Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Contraception" is Murder, 10-11, February, 2013

Formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp (stop  the killing of young people)


February, 2013, Vol. 10   No. 11
PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603
Phone, 484-706-4375
Circulation, 235
Editor, John Dunkle

  “Contraception”  is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, a grand for others.

  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect those being tortured to death, I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them.  I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ:

1.          Burt, John 209999, Raiford State Prison, P.O. Box 628, Lake Butler, FL 32054

2.          Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

3.          Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

4.          Grady, Francis 131471, Wisconsin Resource Center, PO Box 220, Winnebago, WI 54985-0220

5.          Holt, Gregory 129616, Varber super Max, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

6.          Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, 3057 Easton Tpk., Waymart, PA 18472 

7.          Mower, Donny Eugene 65828-097, FCI ,PO Box 3997, San Pedro, CA 90731

8.          Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

9.          Rogers, Bobby Joe,  Santa Rosa County Jail, PO Box 7129, Milton, FL 325872

10.        Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

11.        Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

12.        Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837   



  Why Waste the Youngins When They Taste So Good! 

  In The Meaning of Life in the Laboratory noted ethicist Leon Kass looks at something we will have called cannibalism:
  On the other hand, we would, I suppose, recoil even from the thought, let alone the practice–I apologize for forcing it upon the reader–of eating such embryos, should someone discover that they would provide a great delicacy, a “human caviar.” The human blastocyst would be protected by our taboo against cannibalism, which insists on the humanness of human flesh and does not permit us to treat even the flesh of the dead as if it were mere meat. The human embryo is not mere meat; it is not just stuff; it is not a “thing.” Because of its origin and because of its capacity, it commands a higher respect.

  Don’t be fooled by Kass’s seeming repulsion of the activity.  Words like “I suppose,” “great delicacy,” “caviar,” “our taboo,” and “which insists on” give him away.
  Kass has just spent part of a book promoting his belief that if you are very young, you do not command the higher respect he assumes for himself.  And then he thinks his ilk will not act on that belief?
  The satire is missing in this latest edition of “A Modest Proposal.”

  Nancy Udhe’s Insight:

   Here's one I hear all the time and I'm DONE with it:    Just because you are against [murdering innocent people] abortion, it's no reason to impose your beliefs on others.

  So being against murdering innocent people is just an OPINION, or a RELIGIOUS BELIEF now?
  I'll tell you what a religious belief is, it's saying that a person's life begins at "quickening" or 40 days from conception, or 3 months from conception, or even some time after birth. THOSE are just opinions, or beliefs that have absolute zero basis in reason or scientific fact.
  Saying that a person's life begins at conception is based solidly on reason and scientific fact. Saying that every person is entitled to equal protection is solidly based on very clear language written into The Constitution of the United States of America.
  So there. I'm not the one imposing my beliefs and opinions on others. That would be YOU, Mr or Ms Pro choice, or Mr or Ms 'Personally' pro life.
  Case in point: Mitt Romney in this fantastic interview (whoever this radio host is, I vote for him for President):

  I’m not able to connect with that link of Nancy’s.  If you are, let me know how you got it.

  More From the Great Mr. Eurica Califoniniaa

  Dear John, The U.S. Supreme Court has a long history of masking for problems. Examples include making it illegal: to sue state-sponsored academic institutions that are caught copying the work of others, rather than to expose their inability to make the grade on their own; to file a criminal complaint for domestic violence against members of law enforcement; to sue military physicians for domestic malpractice, rather than to allow lawyers to expose their under par status; to subject washed out physicians to the scrutiny of even the most basic medical regulations, so that they can perform abortions under a safe haven policy; and, to sue for prosecutorial misconduct.
  Once the Court has made the decision to mask for a problem, a petitioner's ability to address the problem is limited. As former U.S. attorney general John Ashcroft explains the predicament, attorneys who want to be successful have learned not to devalue their "currency" with the Court in view of what the Court "has signaled very clearly it doesn't want to deal with" or is "unwilling to deal with"; to do otherwise, he explains, is a "losing proposition" and interferes with "the ability to succeed on other issues." (Footnote 1)
  Presumably, this is why Mr. Ashcroft failed to get a coroner's statement in what later became known as Gonzales v. Carhart, 550 U.S. 124 (2007). Instead, being mindful of his currency with the Court, he pursued other latitudes.
  It should not be surprising that masking for problems goes on elsewhere as well. For example, a report by Government researchers published in the journal Pediatrics reveals that gynecologists are as yet unable to examine a woman's vagina with basic medical competence. See Wang et al., "Emergency department visits for medical device-associated adverse events among children," Pediatrics, Vol. 126, No. 2, Aug. 2010, pp. 247-59.
  Although the report shuffles the figures in a way that masks attention for the problem, the truth be told: The #1 reason in the United States why females ages 16-21 have to go to the hospital emergency room for an injury caused by a physician's use of a medical device is when the gynecologist examines the patient's vagina with a vaginal speculum. See Wang et al., ibid., Table 1, pp. 250-251.
  If even ordinary gynecologists are fraught with such incompetence, one can only imagine what it is like for a young woman at the hands of a general practitioner performing abortions under the safe haven for washed out physicians that was created by the Court in Doe v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 179 (1973). (Note: This is Roe v. Wade's companion case.)
  As Justice Douglas concurs with the policy candidly, "In short, I agree with the Court that endangering the life of the woman or seriously and permanently injuring her health are standards too narrow for the right of privacy that is at stake." Doe, supra, at 220-221. By this sort of 'privacy' is meant not a woman's individual privacy per se, but rather the Nation's ability to mask for sexual problems.
  Again rather candidly, Justice Marshall, in San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez, 411 U.S. 1, 100-101 (1973), reflects two months after Roe on the extremes the Court is willing to accept in the effort to control reproduction:
  "Recently, in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 152-154 (1973), the importance of procreation has, indeed, been explained on the basis of its intimate relationship with the constitutional right of privacy which we have recognized. Yet the limited stature thereby accorded any "right" to procreate is evident from the fact that at the same time the Court reaffirmed its initial decision in Buck v. Bell. See Roe v. Wade, supra, at 154."
  By right to procreate he means the right to carry the pregnancy to term, and by initial decision in Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), he means that the Court in Roe abandoned the protections of Skinner v. Oklahoma, 316 U.S. 535 (1942), so women can be forced to abort even on the basis of poverty and crime. See Roe, supra, at 159, abandoning Skinner, having ultimately founded abortion (at 153-154) not on a woman's sole determination, but rather instead on the abatement authority of Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), to control pregnancy epidemics, and Buck v. Bell, to prevent the Nation from being swamped with female sexual incompetence. (Footnote 2)
  In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 857 (1992), the Court preserved the role of Jacobson in abortion policy. See also Casey, supra, at 915-916.
From this it is evident that the Court has never literally upheld having an abortion as a woman's constitutional right per se under any reasonable interpretation. Instead, the Court legalized voluntary abortion only as a path of least resistance for women to take in lieu of involuntary procedures to control reproduction. (Footnote 3)
  Having considered the Court's take on women's rights, attention is now turned to children's rights.
  In Roe, supra, at 162, the Court concluded that the Fourteenth Amendment does not apply to the unborn because, "In short, the unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense." It is interesting to note that if Roe had been written as little as a decade earlier, the Court could have just as easily concluded that, in short, the unwhite have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense either. The fundamental proposition of the Fourteenth Amendment, of course, derives from the Dred Scott decision, namely, whether the beings in question are "so far inferior" that they have no rights we are literally "bound" to respect or not. Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393, 407 (1857). (Note: Dred Scott was a Slavery era decision of the U.S. Supreme Court upholding Slavery before the U.S. Civil War; the Thirteenth Amendment abolished Slavery and the Fourteenth Amendment came after it in an effort to protect rights.)
  Hence, the fundamental proposition of the Fourteenth Amendment is not whether they have been recognized, but rather that they shall be recognized as persons in the whole sense. The fact that they may have been denied such recognition in the past is wholly irrelevant. It is also worth noting that the Amendment does not contain references to the unwhite any more than it does to the unborn.
  Finally, it appears the Court was not being completely honest when it states in Roe, supra, at 158:
  "Indeed, our decision in United States v. Vuitch, 402 U.S. 62 (1971), inferentially is to the same effect, for we there would not have indulged in statutory interpretation favorable to abortion in specified circumstances if the necessary consequence was the termination of life entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection."
  Instead, it appears the Court in Vuitch was testing whether the Government would invoke the Fourteenth Amendment on the children's behalf, before entertaining full-blown legal protection for child homicide. As Justice Ginsburg may recall, the Nixon Administration was inducing women in the Service to abort, making such a prospect highly unlikely. (Footnote 4) But it appears the Court wanted to make completely sure anyway. As Justice Blackmun reflects over 20 years later, the Government still had as yet to even question the abandonment of the Fourteenth Amendment. See Casey, supra, at 932; see also Justice Stevens, at 913.

