Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Contraception" is Murder, May 2, 11-2, 2013


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp (stop killing young people)

May 2, 2013,  Vol. 11   No. 2
PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603
Phone, 484-706-4375
Circulation, 243
Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, a grand for others.
  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect those being tortured to death, I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them.  I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ: 

1.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Terre Haute, PO Box 33, Terre Haute, IN 47808

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616   Varner Supermax, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

7.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, USP Beaumont,  PO Box 26050, Beaumont, TX 77720

8.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

9.         Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

10      Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837   



  The Obama Administration’s Department of Defense lists seventeen organizations in its “religious extremist” category: 

1.     Evangelical Christianity

2.     Ikhwan or Muslim Brotherhood

3.     Ultra-Orthodox Israel

4.     Christian Identity

5.     Al Quaeda

6.     Hamas

7.     Abu Sayyah

8.     Ku Klux Klan

9.     Sri Ram Sene

10.   Catholicism

11.   Kahane Movement

12.   Army of God

13.   Sunni Muslims

14.   Nation of Islam

15.   Jewish Defense League

16.   Mormons

17.   Hutaree 

  Including the Army of God here is even more surprising to me than listing the Mormons, the JDL, the Catholic Church, or the Evangelicals.
  A few years ago a Planned Parenthood spy told the Feds I was a member of the Army.  When they visited, I said the Army of God was the name of Rev. Don Spitz’s website and that’s all it was. Later I learned Neal also uses that name for his planned peaceful takeover of one of the states.         

   But now I might have to change my mind.

  A while ago I mentioned “the repartee with the boys,” an ongoing discussion/debate about the nature of our anti-abortion movement, especially about the use of force.  Neal and one or two other friends participate, but most of the emailers are new to me and many of them write in unique ways that I have to translate into North American normal.  Here’s one translation from someone who signs on as bobbyBIBLEstein: 

  This is why babydolatry is struggling in America.  Jesus says not to judge others so when good men like all of you are concerned about abortion, when heathens murder kids in the womb because kids’ parents do not want them to mess up their lives’ future with too many kids, etc., so most good married Protestant men like all you below say, hey wait, Jesus warns Matt. 7, judge not lest I be judged, and as I judge God will judge me.
  If I, good church-going Joe Protestant, condemn abortionists as murderers worthy of hell, 1st Cor., 6 Gal. 5. etc., will God look fairly at me and my wife who plotted and planned to sidestep kids in birth-control family planning ourselves  and thus be baby genociders, not even allowing them into the womb – worse than abortions?
  At least the aborted baby most likely gets to heaven or gets recycled, Heb. 9:27, which is better than a nation of people called by his name who do not turn from the wicked ways of family planning and condemn others who do, etc.
  Hey, just talking, just loving, just sharing to spare my well intentioned but misled brethren along the way who are in a deep jam/pit.
  Why no action, no zeal in stopping abortion now?  Go now to surround the Supreme Court, March 26th, as all should have been done with Roe v Wade, so that we’re not all stuck with abortion.
  At the end of this month we may be stuck with sodomite marriage, which is only about the love of money which is the root of all evil.
  Homo marriage simply allows all young gays to find and marry old, about to die, rich, gays with soc sec pensions and get married, and hope he dies quickly like hot young chics do with old rich men
  And dumb America is soon to allow young sodomites God hates to retire early to destroy the church in America, and your retirement plans.

  Wake up you dummies 

  best friend Bob Hal Lindsey, watchman at the Church Wall For Jesus 

  Did you pick up on the two insights here?

  Emily Dickinson Tobra carries on with her anti-abortion ministry: 

  I was in frigid Green Bay, Wisconsin yesterday for a closing event that included a march outside the hospital that does abortions in that city.
It’s a cause for rejoicing when 40 Days for Life volunteers learn that no abortions are scheduling during a day the facility is usually open – or even for a whole week. Or even longer in at least one case. 

Kathielee: contrary to the peaceful rhetoric spouting forth from the mouth of prolifers, you see our hero before grabbing a shovel outside a closing event of a babykilling store in green bay, wisonsin while our peaceful prolife choir sings. 

Choir: put him in the ground put him six feet down put that baby killer in the ground 6 foot down right there in dear ole green bay  town put him in the ground put him six feet down 

 And look here: 

  Thank you Mr. Dunkle for running Mr. Greg Holt's letter. Mr. Holt is a wonderful friend and Christian brother of many years. I also respect the muslims however i am also a Christian like our brother Greg Holt.
  Mr. Holt and the POC's are often dealt severe hardships and this is compounded by men like dan holman who wish to play church while human suffering is involved.
  I hope mr. holt and myself have put an end to this greg holt is a muslim gossip and rumor.

  Thank you so much for your fine newsletter Mr. Dunkle, I love it!

  Sincerely,   Tobra Potter 

Mr. Dunkle,  I thank you so much also, and I also love your newsletter.

