed in the Lord.  May he bless you too.

  Thank you for your help and prayers..   Love


  I’m assuming Shelley gets this newsletter because I do not approve of the use of force.  Nor do I disapprove.  I just want to hear all sides.  That’s all right, ain’t it, BO?


  Neal comments, with his usual insight, on The March For Life in Columbus, Ohio:


  Mark Harrington says, "Anti-Abortion Marches Are For Babies". Yet the sign that leads the entire march says, "Abortion HURTS Women."

  The picture above demonstrates the fatal double-minded attitude that is the main reason legalized abortion continues today in the USA. In other words, for forty years the Pro-life Movement has been much more about helping the women who commit abortion than about the babies whose lives are destroyed by the decisions made by those women. That decision to treat the plight of born women who murder their babies as more deserving of Christian ministry than the babies who are in imminent danger of being murdered has fortified the world in thinking that unborn babies conceived by God are somehow less valuable, have less claim to being created in the image of God, than people who are born.

  We must correct this fundamental error or Christians will continue to be the bedrock upon which legalized abortion is allowed to stand.
  If abortion is the taking of an innocent life, it is some degree of homicide. But pro-life Christians refuse to treat unborn babies with the love they deserve and that God commands.

  To demonstrate the point I'm trying to make, listen to Alan Keyes who chastised me on national television over a decade ago for not properly showing "love" to the women who were committing abortion:

  As I tried to tell Keyes before it became clear he had no intention of letting me explain myself, if babies are being butchered in legalized abortion, the people who participate in that act of homicide are in fact exactly like murderers we the people have incarcerated in every State in the union when they have been convicted of unjustified homicide.

  Yet still the PRO-LIFE movement and its leaders insist on telling the nation, as the sign above proves, that Abortion HURTS Women.

  Now it is undeniable that abortion hurts women. And I certainly am not suggesting that the women who decide to murder their babies are not to be ministered to. But just as it is undeniable that people who are arrested, prosecuted and punished for homicide are HURT, and just as it is undeniable that those people are valid, necessary focuses for the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ, the pro-life Christian response to the women murdering their babies has been out of order for forty years. Since I worked for years in a prison ministry, I can testify with the authority that experience brings about how God would have us--His ministers--deal with murderers. One thing is certain, I never have heard of a Christian prison ministry that acted like God intended us to minister to murderers--except in the most unlikely speculative scenarios--before they were arrested. Until they had been arrested and were in a place where repentance was a clear necessity, dealing with murderers was a matter for law enforcement officers, not gospel ministers.

  Needless to say, Christian prison ministries do not organize marches involving hundreds of thousands of people in order to tell the world that Murder HURTS Murderers, nor did we build our ministry on the idea that murderers are fit subjects for ministry even before they have been arrested, charged and prosecuted for murder.

  Why? Because the world would think those Christians were utterly batty, crazy as loons: in a word, INSANE.

  Everybody knows murder hurts murderers who get caught. History is replete with evidence that murderers who do not get caught and prosecuted grow bolder as murderers, grow more proficient as murderers, grow, in fact, to be examples of murderous problem solvers who have the capacity to infect the people around them with their particular solution to their problems with other people.

  With this in view, it should be possible to see the real problem created by the pro-life Christian response to legalized abortion.

Pro-life Christians have refused to admit that the women who murder their children in legalized abortion are murderers.

  And why won't Pro-life Christians admit it?

  The short answer is this: the pro-life movement has been dominated for forty years by women. Repeat: Christian women have dominated the logic and rhetoric and strategy and tactics of the pro-life movement for forty years. From the start until today, women dictate what is to be said about legalized abortion because, as I have been told hundreds of times, men don't get pregnant and have to decide what to do with the "problem." So the men who are allowed to present themselves as leaders in the pro-life movement either toe the party line drawn by women, stay on the script written by women, or they are silenced and if they do anything in an attempt to enforce God's Law against murder, they are put into prison by the Christian pro-life women and their neutered boytoys who are allowed to stand in front of the pro-life marches.