  Footnote 1: Excerpted from the transcript of day two of John Ashcroft's Senate confirmation hearing for attorney general (Wednesday, January 17, 2001),
ashcroft_hearingtext011701.htm (accessed 11/8/2012). The exchange was between Mr. Ashcroft and Sen. Diane Feinstein.
  Footnote 2: Justice Marshall was joined nota
bly by Skinner's author Justice Douglas, which was once a unanimous decision for the Court. The subtlety removed, the two Justices are saying that if poor Hispanic women are induced to abort, then the remaining children can attend better schools in Texas.
  Footnote 3: It is worth noting that 18 U.S.C. 1841(c)(1), which is part of the exceptions clause for Laci and Conner's Law, preserves exemptions for conduct relating to an involuntary abortion performed on a woman "on her behalf" or alternatively as "implied by law." See also Stump v. Sparkman, 435 U.S. 349 (1978).
  Footnote 4: See Bazelon, "The Place of Women on the Court," The New York Times, 7 Jul. 2009.
To be continued... Sincerely, Cal.
              Care and Feeding of FBI Agents
                                                 By Jimbo

  (. . . Come On!  Where's the love?  God loves 'em!  Right?)
  In their never-ending quest to stamp out fed. crime wherever they may find it--a pretty big “wherever” these days, n'est pas?--the guards here are always after me to “Clean up your cell godammit!”1
  The Superfund grant that might result is just a perk, to them, you see. The Main Chance is a little tick in the box under “kicked inmate's ass again.”
  Coming soon, this attitude, to a theatre near you.  See:
  Where was I?   (*pop*)
  Oh, yeah.  Sorry.
  So, I'm goin' through this old stuff, right? and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but the enclosed fragment of an FBI “302” (field report) from the happy days (for me) when I was kicking my heels up in clover, but sad days (for my friends) who got their asses kicked in loco iago (i.e. in place of me).
  Do you worry?  Fellow inmate of the prison planet?   Do you wonder how you'd do when the feds knock knock knock on your door?
  As they will -- (you're violating 77 federal laws by breathing, 527 if you have a garden or chickens, and 1,527 with Obamacare tossed in).
  All I can say is: I bow before greatness.

  Please read the attached carefully.  It starts with a preteen slamming the door in the face of two FBI agents.  Not just any agents.  These were Special Agents.  Remember that, and show respect, Comrade Citizen!  

     Here’s “the attached”:

. . . he was on his own and that he would talk no further.  He stated that he would let his mother (redacted) know that the Agents were there and then closed the door to the residence.

  On November 9, 1998, at approximately 11:45 a.m., Special Agent Mary Kain Evelsizer and your affiant again proceeded to the residence known as (redacted) Avenue, (redacted).  These Agents knocked on the door of the residence and this time a white male identified as the husband of (redacted) answered.  The Agents stated that they had come to this residence in order to discuss the above mentioned article appearing in the (redacted).  The Agents asked this person if he knew James Kopp.  He replied affirmatively.  He was asked if Kopp had been there in the last month.  He replied: "Not to my knowledge." The person was asked when was the last time he had seen Kopp.  The person replied that it had been a while.  He was asked if he had seen Kopp within the last six months.  He replied: "I really couldn't say." He added: "I can't even remember what I did yesterday." The interview concluded when the telephone in the residence rang, and the person was summoned by another male in the residence (believed to be the son).