  Sincerely,  Dave Struck


  See!  I’m not the only one!

   And, I’ll say this – if you live outside of prison in a country run by Muslims, you do not pay taxes to kill young people; if you live in one run by Catholics and Jews, like ours, you do.

  Two issues ago I told you about Eric Rudolph’s Between the Lines of Drift, The Memoirs of a Militant, about how great it is and about how it is no longer available on  Here’s the latest: 

  Needless to say the government has not been happy about the memoirs, as well as all the other writings I've posted on the Army of God website. When a person is sentenced to the Supermax he is never heard from again. Or at least that is the design and purpose of this place. Because I have gone against that design, the staff have singled me out for "special treatment." Despite having a clean record, I have been moved to what they call the "bug range," which houses chronic trouble makers, most of whom are mentally ill.  They bang and yell all day, tearing themselves apart; producing an atmosphere of chaos and noise.
  I have decided to protest this unjust treatment through a hunger strike. Beginning on the morning of March 11, 2013, I have refused all food and medical care. Pray for me, and God bless.

  The first response is Tobra’s: 

  Buttercup Suggests

  Writing our brother ERIC RUDOLPH --
  Prolifer Johnnie: write RUDOLPH are you nuts buttercup? the law would be on me like pooh pooh hitting a fan.  oh man buttercup, i am ready to lay down my life for the unborn but write a man in supermax, i don't think so.
  Prolifer Jimmie: are you crazy buttercup? they read your mail! i am busy protesting the slaughter of innocents.    RUDOLOPH is a grown man let him take care of hisself in there, after all i am saving lives & stopping suffering.
  Prolifer Jessie: my husband would never give me permission as he thinks violence is of satan, who be hating those that kill.
  Prolifer Jennie: oh yes i will, he is still single and hot rite? 

  The second is mine:

  If someone receives a special call from Jesus and starts growing toward a greater love and compassion, to a deeper life of prayer in the community, there will come a moment when he or she begins to reveal the mediocrity of others and thus becomes dangerous.
  A prophet is always dangerous. Prophets were always killed in Jerusalem because they were dangerous. They make people ask questions about their own mediocrity, but they are unwilling to face them and to seek change.
  A community can become a place of death, just as it can become a place of life. Bonding can stifle and bring death just as it can bring life. 

  This quote might sound familiar because I posted it a while ago also.  

  And the third is Neal’s: 

  In a world where everything is neat and tidy and everybody does things that cannot be criticized by anyone, Eric Rudolph might have gone on a hunger strike, but he would have done it, not because he had been transferred from one portion of the belly of the beast to another, even more horrible, portion of the beast’s belly--a portion the word bedlam was designed to explain.  No, in a world where symbols were uncriticizeable, General Rudolph would, if a hunger strike was in order, have made it clear he was putting his life at risk because the beast who has devoured him also devours the least of Eric’s brothers and sisters as a main part of its beast diet; his hunger strike would remind everyone that the beast has legalized the very activity that nullifies the meaning of God’s most important symbol, Christ and the Church.  In defense of the unborn slated for slaughter, in defense of Holy Matrimony I will die, General Rudolph would boldly proclaim.  But alas that’s not what he said about why he was going on a hunger strike.
  That said, no one should lose sight of the fact that Eric Rudolph would not have contemplated a hunger strike had he not made fighting the evil that legalizes the slaughter of the least of God’s children and legalizes the sodomatic perversion of the great mystery of Christ and the Church a battle he was willing to give his life to fight.  So for that reason, no matter what the immediate cause of his decision to starve himself to death, Eric’s hunger strike is actually designed to remind people that he has been willing to die to defend God’s Law for decades—the very same decades that the rest of us pro-life Christians have been hand fed by the beast obtaining our tasty treats until we salivate on cue when the beast brings out his next tasty treat and been willing to do anything for God except things that might cost us our lives.
  So, the point is, if we can’t do anything else to act like men of God who are willing to war for the Triune God revealed in Holy Scripture, we can at least let people know Eric’s hunger strike is not going to be ignored by these God damned helots who call themselves American Christians and their heathen allies who presently rule this nation.

  Can anybody help me out here?  Years ago I read a doctor’s account of a late term abortion that he’d witnessed as part of his medical school training.  After the abortionist had inserted a tube into the belly of the pregnant woman, this guy saw the tube shake, and shake again, and again.  He realized that someone inside the woman was shaking that tube.

  I can’t remember who the doctor was or what effect that experience had on him.  I’m hoping one of you can.

