Formerly Stop the Killing of Young People (skyp) and soon, perhaps, “Contraception” is Murder.
March 3, 2012, Vol. 9 No. 17
PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603
Phone, 484-706-4375
Circulation, 230
John Dunkle, Editor
Abortion is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month. If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website. Faxes and emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, $700 for others.
Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect those being tortured to death, I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them. I’d also like to hear from those prolifers and pro-deathers who call force violence.
Prisoners for Christ:
1. Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180, USP McCreary, P.O. Box 3000, Pine Knot, KY 42635
2. Gibbons, Linda, Vanier WDC, 655 Martin St., P.O. Box 1040, Milton, ON, Canada L9T 5E6
3. Griffin, Michael 310249, 5914 Jeff Ates Rd., Milton, FL 32583-0000
4. Jordi, Stephen 70309-004, FCI P.O. Box 33, Terre Haute IN 47802 6/30
5. Knight, Peter James, P.O. Box 376, Laverton, Victoria, Australia
6. Kopp, James 11761-055, USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, 3057 Easton Tpk., Waymart, PA 18472
7. Little, David SJRCC, 930 Old Black River Road, Saint John, NB E2J 4T3
8. Moose, Justin 27494-057 FCI Talladega, P.O. Box 1000, Talladega, AL 35160
9. Richardson, Alonzo Lee 12898-021, CCM, 716 McDonough Blvds. SE, Atlanta, GA 30315
10. Roeder, Scott P. 65192, PO Box 2, Lansing Kansas 66043
11. Rogers, Bobby Joe 0202B, PO Box 17800
Pensacola, Florida 32522
12. Rudolph, Eric 18282-058 US Pen. Max, Box 8500, Florence CO 81226-8500
13. Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A, P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093 3/31
14. Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, United States Penitentiary, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg PA 17837
Even though it’s a shameful sin to abandon defenseless victims to their attackers, it’s a far worse sin when you attempt to pass the blame for that sin onto God by claiming that’s what he wanted you to do. And that’s precisely what so many people have done with their rejection of God’s clear and sensible instructions to defend the defenseless, and with their pretenses and fake excuses for rejecting those instructions. Pride is a terrible thing when it leads you to deny your own sin and instead say that God sinned. Peter James Knight
When I find the home address of a baby killer living close enough to me, I first write him to return to being a medical doctor. To make a long story short, I usually end up visiting him with my “A KILLER LIVES HERE” sign. Right now I am visiting the homes of five baby killers in the Philadelphia area: John Roizin, Charles Benjamin, Sondra Dantzic, Joel Lebed, and Jay Sivitz.
I am also trying to find the home addresses of: Richard Efrem Gordon, Paul Stanley Zamostien, Stephen Paul Regec, Alison Beth Post, Bruce Alan Berger, Janet Lee Wilson, Mark B. Woodland, Lillian Coleman ((CRNP), James Nuncie Anasti, Arthur Terry Laver, Lee Anthony Tripp, Carole M. Meyers, Kimberly Ann Heller, Vikram Kaji, Kristin Clague Reihman (Allentown PP Board Member), and Tera M. McCorkell (CRNP).
I’d appreciate any help you can give me. They’re not easy to find, these folks. They hide good. You can easily find out where they kill, but not where they live.
John; Readers of SKYP, Let me first apologize for being a no-good slacker. In keeping a low profile, I have been slow to respond to my friends and supporters in the anti-abortion movement. For that I am truly sorry. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who has supported me, and the other PFC’s. Through your cards, letters, donations, and prayers, you give us hope and peace of mind. Thank you
I hope that the other PFC’s are doing well where they are. To me it is a great honor to be put on the list with Heroes such as Eric Rudolph, Shelley Shannon, and the others. These men and women have given everything in the defense of the unborn. My little thirty month sentence is nothing compared to what others have given. I would like to thank the other PFC’s for all they have done to save innocent lives. The Bible tells us that Greater Love has no one than this, that a man would lay down his life for his friends. You have shown that love by giving up your freedom for the sake of others.