  On November 9, 1998, I spoke with FBI Special Agent Larry Likar.  This Agent has years of experience working fugitive matters and heads the Greater (redacted) Fugitive Task Force.  He stated that in his experience, persons who flee to avoid arrest have constrained resources, and often seek contact

  Note to BSA:  Good work kicking the chomoes out!  Delegation from NCCB arriving soon.  Don't let 'em give you any crap about “forgiveness.”  Huh?  Oh, and, a new merit badge: Slammin' the Door on the Fed.   BSA's all about true patriotism, right?
  Oops!  Off the track again. . .
  Now.  After the sterling example set by his son, Dad does even better.
  He rolls with it.
  Comrades.  Mere amateurs get kerfuffled and try to end the pain and fear, say. by saying “talk to my lawyer” (a good response).
  But a Great Master, a quattrocento wonder of beauty, does 302 (par. 14).
  He appears to give answers.  He's a concerned citizen, blah, blah.
  Only when the Special, so so special Agents are back in their taxpayer-funded car, buckling the seat belts, does it dawn on them: This man answered every question we asked, but he didn't give us a thing.
  Inscribe these answers on your hearts.  Meditate upon them when you rise and retire.
  You'll need 'em.  Soon!
  By the way, “Constrained resources” means you don't have million dollar blowouts in Hawaii like the GSA thing with fortune tellers, or the Secret Service with hookers in Columbia, or the FBI soirees (. . . they hide them better.  Don't forget, every feeb is either an accountant or a lawyer.  Fourteen thousand unemployed lawyers . . . with guns! can't be wrong.)
  Study.  Practice.  Prepare
  "I will study, I will prepare so that one day I will triumph." --Abraham Lincoln.
I don’t understand half this stuff; nevertheless, I find clever people entertaining:

 Gentlemen: If you wish to end abortion by statute or court ruling, try this shortcut -- , and I claim no proprietary rights:

1.     Hopefully, with a state atty. General’s prior OK, sue him in a “mandamus” action to order all abortions to cease, until abortionists can prove such is not “murder,” punishable as such.  This switches the burden of proof.
      2.     You might at least get a temporary court order of mandamus.
      3.     It could build up around the whole country – duh?  Yah, abortion is murder of the unborn, a self-evident assertion.
      4.     If it ever comes to a trial, you have the pictures which seal a victory!

  IMHO, this a much more simple than getting a legislative body to negative abortion, what with all the liberals around, who league with each other in back-scratching, especially feminists, lesbos, and other immoral ilk.  Elsman of the law

  And there you hit the nail on the head Elsman when you said, “Hopefully with the State Attorney General’s prior approval.” The fact is with a majority in a state willing to elect a governor who will ramrod each and every alternative possibility for nullifying the murderous laws propounded by the federal government, there is a whole list of things that can be done at the state level, each of which would bring us one step closer to the fateful day when this nation outlaws legalized abortion or enters into civil war. But that requires a state with a majority of men willing to die to establish God’s Law if necessary. A state with something approaching an army real enough to unleash war in this nation rather than spend one more day collaborating with legalized murder and abomination under God’s Law. I’m running for governor of such a state.       Neal, the Real Deal

   Elsman, you may have redeemed yourself in my esteem. What a great idea! I may file that action, myself. Why didn't I think of it? I am the greatest jailhouse lawyer that ever lived, after all.
  If I told you the whole story and cited cases, you, being the great lawyer you are (which I am now compelled to acknowledge before the world) would have to admit that my estimation of myself is not overblown. But never mind that.  I have to tell you that you may have come up with the answer I've sought since I painted Deformed Fetus beginning on the same day Roe v. Wade was published, and added the last brush stroke the next year in mid-1974.
  Yep, I painted a picture of Holocaust II, beginning its underlying pencil sketch on the same day Roe was published, but did not have the brains to come up with what you just did. I have got to think it over carefully. I think I will file that action and see it to the end. I just don't know whether I should compose it all myself, for myself, or do it by representing somebody else.
  However, surely I should not have to do all the work. As sound as the idea is, anybody should be able to do it, or perhaps thousands should agglomerate into one entity and file on behalf of the thousands in the person of a single group-entity. There's a lot to think over here. If you have any further ideas on it, how about hitting your reply button (instead of reply all) and discuss it with me personally. I could give this idea wings and make it fly. Shouldn't I?
Your most recent reformed admirer,
Bob Lokey

PS. This means that you and I should bury any hatchets we have constructed 'twixt us.

Dear Mr. Lokey: As the Elsman Law office administrator, I must say I hope there has been no misunderstanding.
  You see Mr. Lokey there are no free lunches here in the Great State of Michigan.
  Mr. Elsman fee's per hour are $500.
  For counsel as you have received on a one time bases $1,500 per hourly charges follow.
  A victory in the law suite will be 47% of the gross.
  At this time your outstanding balance is $1,500.
  Prompt payment would be appreciated.     A.J. Cutthroat

Dr. Webbie, the flake pretender, who never worked hard enough to make Harvard & Michigan Law:

  Don’t ever interfere with my professional practice, plus there are penal ties in the criminal code for pretending to be what you are not, even though you have been doing that all your life, according to Bob& Ruben.
  Further, that pic looks like I have been in to Ford’s booze, and you well know that I keep mine own stash at the ranch and the office, much to the shock of James Gilles, the dumpster-jumper.  Elsmanstein, J.D., the lawyer

PS.  Suffice it to say to low-key that I do not take retainers from “high maintenance” clientele (read: “goofball” or “no pay”).  However, if he is an enemy of Jester Smock, the entertainer, I like that. The governor is only on the cusp, not a goof.  I rather like the way Neal puts his ass out.

PPS.  Take note that Michigan has just today approved much tougher standards for getting an abortion.  “RTL” is rejoicing, even though Neal, the Real Deal, thinks they are ass-less wimps – Catholics who want to flood the world with Catholics more than Muslims want to do the same with camel jockeys.