   Quote of the Day: 

  Dear John, From a medical perspective, unless you are talking about natural miscarriage, you are talking about forced abortion. Sincerely, Cal

  More from Cal: 

  Dear John, This continues the excerpts from Scott Roeder's application No. 12A525 to the U.S. Supreme Court for a stay of execution of sentence of death for preborn children, which was denied by Justice Sonia Sotomayor:
  It remains most conspicuous that despite a persistent question of the termination of life entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection, the Court has never obtained a coroner's statement to determine whether aborted fetuses are victims of homicide or not. In absence of a coroner's statement, then even if only to err on the side of caution, it would seem that anyone's opposition to abortion has legal merit, even in the extreme, in view of the irreparable harm of child homicide.
  More children are executed on an average day in the United States under Roe v. Wade than the total number of adults executed since 1976 when the Court resumed adult executions in Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153 (1976). "In this situation, there just is not sufficient time for me adequately to consider the merits of the stay application… With an execution so irrevocable, I therefore choose to err, if at all, on the side of the applicant." Grubbs v. Delo, 506 U.S. 1301 (1992), at 1301-1302 (1992), Justice Blackmun granting the stay.
  As the Court notes in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, at 157-158 (n. 54), "When Texas urges that a fetus is entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection as a person, it faces a dilemma. Neither in Texas nor in any other State are all abortions prohibited. Despite broad proscription, an exception always exists." [Texas showed up at the Supreme Court with a glum look on its face, hoping the Justices would tie its hands and make it permit abortion, since Texans were too proud to legalize child homicide themselves.] From this it follows that the children did not receive meaningful representation by counsel [from Texas] and, thus, there is doubt whether due process has been followed in the procedures [of Roe v. Wade]. "A decision on the merits follows and does not precede the stay. If there is doubt whether due process has been followed in the procedures, the stay is granted because death is irrevocable." Holtzman v. Schlesinger, 414 U.S. 1316 (1972), at 1319,
 Justice White granting the stay.
  The Preamble, which is the most controlling interpreter of the Constitution, sets forth the right of the People to among other things, "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." See also Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 953 (2000). Accepting the self-evident truth that we are all created equal, it follows that "ourselves" in this instance regards those who are created, including the preborn, and "our Posterity" includes all future generations whether as yet created or not.
Inasmuch as the blessings of liberty referred to in the Preamble relate only to persons, this provides a reasonable assurance that the word 'person' as used in the Constitution has pre-natal application. Cf. Roe, supra, at 157.
  Moreover, since homicide is a universal public fact, it cannot rightly be the legal subject of a right to privacy anyway.
  The unborn must be protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, the same as the unwhite, the unmale, and the uncivilized. [None of which, by the way, are specifically mentioned by the Amendment.]
  In addition to sparing children from homicide, a stay of execution of sentence of death will also stop: forced abortion; the practice of allowing physicians of dubious qualification to hide behind a suspension of medical regulations; the masking of social and economic ills; and, the obstruction of justice.
  The Court has never promised that abortion, once legalized, would be incapable of any interruption in the course of judicial affairs. On the contrary, ever-mindful that the suggestion of the personhood of preborn children has been left open to further consideration, the Court has forewarned, see Roe, supra, at 156-157, "If this suggestion of personhood is established … the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [Fourteenth] Amendment." Since nothing can be more substantial than the right to life, it follows that the harm of not granting the stay plainly outweighs any reservations to the contrary.
  To lament [as a pitiful Justice Sandra Day O'Connor did] that the social and economic life of our Nation would not be the same without abortion is an unabashed copy of the same plea made once for Slavery. See Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 856 (1992). It is time for the Court to stop treating human life as being as discretionary as the petitions it is asked to review. It is time to stop masking for the Nation's ills, and to start protecting the newest members of our society.
  Granting a stay of execution should not be a discipline too hard for the Court to accept.
  Unfortunately, in a race to promote women to greater stature and currency, the Nation has elected to mask for the trouble women have had in controlling their bodies in advance of getting pregnant, rather than improving the protection and discipline of women. But this is quite contrary to earlier ideals. [This next part goes on to tell the surprising story that Margaret Sanger was actually more anti-abortion than our religious and conservative leaders, and that she wanted to give women abortion alternatives from the start. It was not until after her death in 1966 that Planned Parenthood, which she co-founded, was able to evolve into the child homicide company it is today. She would not allow abortion while she was alive.]
  As Margaret Sanger explains the original ideal of the contraception movement (Sanger, "Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography," New York: W.W. Norton, 1938, p. 217):
  "[In 1916, at the first birth control clinic in America] To each group we explained simply what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way—no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not yet begun."
  Contrary to this ideal, what is particularly puzzling is that the Court insists that masking for a woman's inability to control her own body in advance of getting pregnant is the best way to advance women to a more desirable status than they may have enjoyed in the past. What is even more puzzling is that the Court seeks to accomplish this not only by voluntary abortion, but also by involuntary abortion, using, as it were, every means but protection and discipline.