Well, it looks like Stephen Jordi will be getting out soon. I wish him the best of luck trying to find a job out there. Since he has experience doing patents, I would suggest that he check out some of these invention patenting services. “Inventech” is the first one that comes to my mind. This would likely involve investigating existing patents as well as working up new ones.
I’m happy to say that I’ll be getting out relatively soon myself. Should be going to a half-way house in Charlotte in August. I really feel for Stephen as gainful employment is difficult to find these days, and even harder if you’re an ex-con. Luckily, I’ve picked up a contact that might lead to a decent job. I’m hoping to move to Pennsylvania and work in the oil and natural gas field. A lot of variables go with that – mainly that of transferring probation from NC to PA, and finding a place to live. Regardless, I’d rather not go back to North Carolina (at least not the Charlotte area) if at all possible. Since my wife left me, I have no reason to stay, and every reason to leave. I see it as a chance to start over and make a new life for myself. Now, I’ve never been to PA, but I hear it’s nice. Hopefully something will work out. I could sure use a change of scenery.
I want to thank everybody for your support again. You know who you are. I promise to get back on board and respond to the letters, cards, and lottery tickets that have been sent to me. Take care. Yours in ‘Christ, Justin Moose.
Great to hear from Justin, ain’t it, and a couple days later:
Dear Readers, I am astonished by the ignorance and hypocrisy displayed by the anonymous writer who attacked Scott Evans in the March issue of SKYP.
In the 13th paragraph she says, “. . . these sidewalk counselors hate Jesus and are doing the devil’s work.” WOW! I have no idea where that charge comes from. It would seem to me that it would be the abortionists that are doing the devil’s work – what with killing babies and what-not.
But to call Scott out as a Jesus-hating terrorist is just out of line. she makes it sound as if Al-Guyda is walking the streets of Denver.
She said that “their tactics are awful” and that “they know no boundaries.” Hmmmm...
Sounds like an efficient soldier to me. Listen up. This is a war. The problem with Americans is that they can’t hear the screams of the victims and choose to ignore their mangled bodies. Anonymous is upset because Scott and friends – what!?! – carry signs and make a lot of noise? Well hole-lee crap! Someone call the National Guard! We got right-wing terrorists running around with . . .Signs? Really?
You see friends, it is people like our anonymous writer here that are wholly responsible for the moral decline of our nation. She claims to be a member of a “REAL” Christian Church. Well, I have no doubt that she’s a member of a group of people that might meet together on Sunday, possibly in a large building with a steeple on top. But to say she is a member of a real Christian church is highly unlikely. It is these – the watered down, do-nothing pacifist congregations – that have let the wicked take over. They are no different than German Christians who stood by during the Holocaust, content to keep their heads buried in the sand.
Anonymous, and people like her, are not only luke warm, they are piss-poor.
Furthermore, in the fourth paragraph, last sentence, Anonymous states that she has “researched these people and almost all of them are criminals!” Listen, the only difference sometimes between a criminal and a hero is what side of the fence you are on. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a criminal, George Washington and Samuel Adams were terrorists according to the King of England. All twelve apostles were killed for the promotion of Christianity. Out Lord and Savior Himself was hunted down by the authorities. So check yourself before you start casting judgment, cause that “criminal” you’re putting down might be the only person around you with any real character. I know people in prison that are far more decent than a lot of people I know on the street.
In life you must either lead, follow, or get out of the way. Our anonymous writer, and those like her, need to get out of the way and let those like Scott Evans do their thing.
I don’t care if you pray for “Anonymous” or not.
Molly Worthes, a killers’ helper who teaches at the University of Toronto, began her essay in the 2/10 New York Times this way:
Last month, when prominent evangelical pastors and political activists emerged from their Texas powwow to announce that they had anointed Rick Santorum as their standard-bearer, the blogosphere pronounced the endorsement too little, too late, and kept all sights firmly on Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich — until this week.
Santorum’s string of victories on Tuesday took the mainstream media by surprise: he is so extreme that they have had a hard time taking him seriously. His theocratic statements seem self-caricaturing. He has asserted that the right to privacy “does not exist,” equated homosexual sex with “man on dog” relations, and compared the campaign against same-sex marriage to the war on terror.