Okay, I'll be happy to pay. I'm glad there are no free lunches in the Great State of Michigan. However, there are no free lunches in the Great State of Alabama since I moved here a while back, either, although there were plenty of free lunches previously. Not being a jailhouse lawyer any longer, though, my own consultation fee, in tendering high level responses to legal queries, is higher now than normal. Still, it's but a measly $10,000 per hour, which I figure any great lawyer like Elsman can afford.
  It took 1/2 hour to consider and compose my email in response to yours, as I was busy thinking some pretty lofty thoughts right then that slowed me down. The fee comes to only $5,000. A quick calculation (your fee subtracted from mine) shows that I am owed only $3500. You may enjoy knowing that every penny of it will go toward researching the mandamus idea you presented to me in order to ascertain its absolute validity. Please send cash, check or money order.

Bob, no longer "The Greatest Jailhouse Lawyer in the Whole World," Lokey, reporting as required.

Sadly, you guys are about as relevant as the Westboro Baptist Church freaks, emailing and responding within the pitiful group named above, like a bunch of inbreeds, gleefully congratulating the head inbreed Horsley for some profound, reused statement. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you all want to kill some abortionist so grow some and take action. Horsley and Lokey talk tough, but neither them, nor any of the rest of you, will ever take any action because you're afraid, trembling little cowards who entertain yourselves quoting the scripture and patting each other on the back. At least the guys you quote in the Bible were willing to be jailed and even die for what they believed. They're relevant and always will be, while the cowards you are will turn to dust and blow away having accomplished nothing. What a waste of time.

This is nothing short of incitement, but I rather like it – this is Eph. 6 warfare!  However, all you turds must understand it is not against flesh & blood.   Elsmanstein of the Law Party, JD

Yes, Stan is clearly inciting someone to kill an abortionist. But consider this: Perhaps Stan is cunning and wants abortionists killed, but does not want to pay the penalty himself, so he incites us to do his wet work for him. Does that make Stan an ally in the battle, or an enemy? Such convoluted questions show why Psy Ops are extremely difficult to parse.   Neal

Neal the whole (sic: “hole”) deal:    Just don’t go offing someone like Stan-Da-Man, so to prove anything.  Elsmanstein the Lawyer, worth every cent of advice you’re paying for, and then some.

Yes, once again you earn every penny of your retainer, counselor.   Neal

Neal the Wheel,  I know I seemed flip.  Sorry.
  It is my job Christmas time to follow the Lukan scriptures, not just re the birth of out Lord and Savior, but also to the very last paragraph, where the saints were joyful – and in the temple day and night, praising God with all their right.  Imagine that being done today!
  Nothing has changed.  He is still our Savior and Lord. I want joy to show forth out of you very serious people.
  Abortion is murder but we can only ministrate and demon strate to such that partake, and pray for a conversion; i.e., a change of mind with deep repentance.
  The Christians must count it all joy the whole time, that we might serve such a mighty Savior, who made not only children but the whole universe to please his Father of that mysterious Trinity.
  So, many of us will gather just before New Year’s Eve in Vegas to preach against abortion and all evil – preach on the very “strip” in front of the Bellagio and other ca-sin-os, praising God in a sanctuary, until we go out at night to the streets.  Many ladies will be there who have aborted their fetuses, and you are welcome to attend and give heed and preach, perhaps getting your soul saved for the first time, in the process, as all anti-aborts are not saved on this list – that I know.
  Old Elsmanstein, the lawyer, leaning upon his staff and blessing you all with the mercies of Jesus this merry Christmas.

  Thank you for your offer, Elsman. I will come if the Lord leads, although the last time I was in Vegas a witch disguised as a fetching young whore touched my gonads while I was passing by her. By God’s grace I kept on walking. But still...
  In the meantime there is much more than “only ministrate and demon-strate to such that partake” that can be done.” Like Oliver Cromwell said to King Charles I, people in authority need to understand they too might lose their heads if they don’t establish and enforce God’s Laws.
  Since this is a nation of and by the people, all people are in authority; and those people need to realize their heads are at risk when God’s law is not only ignored but usurped and replaced with its opposite.
                      Neal      from the campaign trail

I have been to Vegas countless times preaching and not one time has this ever happened!
A)    Were you at a whore house?
B)    Were you in a dark alley?
C)    Were you gambling in a casino?
D)    “Young whore”!  Was he hanging around children?  And for what?
E)    Was he there to run for office in the State of Nevada?

 And Elsman, we do not want Neal in our convention, as what will he speak on?
1)     How to have sex with a farm animal?
2)     How to bomb an abortion clinic?
3)     How to shoot an abortion doctor?
4)     How to run for office and only get three votes?
5)     How I can justify never killing for Jesus yet ask others to do that?
6)     Why the FBI is always watching me?

  Neal, you are not welcomed anywhere near Vegas or I will do a bobby Bible on you and drag you down a hill personally.
  We do not endorse your gospel, and maybe there is a reason God does not allow you to have money and travel.
  You are unworthy to stand with us.

  Ruben Israel, who still believes Paul Hill is burning in hellfire for murder and supported the Florida government to execute him.

Ruby, I’m sad to have given you the opportunity to remind people who you are. As for attacking me physically, I’ll have to see it to believe it. It has been my experience that loud mouth blowhards like you rarely have the courage required to attempt to arrest another man, even an old one like me.
  And if I come to Vegas, what would I preach? This:

  Lots of disguised emotion above, and something sounds familiar.  As I knelt in a field after they’d made Paul Hill a martyr, a man near-by kept shouting, “Paul Hill is burning in hellfire.”
To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number.  Then send it to Federal Bureau of Prisons, PO Box 474701, Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001.
  You can send a check directly to the others.
  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

"Contraception" is Murder, 10-10, January 2, 2013

Formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp (stop  the killing of young people)


January 2,  2013, Vol. 10   No. 10

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375


Circulation, 230


  “Contraception”  is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, a grand for others.