  Forty years of the blood of aborted babies cries out against these Christian pro-lifers who have allowed women to find a way to fail to abolish legalized abortion. 

  Can you hear the blood of those babies cry out to God?

  If so, you might need to think about becoming a Eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven's Sake.
  I don’t understand some of what Tobra says here, but I love it anyway:

Buttercup's Law & Order Criminal Intent 

Folks for those of you who were up in the middle of the night and tuned into law and order criminal intent. 

there was a pleasant little episode about saint slepian dropping 

seem in this version which may differ from court recorded action in the gov a ment vs. JAMES KOPP our handsome hero heroically drops saint slepian in NYC. thereby drawing the attention of our gov a ment folks. 

some other heroes receive attention & one particularly handsome fellow who seems to resembles NEAL HORSLEY. 

our gov a ment folks kidnap & incarcerate our hero in the end and try to make themselves the heroes by saving our hero from his suicidal plunge. fortunately anyone smart enough to read this email recognizes the hypocrisy of that. 

this episode will now be discussed by our panel of experts. 

Frank: i was teaching a Bible class in room 499 of the Rentem cheap motel my students will offer their expert opinion as well.

i think KOPP & HORSLEY are tougher than those actors. 

Bible student amber: wow wow like wow that guy shot my abortion doctor that is so cool. 

Bible student tiffani: i kinda passed out along about the part mr gifford is saying the taking of concubines not leading to abortion shooters 

Bible student mimi: we madam gifford is how you say extra charge? 

Kahtielee; folks i want to thank mr gifford and his Bible students for their critique of this exciting episode.

  Matthew Jackson emailed me a goldmine recently:

May 26, 1988 James C. Kopp Interview, Part 1 

Editor’s note: About 10 years prior to James Kopp performing a post natal termination procedure of an abortionist in 1998, I had a chance to sit down with him for about an hour and a half for an interview. I recently, found the cassette tape of that interview while rummaging through my old cassettes a few weeks ago. After I listened to the tape, I was reminded of the deep wisdom and insight that James shared. I was so amazed at what he said, I decided to transcribe the interview and share it with you. This interview is quite long, so I will present it in several parts. Here is part 1.

MJ: There are a lot of things I don’t know about you just form a personal perspective. Could you tell us about who you are and where you are from and some basic background information before we start talking about rescue missions (sit-ins at abortion mills)?

JK: I was born in Pasadena, CA in 1954. I come from a family of five and I have one sister in heaven, and I guess part of my background includes the fact that my own immediate family has three single mothers. So to me, pro-life is very personal and the cost that mothers have to pay is something that I as a male could understand. I went to school in California, and I studied Darwinistic Biology as an under graduate many years ago, and was saved overseas in Francis Schaffer’s ministry and at the same time, through over Darwinism. But, I decided to finish up grad school even though by that time I started to think about pro-life and so I finished my Masters which was in embryology and fertilization. That started to get me into pro-life.

MJ: What year was this?

JK: I finished my Masters in I think about ’82. One of the reasons I got into pro-life was that… At one point during the Masters, I thought I might be interested in med school, so I became a pre-med, and I had some clinical experience. And, one day I was standing in the morgue of the Stanford Hospital and I assisted and observed autopsies there because I was in the pathology department and did my little bit of research at night. They brought in a baby that was 8 months from conception that had been aborted, for having Down’s syndrome. The Pathologist was particularly pleased to show me this baby because she knew that I was pro-life. She knew that I was in the morgue and she sent the baby in and she said, “You see enough of this kind of garbage and you really start to believe in abortion.” Those were the words she said to me, and I don’t think I will ever forget it. Up until then, I had some pro-life involvement intellectually, but it wasn’t until I saw that baby right in front of me, which was an absolutely beautiful baby that had been killed because it had Down’s syndrome. And, I heard those words and they just chilled me through my bones, “You see enough of this kind of garbage and you really start to believe in abortion.” Oh, and she also said, ”You pro-lifers really make me sick.” I was so stunned that I could not think of much to say but what happened is that I made a promise to God in my heart that I would try and do more. Up until then I had done political work in pro-life and my family has been involved in California politics for decades.