Yet Santorum’s surge in momentum as the primary campaign moved to the evangelical heartland was a long time coming, and not because his social positions are an exercise in garden-variety bigotry. Evangelicals’ embrace of Santorum illuminates a crucial shift in American political culture: their honeymoon with the Tea Party seems to be over. They have turned away from the cries for small government and liberty — about which they have always been ambivalent — to rekindle their love affair with theocratic Catholicism. Santorum’s statements reflect not knee-jerk prejudice, but something much more powerful: philosophically reasoned prejudice, based on centuries of Roman Catholic natural law.
Politicians are politicians, though, and any warm feelings Molly engenders here should cool fast when we remember that Ricky threw us under the bus when it counted. Sure, no one at that level talks the prolife talk better than Rick. But when he enabled Arlen Specter and thus Roe v Wade to extend their political lives, he sentenced millions to their torturous deaths. God have mercy on our souls.
Here are Al’s reactions to the March 2 newsletter:
No wonder. In group practices if one "doctor" out of 10 offers abortions, it puts them all at risk of defensive action, higher malpractice insurance, higher property insurance, and of picketers in front of their homes.
If a group practice has an abortionist among its members, it is likely more effective to picket the ones who do not perpetrate abortions than to go after the one who does.
When PP was in the University Plaza across from the Vanderbilt University Law School, the other businesses got really tired of having picketers in front of the building and of their customers having to wade through a phalanx of sign-toting, pamphlet-offering, singing and praying picketers. So PP moved to a free-standing facility over by the Black neighborhood. Notice the Pediatric clinic next door to PP.
All 93 US Marshals and 3,953 deputies are LIARS and accomplices before the fact to child murder. They swear to support the US Constitution and then refuse to do so. Were they hired by the people to break their oaths and to break the law? When they do so on "company time" they are thieves.
Legislators who propose and vote for pro-abortion statutes are likewise LIARS and accomplices before the fact to child murder.
"Jimbo," "Scott" and "Cal" don't practice what they preach any more than the rest of us.
"Rock for Life" has challenged me to find a single PP that provides mammograms (thermograms, which are for the same thing are acceptable). Unfortunately (for this purpose) this library has blocked access to PP. The head of PP claimed that PP provides mammograms. Susan G. Komen For The Cure gives PP around $700,000 supposedly to fund breast exams, which many PP facilities do claim to provide, but apparently not mammograms.
As far as Pat Richards' position, people who support and encourage abortion are so devoid of fundamental morality that you cannot tell what they may do. Sexual perversion, child rape, you name it, they're all part of the same package.
What is Al talking about! Jimbo and Scott practice what they preach! It’s Cal and I who don’t.
In the first half of this essay, Terry Hughes examines the close connection between Catholics and the Democrat Party. He continues:
At the time Roe v. Wade came down, Irish Catholics held all the power positions in Congress. In the Senate were Mike Mansfield followed by George Mitchell as Senate Majority Leaders. House Speakers were John McCormack followed by "Tip" O'Neal and Tom Foley. Mansfield and McCormack were pro-life and Irish Catholics could have made the Democrat Party the pro-life party. Instead they caved to the radical feminists and homosexuals, in large part because Irish Catholic bishops and priests gave them little or no support, and jumped on the Democrat "social justice" bandwagon.
Since then the numbers of militantly pro-abortion Catholic Democrats reads like the roll call in McNamara's Band. Support for their betrayal came from the highest Irish Catholic archbishops, "comfortable" Cardinal McKerrick in DC (he announced he would be "uncomfortable" denying Holy Communion to these creeps), Harry "flimflam" Flynn in St. Paul, and "phony baloney" Mahony in LA. All publicly stated they would continue giving Holy Communion to these death-dealers because they and their priests never knew if the "Communicants" had confessed their sin. They DID know, because the penance for such a public sin would be a public rejection of their past support for murdering the next generation of Americans by the tens of millions. NONE ever did. That should have been a requirement for Absolution. The Penance should be to become militantly pro-life. It NEVER happened.