  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect those being tortured to death, I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them.  I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ:


1.                Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180, USP McCreary,  P.O. Box 3000, Pine Knot, KY 42635

2.                Griffin, Michael 310249,  5914 Jeff Ates Rd., Milton, FL 32583-0000

3.                Holt, Gregory 129616, Varner Super Max, P. O. Box 600, Grady AR 71644-0600

4.                Knight, Peter James,  P.O. Box 376, Laverton, Victoria, Australia 

5.                Kopp, James 11761-055, USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, 3057 Easton Tpk., Waymart, PA 18472

6.                Lang, Ralph,  Inmate, Dane County Jail, 115 West Doty Street, Madison, WI 53703

7.                Mower,  Donny Eugene 65828-097, FCI Terminal Island, PO Box 3007, San Pedro, CA 90731

8.                Roeder, Scott P.  65192, PO Box 2, Lansing Kansas 66043

9.                Rogers, Bobby Joe,  Santa Rosa County Jail, P.O. Box 7129, Milton FL 32572

10.              Rudolph, Eric 18282-058 US Pen. Max, Box 8500, Florence CO 81226-8500

11.              Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A, P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093    3/31

12.              Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, United States Penitentiary, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837



  Here’s the rest of the article by the pro-deather on the Reverend Spitz that I began last issue:


  If one logs on to Spitz’s Army of God website, the first image displayed is that of an aborted fetus. The next is that of convicted killer Scott Roeder, standing at trial in a suit and tie. A note under the photo thanks him for murdering Kansas doctor George Tiller in 2009. From there, one is treated to an obsessive hagiography filled with news articles and essays about Army of God “heroes,” including their prison writings, their thoughts and obsessions, all packaged with crudely animated cartoons of red blood dripping down the computer screen. Peppered throughout the website are more grainy fetus photos, situated near selected bible verses, like this one from Psalm 58:10: “The righteous shall rejoice when he see the vengeance, he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.”

  “There’s a mistake that there’s revenge in murdering abortion doctors. It’s not revenge,” Spitz maintains. “I mean, many abortionists have quit and nobody is going after them. If they quit, nobody’s going to bother them. People think it is revenge, but it is not.”

  It’s worth noting that, since the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1973, there have been more than 2,400 incidents of violence against doctors and clinics. One thing that is rarely mentioned on the Army of God website: The commandment “Thou Shalt Not Kill.”

  “Many places in the old testament God puts people to death,” the older man argues, referring to passages in Exodus and Leviticus “I mean, we went over to Afghanistan and we’ve had the Civil War, things like that ... ‘Thou Shall Not Kill,’ yes, but if somebody breaks in and is going to kill your wife, you are going to protect her. It’s justifiable homicide. Just as it is here—people are taking lives to protect unborn children.”

  “There are many reasonable people who are against abortion,” SPLC’s Mark Potok says. “Donald Spitz is not one of them.”

  When asked what he does with his free time, the 65-year-old, slightly overweight man with the bullhorn in his trunk laughs before speaking.

“My wife says I don’t know how to have fun,” he says.

  The reverend’s LinkedIn page describes his outside interests this way: “Saving souls from eternal damnation by turning people to the LORD Jesus Christ” and “Saving babies from being murdered by babykilling [sic] abortionists.”


  Spitz was originally born in Norfolk, the first of four kids. “I left as an infant because my father was in the military,” he says. “My parents were religious, devout Roman Catholics.” Enlisting when he was 18, he served in the Navy during the Vietnam conflict, but his ship never saw action. “To be honest, I didn’t know what to do with my life. I was definitely what you’d call ‘in the world.’” He drank, fornicated and even engaged in some minor crimes.

  But then he found the King James Bible. “As I read it, my life began to change, and one day I accepted Jesus into my heart. I gave my life to him. From that moment on, I became an evangelist to spread the gospel.”

  He was ordained through the International Gospel Crusade, by the evangelist Leander Boalhoarst, and started an outreach ministry in, of all places, New York’s Times Square. He eventually met and married Thea, a woman from Queens, and eventually moved there with her and founded a church—not a virtual ministry, like the one has now, but a real one.

  “New York,” he says when asked why he moved back to Hampton Roads. “Escape from New York.”

Spitz, who still retains vestiges of a Yankee accent, originally planned to build a church in Ocean View. But the plans fell through, a fact that still seems to rankle him. “The church just didn’t happen. I was praying to God, ‘What’s going on? Why isn’t this happening, why isn’t this taking?’ and then the very next day, I got involved with Operation Rescue, which was an antiabortion group.”

  Up to that point, he had not been an activist. “But I’d always been strongly against abortion. Like, from an early age, I thought it was the worst thing a woman could do.”

  Spitz would later be expelled from the once-prominent prolife organization. “I had my own branch here in Chesapeake, but a new person took over the national office [of Operation Rescue] and wanted me to give up some of my beliefs, associations, especially Paul Hill ... a very close friend of mine. I stuck by him, I supported him, and what happened is that I changed the name to Pro Life Virginia, and I’ve been Pro Life Virginia ever since.”

  We, the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all godly action necessary to defend innocent human life including the use of force. We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.” —Defensive Action Statement, 1994.

  Donald Spitz will forever be linked to Paul Hill, a defrocked Presbyterian minister who became the first U.S. citizen to be executed for the murder of an abortion doctor. Hill was also the author of a notorious justifiable homicide document, the Defensive Action Statement, that is still featured prominently on the Army of God website.

  Spitz, who has no criminal record, was one of the 29 original signers of the statement, which began circulating immediately after a Pensacola, Fla. OB-GYN named David Gunn was shot three times in the back by anti-abortionist Michael Griffin in 1993. It was the first in a wave of abortion clinic attacks that rocked the nation in the mid-1990s. The Chesapeake minister was good friends with Hill, before and after Hill killed Pensacola abortion doctor John Britton, and Britton’s bodyguard, James Barrett.


  “After Michael Griffin shot the abortionist in Pensacola. I received a phone call from Paul Hill,” Spitz recalls. “He had made up a document, a justifiable homicide document, which said that Michael Griffin shot David Gunn to prevent him from killing unborn children. He was looking for people to sign it, and he wanted to know if I wanted to sign on. After that, I started going to Pensacola, and we would go to abortion clinics together, and I stayed at his house. And then he shot John Britton.”

  In a recent HBO documentary, Soldiers in the Army of God, there is footage of Paul Hill at a press conference following his arrest. “The Lord wanted me to shoot the abortionist,” he states with a chilling smile.