MJ: What year was this when you saw the aborted baby?

JK: That was 1982 also. The first rescue I did was in ’83 or ’84 and the first Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC) that I opened was in ’84. So, it was after then I got on the pathway of CPCs and rescues.

MJ: You said you had your conversion overseas. Was this in Switzerland?

JK: Yes.

MJ: What was the name of the town?

JK: The name of the town was HuĂ©moz-sur-Ollon. But the name of the ministry was L’Abri.

MJ: How many rescues have you done to date?

JK: I really don’t know the exact number, but it is somewhere between 15 to 20 I think. In terms of really big national type rescues with 100 or more people maybe 4 or 5 of those. And probably half a dozen lock-in rescues… maybe more.

MJ: Do you know how many arrests you’ve had?

JK: Well, let’s see... That’s right, some of the rescues did not involve arrests, so I have probably been arrested about 15 times. Not a lot.

MJ: Not a lot? (laughing) One of the things about you that is going against the grain of society is that a lot of people are soft and we have a lot of conveniences. And here, we have someone like you who has literally sold out everything for pro-life. I understand that you even took a vow of poverty at one time.

JK: (laughing) I don’t know about a vow.

MJ: That’s what John Witte told me.

JK: Well the hardest part was when I sold my trumpet. I used to be in the union and I put myself through college, or shall I say the Lord put me through college being in the union. And the hardest thing was when I sold my trumpet, which was an extremely good trumpet. That was how I made my living which was the culmination of my career as a professional musician. So that part hurt me, but ever since then it’s been downhill. I mean, in the sense that, once you…. I mean everyone has a trumpet if you know what I mean. Everyone’s got that one thing. You know, they will give up everything else, you know what I mean? And that trumpet meant probably more to me than anything else in terms of material things. I have already been moving in the direction of what I called, being judgment proof. You know, having no assets so that if N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) sues me, I would have nothing to fear. Which is the place I want to be in. So, I had been moving in that direction for a long time.

MJ: I could just see N.O.W. going after that trumpet. “We got to get Kopp’s trumpet!”
JK: (Laughing)

MJ: We read about Samuel Rutherford, Dietrich Bonheoffer, Corrie Ten Boom, then we look at people in our day and age… and I ask where are our heroes? And we have Joan Andrews and a handful of others. But our generation desperately needs some heroes that will sell everything out and just be radical. In our day and age this concept is very foreign and I just feel that we have a lot of soft Christians now days.

JK: Yeah, I think I see where you are going, and I definitely agree. In fact, any time the Lord has asked me to make a sacrifice… and of course, I cannot make a sacrifice in my own strength. If I were to form the resolution that I should sell my trumpet, that would be no big deal. That doesn’t mean anything if it is in the flesh. But, if you were to pray about it and you are sure that is what the Lord wants, and if you go to him and say, “okay Lord.” Then you are offering it up to God and He’s doing it. I definitely think that we don’t offer up enough things to the Lord, we are hanging on to too many things. That, I don’t think too many people would argue with you, especially in the United States. In my opinion, part of the core of this whole problem is that there has never been a country in the entire History of the planet that has had such a very large number of people with such an average high level of freedom from war, poverty, disease, coldness, hunger and pretty soon when you get that isolated and that independent, God is just an idea after a while. God is out there working on the fine things like do I feel good. If you go into most churches these days, people are concerned with feeling good. They are not thinking about, am I starving? Or, is that guy starving? Have I heard the Gospel? Or, has that guy heard the Gospel? You can say the same thing about missions. There are very few people in this country who will do missions, same thing with pro-life. So I certainly agree… Oh, I know what I was going to say, I ramble.

MJ: That’s okay.