  It is interesting to note that Sanger recognized that "no matter how early [abortion] was performed it was taking life." Ibid. Given the choice, it seems most of us would prefer to be victims of homicide in our 80th year rather than in our 10th. But when it comes to abortion, there has been great insistence to the contrary, as if it were better for children to be aborted in the 1st month than in the 8th. Clearly the preference stems not from the child's perspective, who would prefer the longer life for the same reason any of us would, but rather from the selfish perspective of reducing the public's burden of psychological rationalization.
  For when the fetus looks little different than the babies women put into strollers, society has a harder time pretending people do not know the fetus is a person. But when the child is as yet so small that the knowledge of early development baffles us, it is easier to rationalize. Yet we see the grim truth of what an abortion really is when it is performed so late in pregnancy that it is hard for all but the most obdurate to rationalize. But even then, the Court's focus has been on making the homicides less graphic, not on protecting the children themselves. See Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914 (2000), upholding partial-birth procedures, until such a time as a less graphic procedure was made available, as per Gonzales v. Carhart, 550 U.S. 124 (2007).
  Abortion is not a precise medical term. Instead, using standard lexicon, a precise medical term for homicide in the form of the taking of the life of a child with gestational needs is 'concepticide.' See Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 31st ed., Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders, 2007 [conceptus + -cide]. Though infanticide is also correct, concepticide is more specific to gestation. The adjective is 'concepticidal.' For example, while some may question whether drugs or devices to prevent implantation cause "abortions," there is no question that drugs and devices to prevent implantation are concepticidal. Similarly, the destruction or abandonment of human embryos is also an act of concepticide. This Application seeks a stay of execution of sentence of death to forestall concepticide in all its forms, in the manner of a full-blown enforcement of civil rights for the preborn in Kansas and throughout the entire United States.
  Preborn children are never going to up-and-file an application of their own [for a stay of execution of sentence of death]. It is therefore legally proper that necessary applications be presented whenever this Court's judgments or decrees against them are eligible for review [as in Scott Roeder's case, which he successfully got before the Court]. Whether on application or on this Court's own initiative, it is also legally proper that counsel ad litem be appointed for the preborn in all cases where their rights or concerns hang in the balance. Particularly where their lethal executions hang in the balance, such revision to the Court's practice is not without precedent. See Powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45 (1932).
  It is also noted that the Court should take better care in assessing the positions, interests, and qualifications of its amici. [This next part reveals the little known scandal that the position of the Catholic Church is not really what it seems to be on its face, and that even the most discerning readers, such as the members of the U.S. Supreme Court, have been misled by it.]
  For example, in Roe, supra, at 160-161, the Court badly misinterpreted the Roman Catholic position:
  "The Aristotelian theory of "mediate animation," that held sway throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe, continued to be official Roman Catholic dogma until the 19th century, despite opposition to this "ensoulment" theory from those in the Church who would recognize the existence of life from the moment of conception. [Citation omitted.] The latter is now, of course, the official belief of the Catholic Church."
  The following year, the Church officially clarified [conspicuously in a footnote] that by no means whatsoever has its ensoulment debate been resolved: (Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration on Procured Abortion (18 November 1974), Acta Apostolica Sedis, Vol. 66, 1974, pp. 730-747; n. 19.)
  "19. This declaration expressly leaves aside the question of the moment when the spiritual soul is infused. There is not a unanimous tradition on this point and authors are as yet in disagreement. For some it dates from the first instant; for others it could not at least precede nidation. It is not within the competence of science to decide between these views, because the existence of an immortal soul is not a question in its field. It is a philosophical problem from which our moral affirmation remains independent for two reasons: (1) supposing a belated animation, there is still nothing less than a human life, preparing for and calling for a soul in which the nature received from parents is completed, (2) on the other hand, it suffices that this presence of the soul be probable (and one can never prove the contrary) in order that the taking of life involve accepting the risk of killing a man, not only waiting for, but already in possession of his
  Nidation is another word for implantation, sometimes connoting successful implantation. The infusion of a spiritual/immortal soul, the existence of which is a distinctly religious question, is what the Church ultimately equates with the onset of human personal life.
Simply stated, the official Catholic belief is that while human (biological) life begins at conception, the Church has not expressly committed itself to an affirmation when it comes to the question of when human (personal) life begins.
  This religious question is pondered in the Instruction Donum Vitae: "how could a human individual not be a human person? The Magisterium has not expressly committed itself to an affirmation of a philosophical nature, but it constantly reaffirms the moral condemnation of any kind of procured abortion." (Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation Donum Vitae (22 February 1987), Acta Apostolica Sedis, Vol. 80, 1988, pp. 70-102; p. 79, I, No. 1.)
  From this it evident that pondering a distinction between the personal versus biological life of a human individual is a distinctly religious undertaking. It would therefore violate the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution [the separation of Church and State] for the Court to entertain such a distinction to the effect of depriving a human being of legal recognition as a natural person, in spite of evidence of his or her biologic status as a human individual.
  [In other words, the Church takes the distinctly religious view that biological life alone is not enough for human personal life, so that instead we have to ponder whether the soul fairy has as yet already infused the biological aspect with an "immortal soul" in order to really become a person. Although the Church affirms that the biological aspect begins at conception, it has not expressly committed itself regarding the onset of the personal aspect: "For some it dates from the first instant; for others it could not at least precede nidation."