  Months later, another anti-abortionist, John Salvi, killed five people outside of two Brookline, Mass. abortion clinics and later traveled to Norfolk and fired shots at the Hillcrest Clinic before he was apprehended (he later committed suicide). When Donald Spitz’s phone number was found among Salvi’s effects, the FBI began keeping the reverend on a watch list. “They started looking for conspiracies,” Spitz maintains. “Janet Reno was doing it. It had to do with my beliefs, my associations, my public statements... a combination of it all.”

  The associations with Salvi spurred pro-life organizations to issue a strong rebuke to Spitz. “We have been informed that you plan to come to Massachusetts for the John Salvi trial,” Madeline McComish of Massachusetts Citizens for Life wrote to the minister. “Your public statements on the acceptability of violence do not represent the views of the pro-life movement—rather, they are counter to everything that the pro-life movement represents ... you are not welcome in Massachusetts.”

  Spitz was later suspected of harboring Clayton Waggoner, who sent fake anthrax letters to abortion clinics. “He wasn’t involved in the letters, but Waggoner called him while on the lam,” Mark Potok says. “He thought Spitz was a kindred soul.” The reverend has also championed and published the writings of Eric Rudolph, the Olympic Park bomber, and offered up a forum to other imprisoned offenders who have committed violence in the name of “saving the babies.”

  Outside of his own website, he’s also something of a virtual cheerleader for violence. “I wish Francis Grady had burned down that babykilling abortion clinic,” he commented online to a TRN news report on the bombing of a Wisconsin Planned Parenthood office in April. Another clinic attack in May, this time in Georgia, prompted Spitz to comment on the website of the East Cobb Patch that “it’s a great thing for Cobb County.”

  “He [Spitz] was tossed out of Operation Rescue because he justified the killing of others,” Potok reminds. “The reality is that he is so vicious and so guttural in his hatred that he is, in fact, a real embarrassment to those who oppose abortion, including some very hardline people.”

  Victoria Cobb from the pro-life Family Foundation says she can’t comment on Spitz and his ongoing crusade. Olivia Gans-Turner from the Virginia Society for Human Life did not return phone calls.

Many people, on both sides of the abortion issue, discount Donald Spitz as a crackpot and a hanger-on. But could he, and his ideas about justifiable murder, actually be inching toward legitimacy?

  The minister has often been the voice of the pro-life movement on local TV reports. (“They have not been regulated the way they should be regulated,” he told WAVY TV-10 about Virginia’s new women’s clinic regulations. “They’ve been getting away with murder ... literally murder.”) Meanwhile, the ideas he espouses that seem abhorrent to many have nearly become law in parts of the nation. Last year in South Dakota, a bill was proposed that would have charged abortion providers in that state with murder, punishable by death—a proposal not too far removed from the tenets of the Army of God.

  “If it’s true that he’s gaining legitimacy in any sense, that’s astounding,” Potok says. “The idea that Spitz could be quoted as some kind of legitimate commentator is absolutely mind-boggling. He’s an omnivorous hater, and he doesn’t limit his hatred to people who carry out abortions.”

  Lately, Spitz has added other kinds of content to the Army of God website. “At first, he started saying that anyone who commits abortion should be murdered, and then he went to some pretty remarkable comments about black people,” says Potok, who has been following the reverend’s activities since 1997. “It was after that that he got into Islam and gay people.”

  Spitz denies being racist, but his viewpoint on homosexuality is as unwavering as his stance on abortion. “My speaking out against it is more my response to the publicity that [gays] have been getting. There doesn’t seem to be anyone else speaking against it. So I feel it is incumbent upon me to let people know that homosexuality is not normal; it is sinful, and gay people need to repent of their sins and obsession with sexual deviancy and turn to Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness.”

  Can a homosexual be a good Christian? “No,” he says. “The bible says homosexuals shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. It’s a very grievous sin. It’s against the laws of nature. Men should love their wives, woman should love their husbands ... it’s God’s plan.”

  “Let us give thanks,” Reverend Michael Bray, the Army of God’s designated “chaplain” wrote on the website after Saudi Arabian officials beheaded two gay men in 2002. “Homo fag TV channel will soon be broadcasting their filthy crimes against humanity,” screams one headline on the site. Another is emblazoned: “Homosexual fag Elton John says he’s lucky not to have AIDS.”

  Spitz claims that he isn’t disseminating hate and violence. He says he spends much of his time counseling people. “My two prongs are to reach the women going into the abortion clinics, to change their minds and work with the prisoners who are in jail for their convictions against abortion clinics. And I try to spread the gospel to as many people as I can.”

  What does he say to the women at the clinics? “I tell them that God loves them and their baby and that their baby wants to live. How do they respond? “Oh, people do change their minds.”

  For a long time, Spitz and his bullhorn were fixtures at the Hillcrest Clinic, one of the first abortion providers in Virginia, but lately he claims to set up at Planned Parenthood’s Virginia Beach office. “They’ve built a new mega center on Newtown Road,” he says. “So I’ve transferred my activities to that one.”

  “You know, he may be saying that he comes here, but we’ve only ever seen him one time,” says Planned Parenthood’s Erin Zabel. “He doesn’t regularly protest here.” She adds that there are a few regular protesters at the two Hampton Roads-area offices of Planned Parenthood, “but they are pretty peaceful. It’s very rarely more than two or three people.”

  Zabel says that, since the Newtown Road clinic is set far off the road, it is difficult for picketers to speak directly to incoming patients. “The trouble is that about 97 percent of our patients are coming in for pap smears and breast exams. Abortion is really a small percentage of what we do, so they are really hassling women who are coming in for preventive care, and for birth control. We obviously respect their legal right to protest, but we wish that they would use their energy to help us with preventive care, so people don’t get pregnant in the first place.”

  Donald Spitz says that he doesn’t believe in birth control, just as he doesn’t think that rape and incest victims should be allowed to obtain abortions. “Me and my wife never had any kids,” he says when asked. “We would have a houseful of them if my wife had been pregnant, but she never got pregnant.

  “So I feel that God had a plan for me.” And that plan, according to the minister, is that he should save other people’s babies. By any means necessary. Would Rev. Donald Spitz ever attempt to be one of those Army of God “heroes” and try to murder an abortion provider?