On top of that, the Dallas Morning News in 2002 reported that 70 percent of Catholic bishops were sending homosexual predatory priests from parish to parish in search of new altar boys to sodomize.
Eric, I can accept the possibility that a bishop or priest can compartmentalize for a time giving Holy Communion to these murderers and predators. But year after year for decades? It's not possible.
Sooner or later they have to stop believing in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Once they've crossed that line, they stop believing what Christ taught and stop believing He is the Son of God. Having accepted that, what's the point of proclaiming His teaching in the pulpit and in Sunday School classes, in Catholic colleges and universities? When have you EVER heard a sermon against abortion and sodomy proclaimed in Biblical terms? I don't mean the LAST time, I mean ANY time. I haven't. So I think 70 percent or more of priests and bishops, especially bishops, have lost the Faith. As a result half the Catholics have left the Church over the past half-century.
No Good Shepherds, no flock. This is the only explanation that can account for the apostasy of the last half-century.
Other Christians don't have to believe in the Real Presence to accept Jesus Christ. Catholics do.
Obama knows this. Everything he has done, from appearing at Notre Dame to using Obamacare to force contraception, abortion, and sterilization on all practicing Catholics, all Catholic institutions, and all Catholic small businessmen, advances his Divide And Conquer war against the Catholic Church. He knows once these lifestyle choices (they are NOT "health care") already practiced by most Catholics, become a "free" entitlement, it will be impossible to root them out. What Government "entitlement" has EVER been withdrawn or even reduced? None.
Obama thinks most Catholic bishops agree with him. They are up to their eyeballs in the Culture of Death and don't even know it. They have "grown" along with Democrat Catholic Politicians. That's what we're up against.
Do you think our bishops are smart and loyal enough (surrounded by liberal Democrats in their chanceries and institutions, and on-salary, as they all are) to see this is what's happening? I don't. I think their bond to the Democrat Party is too strong, especially if they no longer believe in the Real Presence, in Jesus Christ. We can't rely on them. We CAN pray for them, and ask God to give us all the grace, knowledge, and will to persevere to the end, as Jesus Christ did.
In His hands,
One of our great prolifers, Cal from Hawaii, and I have been arguing for a long time about the role of the Catholic Church in legal baby killing. Although I concede that Catholics are more responsible for this holocaust than members of any other group, I deny the Church’s responsibility. Here are three recent exchanges, with me in brackets:
1 John, So are you reading the actual book (242 pages, by Robert P. George and Christopher Tollefsen), or just the review (2 pages, by William Saletan)? [I'm half-way through the book.]
By the way, check this out. You wrote: "It’s no wonder the Church says hands off even though we don’t yet know exactly when you became you." [yes]
Now look what happens when we replace "the Church" with "Planned Parenthood" and cross off "hands off even though" from your statement. [yes]
Then it reads: "It’s no wonder Planned Parenthood says we don’t yet know exactly when you became you." [yes]
Now do you see it? This is why I call you a closet Planned Parenthood supporter. [You forgot "hands off."]
You also support the conclusion of the New York Times review that we owe embryos some amount of "respect" but not "the same respect we owe one another," [No I don't.]
since you obviously accept that you are you even though we do not know your birthday or conception day or "exactly when you became you." [We can know your birthday and conception day. We just can't know for sure the micro second you became you. You're counting the angels again here, Cal. Now go back to that passage I keep referring you to, and meditate.]
In other words, this shows that you and the Church actually agree with Planned Parenthood regarding what the U.S. Supreme Court would call the "fundamental proposition" of personal recognition [nonsense]
even though you and the Church say the conclusion to be drawn from this is "doubt" and, hence, "hands off" as far as intentional acts of killing or harming embryos are concerned. [The doubt doesn't apply to us! We know you're you at fertilization. We just don't know when in fertilization that occurs. "Doubt" applies to the guys at PP. Even they should treat abortion as murder even if they don't yet realize it.]
Did you catch the little snipe the review makes in the first paragraph: "The question, like the embryo, seems a no-brainer." [Yeah, typical Times.]