See Declaration on Procured Abortion, ibid. So the Church condemns procured (intentional) abortion not

out of any express regard for the person, but only on the moral ground that having an abortion involves "the risk of killing a man, not only waiting for, but already in possession of his soul." Ibid. But entertaining religious beliefs of ensoulment violates the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and so the Court has no choice but to recognize personal life at the onset of biological life.]

   Sincerely, Cal   (Mr. Eurica Califorrniaa) 

  Cal and I argue about the Church’s position on killing young people.  Cal says her refusal to say when exactly a person begins to exist enables the killers because they say the same thing.  I, on the other hand, say it results from the mixing of the spiritual and the material.  It’s like Consecration.  Some say that since the Church does not say exactly when the bread becomes Christ’s body, that proves it doesn’t happen.  I disagree of course.

  I agree with you on the justification for the use of force, because the babies are just as worthy of the same level of defense as any other people. And if there were an organized viable force of men willing to fight for our country and defend our land against the New World Order and against our domestic enemies, I would join that force of men right away. But I just don't have it in me to try to do it all by myself. I just don't have what it takes to stand all alone, like Paul Hill, and commit an act of war (even a justifiable, defensive act of war) against the policies of the New World Order. If ever such an organization does form I will join it right away, but right now there is no such organization. So, for now, I'll keep on saving babies like this." (Sidewalk counseling or whatever.)
  That's all I ask, the right attitude, a manly attitude, an attitude free of compromise. That's all I ask! If only a
man should make the above statement to me, I promise you I will show that man nothing but patience and gentleness...forever!
   I will never call that man a coward. I will believe he is sincere and has all the courage I would expect in a man. I will never call him stupid. I'd like to have that man for a close friend, preferably live next door to him. I'd like to enjoy camaraderie with him every day. And even if only 20% of the men in that man's church were as manly as he, I'd be so happy and encouraged by that fact that I'd join that church immediately. I wouldn't care what denomination it was, as long as they proclaimed Christ the King. At a time of such grave national crisis as this, denominational differences must take a back seat to zealotry. Wherever other men show Christian zeal, that's where I want to be found...." John Brockhoeft

To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001

  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state.

  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.



Saturday, April 06, 2013

"Contraception" is Murder, May 1, 11-1, 2013


formerly, Abortion is Murder, and, before that, skyp (stop killing young people)


May, 2013,  Vol. 11   No. 1

PO Box 7424, Reading, PA 19603

Phone, 484-706-4375


Circulation, 199

Editor, John Dunkle


  “Contraception” is Murder, a weak, pathetic response to baby murder, is sent out at least once a month.  If the gestapo hasn’t jailed you yet for defending the innocent realistically, you either have to tell me you want it or go to the website.  Emails are free but snail-mail is free only for PFCs, a grand for others. 

  Because I believe we should examine every legitimate means, including force, in our attempt to protect those being tortured to death, I want to hear from people who’ve been forceful and from those who defend them.  I’d also like to hear from those who oppose the prolife use of force and call it violence.


Prisoners  For  Christ: 

1.         Evans, Paul Ross 83230-180,  FCI, PO Box 1500, El Reno, OK 73036

2.         Griffin, Michael 310249, BRCF, 5914 Jeff Atles Rd., Milton, FL 32583-00000

3.         Grady, Francis 11656-089, USP Terre Haute, PO Box 33, Terre Haute, IN 47808

4.         Holt, Gregory 129616   Varner Supermax, PO Box 600, Grady, AR 71644-0600    

5.         Kopp, James 11761-055,  USP Canaan, P.O. Box 300, Waymart, PA 18472 

6.         Roeder, Scott 65192  PO Box 2, Lansing, Kansas 66043

7.         Rogers, Bobby Joe 21292-017, FTC Oklahoma City, P.O. Box 898801, Oklahoma City, OK 73189

8.         Rudolph, Eric 18282-058  US Pen. Max,  Box 8500, Florence  CO 81226-8500

9.         Shannon, Rachelle 59755-065, FCI Waseca, Unit A,  P.O. Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093   

10.        Waagner, Clayton Lee 17258-039, USP, P.O. Box 1000, Lewisburg  PA 17837   

  Let’s clear things up: 

Dear Sir,  Salaams to you!  Please note that the Arabic word for peace is salaam and is not used exclusively by Muslims.