“I really don’t think so. People have different callings. And my call has always been to be as verbal as I can. I would never want to say never about anything, but I have no plans or thoughts to do that. It’s like me smuggling bibles into China. I support that, but I doubt that I’ll be doing it. It’s possible I might but it’s unlikely.”


  The killers’ helper who wrote this used one source, the hate filled anti-Christian Mark Potuk.  Notice how calm and measured Rev. Spitz’s comments are here, and notice how Potuk sees only hatred.  Just goes to show you how sick our enemies are.  We prolifers have a second mission after saving lives – healing the sick.
  Aside from the Prisoners, my prolife heroes include Spitz, Terry, Newman, Horsley, McWilliams, Giles, O’Toole, Hughes, Scheidler, Fr. Murphy, Andrews/Bell, O’Connor, Bray, Ramey, Little, White, Stanton, Mondok, Kubic (I don’t have room to list the other forty-three).    It figures that disagreements will arise among such powerful personalities and last issue I posted a piece by Randall. Responses pour in after I post Randy or Neal:    
Neal Horsley,  John, Randall Terry in the letter you posted in your last newsletter hit my sore spot. But I’m responding, not because I have a sore spot but because I am certain that the confusion Randall Terry sowed in that letter is a foundational confusion shared by vast numbers of Christians in the USA and is the main reason Christians have not been able to abolish legalized abortion.  . . .
  Randall Terry’s idea (actually it’s far from his alone, it’s one I’ve heard over and over again from pro-life leaders) that “All of us have different roles to play…different giftings…different spheres of influence where we can resist evil...” confuses the truth by ignoring the distinction, the difference, between an obligation and an occupation, and this confusion has resulted in a total breakdown in people’s ability to understand God’s priorities as taught by the Lord Jesus Christ. . . .
 [Here Neal says that we Christians are obliged to enforce the law protecting life because the authorities will not do it.]
  But Randall Terry, and Mike Bray, and virtually every other Christian pro-life leader or wannabe leader, seem hellbent on acting like legalized abortion is not an extraordinary breakdown in law that requires every Christian in the USA to see his obligation to arrest this nationally legalized child sacrifice as quick as possible . . .
[Here Neal equates Christian pro-life leaders with the priest and the Levite in the good Samaritan story – church people whose duties provide them with excuses to avoid saving lives.]
  That’s not what the Holy Ghost tells me the story of the Good Samaritan means. I am certain Lord Holy Ghost is telling me that when I see somebody in imminent danger of death that I have to personally do everything in my power to try to help them stay alive or I become an example of the priest and the Levite, a believe in God who does not love their neighbor.
  The problem with legalized abortion is I cannot do what is required to protect the babies in danger of imminent danger of death by myself. But if I had enough help I could participate in creating the conditions within which armed men would throw themselves into the ditch and beat the robbers back who are trying to take the lives of the unborn, or die trying. But I cannot get that help because confused Christian leaders like Randall Terry and Mike Bray and literally every other pro-life leader that I know of insist on teaching people that “All of us have different roles to play…different giftings…different spheres of influence where we can resist evil...” And the end result of that message is to give every Christian out there a reason for finding something, anything, other than organizing to go to war if that is what it will take to arrest legalized abortion.
Gregory A. Hession,  OK, I'll put it out there - the difference between what the good Samaritan did and your plan of "organizing to go to war" against abortionists to stop their murder is as follows, and it explains why no one with any sense will even try right now:
  The good Samaritan came along after the mugging of the traveler, and showed love to his fallen neighbor by helping him and paying the innkeeper for further care as he left for other responsibilities. He did not have to violate a law, only to go out of his way with his time and money to give a care.
  You are asking for something very different. You are asking for a full-frontal assault, in the manner of Pickett's charge, against the mightiest army ever assembled - the U.S. Military. Any armed assault would be met with armored personnel carriers full of heavily armed, well trained soldiers with overwhelmingly powerful futuristic weapons which would utterly destroy the pro-life force in seconds.
  Then, when a new pro-life force was assembled, it would in turn be decimated in seconds, just like WWI with the German machine guns. Nothing was gained. No lives were saved then, and none would be saved now. Just death, total destruction, and decimation of the brave souls who tried to resist.
  No babies would be saved. Thousands would be lost for nothing, just like WWI.
  It wouldn't matter if it was a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, or a million in the army of resistance. They would kill us all. And no babies would be saved.
  Even a guerrilla war could not succeed now, because of the pervasive surveillance state and infiltrators who would betray every move to the gummint.
  Maybe a few lone dogs could succeed for a time, but they would guard every clinic with the army if needed. They will not allow their sacrament to be disrupted.
  Only when enough people want the evil to end, will it end. There are not enough right now.
Adam Evanson, I believe Neal is advocating for secession first, then empowering a state that has the wherewithal to protect babies. Of course it's far-fetched, but who has a better idea? Everything that anybody is able to come up with or try is far-fetched or primarily self-enriching or simply dilatory. Far too many anti's want to be THE leader, another Moses, I suppose, and so it goes. Thus, the question is, which of the far-fetched ideas need be tried? I don't want to elevate anybody else to god on the earth, unless that would solve the problem, which I don't think it would, as there are "gods" running around all over the place right now and it's not helping.
  What will happen eventually, as is happening while we read and write, nature will take over and let everybody large and small know just how brutal "he/she" can be when humankind allows no other choice. This is REAL pro-choice in the absolute raw, which is to say, nature's own, and unlike humankind, does not differentiate between innocent and guilty, helpless or strong. All one has to do to see it is open eyes and look. Here is a hint and a bit of a wink just to guide: has the world ever been in the state it is right now, teetering on the precipice of a WWIII with the power to return mankind to a Neolithic age? For my part, I welcome it, as I expect I'll still be here, doing what I'm doing now, constantly fending off predators both human and otherwise that assume I'm enjoying too much peace and freedom no matter how large or small it be. Is there any like me?
Neal,  Greg Hession says to me,  “You are asking for a full-frontal assault, in the manner of Pickett's charge, against the mightiest army ever assembled - the U.S. Military. Any armed assault would be met with armored personnel carriers full of heavily armed, well trained soldiers with overwhelmingly powerful futuristic weapons which would utterly destroy the pro-life force in seconds. “