The reviewer thinks the embryo in the human egg has no brain. [Yeah, he's got that backasswards.]
But, alas, the New York Times is behind the "times" when it comes to the subject of molecular computing, the root of our brain power, contained within the cell(s) of our bodies. [good]
Here's another note. The reviewer writes: "You can’t protest outside a fertility clinic waving a picture of a blastocyst." [Yes you can.]
How about if I give you a picture of a human embryo hatching out of the human egg with the caption: Babies Hatch! [That'd do it.]
Would you want to do that poster? [That's the next step. For political reasons we have to work first on those who accept feticide.]
Maybe someone should also remind the Times that no member of the U.S. Supreme Court has ever answered the question left unanswered by its infamous Dred Scott decision: How many pigments separate a tan white man from a light black man? [Great!]
Science, alas, has not drawn this arbitrary line for us either, precisely because such arbitrariness is not a question in its field. [absolutely]
2 [Cal, I’ve been going over our last few emails and I’m thinking of changing the name of the newsletter from Abortion is Murder to “Contraception” is Murder, with a subtitle, skyp (stop the killing of young people).]
If you change your title to Concepticide is Murder, and add the paragraph below at the start of each issue, people will understand.
Abortion is not a precise medical term. Instead, using standard lexicon, a precise medical term for homicide in the form of the taking of the life of a child with gestational needs is 'concepticide.' See Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, Philadelphia, PA, Saunders, 2007 [conceptus + -cide]. Though infanticide is also correct, concepticide is more specific to gestation. The adjective is 'concepticidal.' For example, while some may question whether drugs or devices to prevent implantation cause "abortions," there is no question that drugs and devices to prevent implantation are concepticidal. Similarly, the destruction or abandonment of human embryos is also an act of concepticide.
3 Did you know children perform animated behaviors such as somersaulting in their eggs and hatching out of them in an extrusive behavior? [yup]
They ARE animated. But here you are ashamed to hold up their "hatching" poster! [I thought I said I'd do that!]
Finally, to get the biology straight, when your doctor says semen, Latin for seed, that is not only medically incorrect, it is highly prejudicial (e.g., of women, homosexuals, etc.). Instead, the doctor means to say pollen. The man does not inseminate the woman, he does not put his seed in her; instead, he pollenates the woman, he puts his pollen in her. [Hey, that's good, Cal. I'm gonna use that!]
In other words, the male reproductive element, misnomered a spermatozoon, is in no way, shape, or form a "seed." Instead, the ejaculatory fluids of the human male form a pollen; they do not contain a seed. [yeah]
Instead, the correct analog of the agricultural seed is the developing baby inside the human egg. This is the embryo stage proper. Once the baby hatches out of the egg, it is no longer proper to call the baby an embryo. Instead, the baby is a hatchling, until implantation, after which the baby is a nestling until birth. [neat]
In other words, the human egg does not "attach" to anything. Instead, the baby embryo makes a whole in the side of the egg, and then exits the egg in an ANIMATED extrusive behavior. Then, leaving the empty eggshell behind, the baby, not the egg, attaches and implants. What is literally happening is that the baby inside the egg covered him or herself with a literal spacesuit, and then he or she leaves the protective egg capsule and literally plugs the spacesuit into the mother for continued life support. [Wowee!]
The fully developed spacesuit is what we see at birth in the form of the birth sac, umbilical cord, and a "plug" (like an electrical plug except for physiological transfer rather than electrical) that literally plugs the baby into the mother's uterus for life support. Until the mid-20th century, doctors mistakenly thought the birth sac and umbilical cord were a part of the mother's own body, but now they realize that they are actually a part of the baby's body, not the mothers. [I am gonna use this stuff, Cal.]
Dear Mr. Dunkle, I just wanted to write . . . [and ask you to] please continue to pray for my cases before the Supreme Court of Canada (fighting to keep it legal to criticize sodomites) and my court battles in Edmonton (police harassment and destroying employment opportunities for Christian activists). Also my court battle with the University of Calgary needs prayed for. They are using the courts to try to keep my abortion and sodomite flyers off campus.