  The reason for my letter is that I noticed in this issue of your newsletter that you had a notation by my name as a “Prisoner for Allah.”  I thought this matter had been resolved between myself, Don Spitz, and Dan Holman, so imagine my surprise when I saw that notation.

  To give you an idea of how all of this occurred, I had decided to challenge Dan Holman’s misrepresentation of Islam in his hews letter.  I was a militant Muslim for many years, a jihadist in fact, who believed it was my duty to kill misihis (Christians) and Salbee’een (Crusaders) and to wage jihad against the Great Pharaoh (the U.S.)

  To that end I learned to fluently speak Arabic, Urdu, and Somali due to the fact that I had inte4nded to receive training from al-Queda in the Arabian Peninsula and al-Shabaab and work to run the occupiers out of those countries and establish an Islamic caliphate.  I had even selected a target here in the U.S. for a martyrdom operation (some would call it a suicide bombing).  However, I eventually converted back to Christianity, but I still have sympathy for Muslims who are working to run foreign occupiers out of Muslim lands.  I also still believe that the Islamic system of figh (jurisprudence) and justice is superior to Western systems of justice.

  With that said, I addressed all of these with Dan Holman and attempted to correct misstatements of fact.   My letter, though, came out as an angry tirade that had me stepping of my square and advocating militant ideas that at first glance looked as though I was still a Muslim.

  For that I am truly sorry in that it was not meant to come off that way.  Mr. Holman didn’t seem to indicate any interest in knowing the facts and seemed to blow me off.  That fueled my fury.

  Don Spitz asked me whether I was  Muslim and I unequivocally told him "No!”, but it seems it fell on deaf ears.

  Make no mistake about it, I am not a Muslim.  I will not say it again due to making this stand in this forum.  I hope that you will publish this in your newsletter so that it puts this to rest once and for all.

  It seems that Don Spitz has cut off communication with me over this in that he has ignored my last two letters.  This hurts in that I have been dealing with him for over ten (10) years and have a lot of respect for him. The same thing has happened with Tobra, who I really care about and is a dear friend.  I can imagine what she thought when she saw that notation by my name because it looks as though I had lied to her, which I have not.  That is why this has to be dealt with expeditiously.

  I trust you will keep me on your mailing list because I have been reading your newsletter for years and I enjoy it.

  On another matter, Arkansas just passed the strictest abortion law in the country, the fetal heartbeat bill, which bans abortion after twelve weeks.  Please send me other reading material if you have it.

  Shuluran gaveelan (thank you very much) for taking the time to read this and for listening to me.  I hope you will disseminate it so that this is no longer an issue.

  I do remain

        Fi al-idrab, Gregory


  I wish I could replicate the graceful Arabic script Gregory Holt includes here.

   Bob Lokey comments on the disappearance of Eric Rudolph’s magnificent new book, Between the Lines of Drift, The Memoirs of a Militant: 

  About Eric's book, just before I got my copy, I saw a news blurb where the prosecutor in Eric's case was complaining that Eric was making money for committing a crime.  He was writing too many books and making too much money.  (Yeah, right.  Eric was getting rich.)

  Several years ago the baboons passed legislation that criminals had no right to make money writing books about their crimes, unless, of course, it be a former politician.  Eric's prosecutor stated that he would see about taking Eric's proceeds away from him.

  Eric may have withdrawn the book to keep the cops from beating him out of the money.  I was lucky to get my copy in the nick of time.  It's one of the best I've read.

  One of the major reasons I left the new religion practiced in the Catholic Churches is because of sexualized catechetics.  Sex education has been condemned by Pontiffs in the Catholic Church.  The Vatican II Council gave a green light to teach sex education in classrooms that is amazingly explicit and designed to destroy Catholicism.

  There is the summary of why abortion is legal.  Even spouses are thwarting new life with birth controlling devices not only harmful to women but to the environment, but most of all it is all part of the abortion mentality and the fear of that dreaded baby.

  I'm thoroughly disgusted with the prolifers who absolutely refuse to expose the U S bishops' in camp with the abortion providers and  mandating curriculae that spoils youths' minds, teaches physical abuses of all sorts and most all hates the Commandments of Jesus Christ. 

  If you always peruse this newsletter, you will have noticed that this young lady has a lot in common with one of our great regulars, Mr. Eurica California, “Cal,” from Hawaii.

  I hope what Randy Terry has to say here comforts both: 

Hello Pro-Life Friend.
  The election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the new Pope appears to be a very hopeful sign, based on his words in the past.  Pope Francis has spoken out clearly to the most critical issues of our day, especially the sanctity of Marriage, and the rights of unborn babies.  I hope you enjoy these quotes of his; with

words like these, Pope Francis has the right friends, and the right enemies!

on abortion

- In 2007 Cardinal Bergoglio stated, “We aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” he said, “but in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”
  In 2007, following Pope Benedict’s meeting with Latin American bishops, the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America produced a joint statement, known as the Aparecida Document; it was presented by Cardinal Bergoglio himself.