JK: The other thing I was going to say too is, long ago could have done what I call an arrest cycle. I have done two of them now. Or, one or two, I can’t remember exactly. But anyway, its where I come into a town and keep doing rescues until they give me a hard time. And during the hard time I assess and say to the Lord, “do you want me to continue in this town, or do you want me to go to another one? Okay? That is what I would call and arrest cycle

MJ: Okay.

JK: In St. Louis, (laughing) they rotated me out to another position before I got in jail for a hard time because in St. Louis you can get arrested 100 times and never see the inside of a jail cell for more than 6 or 8 hours, it’s really incredible in St. Louis. But, the reason I have not done perpetual arrest cycles, in other words, keep going until you get arrested more and more, is that I sense that the Lord has asked me along the way to stop and take the time to open up Pearson Centers. Or, Crisis Pregnancy Centers. If my whole goal in life, and this is not my whole goal, but if my entire 100% goal in life was to save as many babies as I could, that I physically could myself, I would do nothing but open Crisis Pregnancy Centers. I think there is more at stake than just, how many babies can Jim Kopp save. There is a slightly bigger picture, not much bigger. But anyone who sets themselves a goal, I want to save as many babies as I can. That’s not a bad goal, and I certainly would certainly never fault that, but I think there is a little bit more to it. Something that the Lord has been showing lately is that there is more involved than babies. In China for example, if you go and do a rescue in mainland China, you will be in jail for 25 years, and you will be a martyr and the Lord would certainly honor all your prayers, who knows on a mystical level?

JK: (cont’d) But practically speaking, you can’t do anything in China to really help save the babies until you do something about communism. And you can’t do something about communism without being good Christians in general. You have to have a body working together and part of the body working together is exhortation and a word of knowledge and all these things that are… You see what I mean? There is slightly more to the picture than physically, just how many babies can Jim Kopp save with the hours that I’ve got left in my life. That’s why I take the time out, or I dare say the Lord has asked me to take the time out in Delaware and maybe in Texas, California, New Jersey, New York state or wherever he sends me, to leave a trail of these CPCs and they become focal points for pro-life work. And they become stepping stones for people who want to step up into rescues. Most people can’t take that step straight from political work to rescues. They just can’t do it, they need a stepping stone in the middle. A place where they can meet the girls, get a hands on view of how terrible it is out there, how badly these women are being lied to, and pushed around by their boyfriends, and pushed around by the abortionists…

MJ: Isn’t that the truth. All in the name of pro-choice.

JK: Exactly! Get a real solid picture. Demythologize the pro-choice deal, and then they start to get mad. It’s like when I saw that baby in the Stanford morgue, I got mad. If you come to me after that and start talking about trumpets, I would say… Hey! forget trumpets! We are on another level. You know? And I’ll tell you something, most national leaders that I know, that I have had the privileged of meeting… it’s a funny thing, but they have had a similar kind of experience. Not the exact same experience, but something like it.

  Next issue, Part 2

  I just finished Eric Rudolph’s latest, Between the Lines of Drift.  This contributes to the love part of my love/hate relationship with my country because you have to love a country so reluctant to employ the death penalty that it’s enabled Eric to write Racism, Super Max, Feminism, Crime and Punishment, The Sentence – A Satire, Explanation for Bombing the Abortion Mill, Lick the Floor, Lil, Allocation-Birmingham Court, Pacifism, Pyrrhic Victories, Settlement at Trial in Atlanta Court, Abortion -- the Irrepressible Conflict, First Edition 2009, and this, the fifteenth, Between the Lines.

  And this is the best survival story I’ve ever read, yes, better even than Robinson Crusoe.

  The “drift” of the title refers to places where people are, like paths, parks, roads, etc.  It’s a term Eric learned in the Airborne School of the US Army where he also learned some of the skills enabling him to survive for more than five years in nearly impossible conditions, mostly by living between the lines of drift.