God bless you, Bill Whattcott
This week, 2/27, Pat Richards of the “keep-the-killings-coming” crowd on the blog comments on the Virginia politicians’ attempt to require that someone first see whom she is killing before she pays a hit man to torture him to death. Disgusting, says Pat:
Ultimately, however, the boys found out that many women would have to get a vaginal ultrasound, which means sticking a probe up “there.” Suddenly, charges of “State Sponsored Rape” hit the airwaves, jokes abounded and Virginia became a national laughing stock. How did all of this happen?
The “probe” Pat mentions is a camera. Pat and his guys have no objection to sticking other things “up there,” like plastics, poisons, scissors, pliers, knives, curates, and vacuum cleaners. But cameras? Uh uh, babes, only things that kill may be inserted, nothing that protects. And so it goes.
(Thanks to my buddy, Ed Bender.)
Here’s the rest of that magnificent essay of Jimbo’s. Remember my telling you that when I finish, I’m posting the whole thing in one issue, probably May 2.
4. The RR detective is bored. Mom and Pop don’t advance. Impasse. Suddenly, Mom and Pop fall to their knees. “Oh Lord,” they cast their gaze upwards, “please hear our prayer,” etc. Prayer is good but never, never as a substitute for the prayer-of- motion called giving a glass of water. The substitution is wrong. Can you imaging our Lord saying, “I’ll pray for you,” when any one of the many suffering people came to Him for the healing He could give? Can you imagine praying (and nothing else) while your daughter is tied to a track? And yet the prolife movement prides itself on this blasphemy, imagining itself pious while using God’s Name as an excuse, or cover, for the sin of omission.
See the smoke yet?
5 The RR detective looks at his watch, "Tell ya what" he winks, slyly, “The next train isn’t due until 8:44 tomorrow morning, when Engineer Tiller shows up; so, don’t worry. Plenty of time to deal with this. No, I still can't let you on the track. I could lose my job! (Readers of The Trial by Franz Kafka will recognize this part real well). "But don’t worry, plenty of time to resolve your little problem.”
Can you imagine a real Mom and Dad saying "Oh Well! Why didn’t you say so?" (whistling) "Don’t need to worry about a thing!” And yet this is precisely the child-murderous position of the judge in Kansas and every prolifer that supports him. If someone stops a parent from saving her child at 9 at night, what exactly is anyone thinking will change before danger is "imminent"?
The judge is very well aware of this. He knows durn well that by his stupid logic, imminence only obtains at the last minute, and prolifers are hard-pressed to be standing there in the death chamber at that moment deigned by the judge to be the only imminent one. In fact, if a prolifer tried to stand in the OR, at any time, the abortion would obviously be delayed (long enough to call a RR detective) and voila! No imminence anymore! We can all go home!
Except the babies and their scarred moms.
For the Kansas judge: Do you want us to shoot our way into a crowded OR like John Salvi did? Just asking, judge. Please answer.
Do you hear the train yet? hear the rails creaking?
Even when you think the train is really imminent, poof! it’s not, and your chance to act effectively to cut your daughter loose is gone forever, along with our souls to perdition.
When I can’t fit copy into a newsletter, I store it in folders, and forget who wrote it. Like the following:
A Message to Abortionists
By Duke Saulsbury
To all who think that it is wise
To kill, to take away young lives,
You’ll have to face our God one day
For all those unborn, thrown away.
Oh, you may think that you’re exempt
From God’s great wrath, as you attempt
To pile up your dollar gain
With no regard for those you’ve slain.
I fear for you on judgment day
When you’ll be judged and have to pay.
There’ll be no home for you on high.
Those killed will live, but you shall die.
For God has said, “Thou shalt not kill”
But your blood mills are running still.
Unless you change your sinful ways,
Believe me now, you’ll have to pay.
For you who kill, it’s getting late.
From these dread deeds there’s no escape.
It’s God who’s spoken, listen well,
Change your ways, or burn in hell.
Rev. Alvin Saulsbury (“Duke”) is my uncle. He’ll be 80 this year, but still going strong, blessed and used by the Lord. He writes a lot of inspired songs, and plays music.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
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