Aparacida Document

  Paragraph 436: We hope that legislators, heads of government, and health professionals, conscious of the dignity of human life and of the rootedness of the family in our peoples, will defend and protect it from the abominable crimes of abortion and euthanasia; that is their responsibility. Hence, in response to government laws and provisions that are unjust in the light of faith and reason, conscientious objection should be encouraged.

  We must adhere to “eucharistic coherence,” that is, be conscious that they cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act with deeds or words against the commandments, particularly when abortion, euthanasia, and other grave crimes against life and family are encouraged.  This responsibility weighs particularly over legislators, heads of government, and health professionals.

on homosexual marriage

  The new pope has called gay marriage “a scheme to destroy God’s plan” and “a real and dire anthropological throwback.” In 2010, he was a vocal opponent of the Argentinian government’s proposed legislation to legalize same-sex marriage.
  He also stated (in a letter to all Argentinian monasteries):
  "Let's not be naive: this isn't a simple political fight, it's an attempt to destroy God's plan."
  "At stake are the lives of many children who will be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. At stake is the total rejection of God’s law engraved in our hearts.” Let us not be naive: this is not simply a political struggle, but it is an attempt to destroy God’s plan. It is not just a bill (a mere instrument) but a ‘move’ of the father of lies who seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.”

on vanity in the Church:

  In an interview in 2012, Bergoglio spoke about the serious vice of vanity.
  "Vanity, showing off" he said "is an attitude that reduces spirituality to a worldly thing, which is the worst sin that could be committed in the church...An example I often use to illustrate the reality of vanity, is this: look at the peacock; it's beautiful if you look at it from the front. But if you look at it from behind, you discover the truth  Whoever gives in to such self-absorbed vanity has huge misery hiding inside them."


on the need for the Church to evangelize:

  "We need to avoid the spiritual sickness of a church that is wrapped up in its own world.  When a church becomes like this, it grows sick. It is true that going out on to the street implies the risk of accidents happening, as they would to any ordinary man or woman. But if the church stays wrapped up in itself, it will age. And if I had to choose between a wounded church that goes out on to the streets and a sick, withdrawn church, I would definitely choose the first one."

on unwed mothers

  "In our ecclesiastical region there are priests who don't baptize the children of single mothers because they weren't conceived in the sanctity of marriage. These are today's hypocrites. Those who criticize the Church. Those who separate the people of God from salvation. And this poor girl who, rather than returning the child to sender, had the courage to carry it into the world, must wander from parish to parish so that it's baptized!"

on the elderly and infirm:

  “Today, elderly people are discarded when, in reality, they are the seat of wisdom of the society. The right to life means allowing people to live and not killing, allowing them to grow, to eat, to be educated, to be healed, and to be permitted to die with dignity.”  –


  Let’s hope and pray that Pope Francis will exercise his authority to bring erring bishops and clergy into line with God’s commandments, especially as it concerns giving holy Communion to politicians who vote for and promote child killing by abortion.

God Bless Pope Francis!

  This ends Matthew Jackson’s 1988 interview with our rising star, Jim Kopp: 

JK: Well, I will tell you one little story and this is part of the reason that I have not abandoned the CPC work that I do. When I am in jail obviously the main thing I can do for pro-life is to pray and to write letters of encouragement to the people who have the CPCs and so forth. And when I am out of jail, I am usually planning the next rescue.

  There is a lot of heterogeneity of style in approach in running CPCs. A man I know who I have completely modeled myself after in terms of his style of operating CPCs is someone by the name of Bob Pearson. In fact, Kurt Young.. I think I have the name right, who is the director of the Christian Action Counsel… He went to Bob Pearson in 1979 or 80 after Bob had been running CPCs for about 11 years and asked him how you do this. This was about the time of the Koop/Schaffer series and the tour and all that stuff, and within 3 or 4 years on the Evangelical side, the Christian Action Counsel had sponsored like, 250 of these things.

  It was incredibly effective and it sweep through the Evangelical churches like it should have, and it did. To my understanding, most of those CPCs are still standing today. But anyway, suffice it to say, there is a much older stream of CPCs that came before Kurt Young and he’ll tell you that if you ask him. And that was operated by a man named Bob Pearson.