  The legal murder of young people is a main topic of Drift.  Here’s an excerpt: 

  . . . . when Paul Hill shot abortionist Dr. Britton in Pensacola, Florida. I remember having a conversation with one of my old neighbors shortly after the shooting.  I'd known this guy for years.  A self-described "pro-life Christian," he tried to explain to me that Paul Hill was just as bad as Dr. Britton; that the cold-blooded killer of thousands of innocent babies was the same as the man who had finally stopped him.  "How can you stop killing by killing?" he asked, as if he were saying something truly profound.

  I was curious about his strange reasoning, given the fact Christian ethics clearly allows for self-defense, and the defense of others, and Just War.

  "Haven't you said to me on occasion that 'abortion is murder,' that 'killing a person the womb is the same as killing her outside the womb’?" I asked.

  "Yes," he said.

  "So, if you knew that your neighbor was murdering babies in his basement every day, wouldn't you feel obligated to stop him.  And if you ended up killing him, do you really believe that your actions were the same as his? How were Paul Hill's actions any different?  If, as you claim, 'abortion is murder,' then Dr. Britton was a mass murderer, and Paul Hill was a hero for stopping him."

  "Oh, but... but what Paul Hill did was take the law into his own hands," he said.

  "In other words murder is okay -- as long it has the sanctions of the law?"

  "Well, like it or not, abortion is legal in America," he said. "And good Christians must obey the laws, even the ones we don't like."

  "You mean like King George's laws, right? Don't you remember that our ancestors rebelled against the unjust laws of Britain because they were being taxed without being properly represented in Parliament. Was their act of rebellion justified?  If so, do you mean to tell me that 'taxation without representation' is a more weighty cause than the systematic murder of over one million babies every year?"

  "But you're talking anarchy," he said. "If everyone acted like Paul Hill there would be chaos."

  "On the contrary, if everyone acted like Paul Hill then law order would be restored in this country. I can think of no greater state of anarchy than the one we live in today, where any pregnant woman can walk into an abortion mill and have her own baby killed for a nominal fee.  There is no ‘law and order’ in this country.

  He fumbled for words as he tried to rehash his hollow arguments, but I cut him short. 

  "If, as you claim,  'abortion is murder,' then by standards of Christian morality, Paul Hill was justified, and those who condemn him are cowards."

He got this smug look on his face, a look I'd seen thousand times before, and hissed: "What you need is the k Jesus."

  "What you need is a pair of testicles," I shot back.


  I never spoke to him again, but our little conversation reminded me of an essay I read called "Christians and Abortion” by Richard Shoenig. Written by a pro-abortion ideologue, the essay was one of the best things I'd ever read on the issue.  Acknowledging that the pro-life movement is dominated by conservative Christians, Shoenig laid out the argument that if pro-lifers really believed that abortion was murder, then they certainly would support all means to stop it, including force. He explored the Bible and the various writings of Catholic and Protestant theologians, showing that Christian ethics clearly justifies the use of force to protect innocent life, regardless of what the statutory law may have to say on the subject.

  When it comes to protecting life, the law of God and Nature takes precedent to positive law of the state. Laws permitting infanticide and abortion are therefore illegitimate. A government that sanctions such practices is illegimate, and no Christian is bound to obey the laws of such a government. 

  And yet, as Shoenig pointed out, so-called pro-life Christians are the first to condemn anyone who shoots an abortionist or who torches an abortion mill. To Shoenig, and any intelligent observer, this indicates that these "pro-life Christians” are either hypocrites or cowards. They either don't believe abortion is murder, or they lack the courage to do anything about it.


  However, it is not only we hypocrites and cowards who argue against the pro-life use of force.  Two of my favorite people, Fr. Aram Berard SJ and Fr. Paul Rothermel, have tried to get me to agree with their opposition to it.  Fr. Berard even wrote an essay against it in “Pro-Life Berks” when I edited that newsletter.

  But folks, for every ten pro-force writings, I get one anti.  I don’t care if you’re heroes, hypocrites, cowards, or Quakers – if you oppose the pro-life use of force, let us hear why.  Don’t surrender the podium to the pro-force people no matter how persuasive they are.

 To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001. 

  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state.

  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.