  I have never asked for any such thing and anybody can prove it for themselves by reading the things I have written. Nowhere have I said any such thing. If I had asked for such a thing, all Hession had to do was cut and paste my words into his rebuttal and the matter would have been settled. I would have been proven to be “asking for a full-frontal assault... etc.”
  Greg Hession hallucinates words that I have never written. I advocate the election of a government in a State to nullify federal laws that are offensive to God: that’s what I advocate. Such an election, while clearly a challenge to federal laws that contradict God’s law, no more necessarily leads to armed conflict than the Nullification Crisis of 1832 created the Civil War. But Prophet Hession extrapolates from the clearly defined scenario that I do advocate and creates an entirely different, hallucinated scenario, one that necessarily involves “...armored personnel carriers full of heavily armed, well trained soldiers with overwhelmingly powerful futuristic weapons which would utterly destroy the pro-life force in seconds...”
  The fact that attorney Hession boldly proclaims his false witness is explained by the fact that his hallucination is exactly the fear filled hallucination that has immobilized the vast majority of American Christians for nearly forty years. Immobilized by fear is the legacy of this generation of American Christians: terrified of the federal government is the foundational message this generation of Christians has taught its converts. And Greg Hession is just one of the more vocal Christians whose hallucinations justify continuing in this fear-filled near-paralysis while at the same time from his quadriplegic chair he, and his pro-life leader fellow travelers, trumpets to the world that great strides are being made to protect the babies in danger of being sacrificed in “safe and legal abortions.”
  What I do advocate is a dangerous thing, no doubt about it. After all, in the Nullification Crisis of 1832, Old Hickory, President Andrew Jackson, publically stated that he might come to South Carolina and hang the South Carolina Governor personally, with his own hands. Even though that never happened, the Nullification Crisis of 1832 that my plan would closely resemble was a dangerous time in American history.    m That’s why I’ve never denied that I advocate a dangerous thing. But it is a theoretical danger: not a certain danger. And I advocate it even though the theoretical danger exists precisely because the theoretical possibility of danger has to be measured against the absolutely undeniable fact that millions of lives of babies will be lost if I do not advocate this plan.   
  The plan I advocate is necessary because the period between the time a Governor could be elected to a State composed of people willing to nullify the federal laws legalizing murder would be one of the most portentous times in American history. But those times would not necessarily lead to warfare or secession. Those times would offer ample opportunities for the federal government to do what Andrew Jackson did in the Nullification Crisis of 1832: blink and find some way to allow the nullifying State to define its necessary laws.
  But Greg Hession does not intend to see that. Nor do his fellow-travelers in this generation of Christians intend to hear what I actually say. They would rather lend their minds to fear-filled hallucinations like frightened children.
  And why is that? Because what I advocate would require serious and radical changes in the lives of not only the Christians occupying the nullifying State but in the lives of all citizens of this nation, would require changes at a time when Christians in this nation have never had it so the flesh.
  I do not advocate this plan ( in the flesh. I keep speaking because the spirit of fear is not the only spirit here in this nation. There is another Spirit: call Him the Spirit of Truth, call Him the Comforter, call Him the Spirit of Christ. He is not afraid, nor does He instill fear in those who work to love their neighbor. He is moving now or I am guilty of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, the unforgiveable sin.
  I say in the name of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Ghost that the preparatory time of prayer and fasting is over. The time for action is at hand. People can do like Greg Hession and the rest of the vast majority of Christians have done for nearly forty years and find ways to explain why God cares more about them and their seed than He does about the babies being sacrificed under sanction of the US government and all the people who support that government; or people can prepare to abolish legalized abortion using the duly authorized instruments of redress of grievances sanctioned by the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and, last but not least, the word of God delivered by the Holy Spirit of God. Nullification is its name.
  Support me for Governor and see for yourself what God has wrought unless you think you can serve the Lord Jesus Christ by continuing to tolerate the legalized slaughter of the least of God’s children and blame Jesus Christ for your toleration. Then we’ll see who is actually blaspheming the Holy Ghost.
  I agree with Neal.  I think something like what he proposes will have to occur.  The time is not ripe though -- neither Neal nor anybody else would be able at this time to attract enough followers to take over a state. This time calls for martyrs. (John Brown preceded Abraham Lincoln.)
  Not me, though, Lord, not me.  I have duties like the priest and the Levite. The Samaritans like Shelley and Clayton and Paul are dead or jailed.
As many of you know I just transferred to a medium security prison, after doing 6 years at the Maximum level, after my arrest in 2007. I am closer to my home in Texas now, here in Oklahoma, but the closest I could get at this juncture ( it may change in the future) is El Reno, Oklahoma...which, from my family in Austin, Houston, Tyler, and Nacogdoches Texas are all still 4-7 hours away.( the lone star state is a big state)
  I am making a simple request, to anyone interested, and capable of such a thing: I would like to find someone who, at some point could help my family with a little gas money , on a one time basis, or whatnot, in assistance of coming to see me here. I would be most appreciative, considering i still have 28 years left to do on this sentence if i cant get an appeal going. I am 32 years old, and one day , if i cannot get some relief from my sentence ( check into my history, i was given 40 years for an abortion clinic bombing where no one was hurt or injured and little-to-no structural damage even occurred )I will have to face many of my family dying off while I am stuck here to whether it all. It would greatly help if, anyone who could, could assist my family in coming to see me. Anyway, write to me, or let Brother Spitz know if you are interested...Paul Ross Evans
  Paul’s note reminds me how incompetent I am as manager of “The Linda Project,” an attempt to help the Prisoners get the money they need.  If any of you would like to help these heroes financially, call or email me.  You who have already helped, you’ll be hearing from me soon.
  Tobra chimes in:
  i got a better idea to help prisoners like that fine Christian worker JOHN BURT. 
Kathielee: you selling your underwear again?
Dandy: hey babydoll, great better idea even though we sold her used victoria secrets to help the
Howard: and they donated $4.32 to their fine charity.
Frank: with out further ado, i do declare my dear Christians & others send cards, letters & money orders to the fine gentlemen and ladies on SPITZ & DUNKLE prisoner lists.
To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number.  Then send it to Federal Bureau of Prisons, PO Box 474701, Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001.  You can send a check directly to the others.
  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.