  It’s not quite as simple as all this but it’s not inaccurate at all to say that he walked into Honolulu in 1968 where there were 8 free standing abortion mills and no Pearson centers. In 1976, he walked out of Honolulu where there were 8 free standing Pearson centers and zero abortion mills. He did not throw a bomb obviously, he did not get arrested once, he did not do any rescues or kryptonite himself to anything like we love to do, he didn’t do any number of things. He quietly opened up these places… You know I heard the other day, someone told me that they opened up a CPC in a conservative area. It was in the plains somewhere or mid-west, and they had a big party there and a press conference, and a parade. And I went, “Well, I suppose I could imagine a town that is so conservative, that you could do that, there would be so much support. But then I said to myself, by the time you got a town that conservative you probably would not have that many abortions anyway.” You see what I saying? He opened it up in an aggressive situation. Honolulu is an extremely liberal town, and so is San Francisco.
JK: (cont’d) Let me give you an example on how not to open a CPCs. There is this attitude right? Someone else a very beautiful respected leader with a good heart went in to New York said, “I’m going to open up 20 CPCs” and they announced it in the press and everything. That night, the state government of New York in Albany held a session and made them all illegal overnight before they could open. They passed a law that said you cannot do an on-site pregnancy test without a Doctor. Which is effectively for us… since we can’t afford to hire Doctors to stand around and rubber stamp urine tests… shut is down.

  Now, thank God, I really believe that when the Lord was working in San Francisco, he would have us open these things right under the nose of the devil and do it without him knowing it. That is how we decided to operate, and that’s definitely how I would recommend it to someone because the greatest need is going to be in your most liberal place. That’s where you are going to have tons and tons of mills. So anyway, I said all that just to say that you can have an aggressive policy of running a CPC, you can have a name that does not reveal the fact that you are pro-life.

  I don’t care what you say, at this point in the game in 1988, if you open up a pregnancy counseling center and it says over the door, “Crisis Pregnancy Center,” you might as well say on there, “Save a baby for Jesus.” There is no difference anymore. There is a Bible verse that says, that the children of darkness are wiser than the children of men. These people have all these things figured out. They know what birthright means, they know what CPCs mean.

  But if you open a center and I don’t want to use any of the names we’ve used in practice now, but if you open a center and let’s say… Women’s Emergency Center or whatever. Just pick a name that’s true, and when they come to you, you be as shrewd as you can when talking to them without lying. Obviously the Lord doesn’t honor lying, but any good salesman knows the difference between lying and being aggressive. CPCs can cut into, but not stop, all abortions; that’s too your earlier point and I agree with you. They will not stop all abortions, you will have to have rescues to stop them. But I could easily say 50 to 70% of abortions could be stopped with CPCs alone. Keep in mind, when you stop an abortion, you have stopped abortion for that one woman. If you bring her into a CPC and take care of her and show her that baby she was going to kill, she becomes pro-life. She becomes a pro-life disciple. Then she tells other people.  

MJ: On the other side of the token, one point Joe Scheidler has often made is that you may have some pro-lifers who get arrested once and rest on their laurels over that one arrest and one rescue. Where you may have a guy that might sidewalk counsel every Saturday and never get arrested, but he will take several women to the CPC and end up saving 25 to 50 babies. And of course over the long haul, which one was more effective? 

JK: If I were purely into how many babies you could save, I wouldn’t do rescues. But, part of the reason I do rescues is that there is more involved in just how many babies I can save. There’s the bigger picture of trying to communicate to a large number of people and get a strong message across. 

MJ: I guess the number one thing I see about doing rescues is… obviously it saves the baby and that is or primary purpose to begin with. But another thing it does is, you got to remember that the abortion industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. And if we are going to have any chance of stopping this big locomotive that is very heavy and very fast, is by hurting their pocket book and make it inconvenient for them to have an abortion facility, and that is one of the things that I see the rescue movement doing. We are making it inconvenient for the abortionist to practice his death trade. Where the CPCs on the other hand doesn’t stop the abortionist… John Cavanaugh-O’Keefe pro-choice because they are giving the girls a choice too. He wasn’t being derogatory when he said that.

JK: I know, and that’s a much debated comment and we could talk all night about that. I would just say one thing and that is… every time a woman chooses to have her baby at a CPC that she would have otherwise had an abortion, we have taken 3 or 4 hundred dollars out of the pocket of the abortionist. Now when you talk about this termite approach and wearing them down, that has a value too.

  In the case of Honolulu, the reason those abortion mills shut down was because they had no market. In the end, it’s the market that you have to aim at. The young woman with $300 in her hands keeps the abortion industry going. Until you have changed her mind, or brought her back, you will still have an abortion. You can change her mind by making it illegal, and fat chance. If that happens, great. If it doesn’t, we still have our job. Bob Pearson says in his manual, there is no baby that wasn’t saved that it wasn’t a matter of sidewalk counseling. Ultimately, it all boils down to sidewalk counseling. CPC counseling is just good sidewalk counseling moved into an office.

  The reason I like CPCs is that you can take someone who is tender hearted… I am always aiming at the tender hearted person. Most of the people who are interested in pro-life are going to be tender hearted. Think about it, it just follows. And those people might not have the where with all to go out on a sidewalk. So, I can lead those people into a CPC where I pay the rent, and I pay the phones and I sit them down and I say this is your place. If a young woman wants to come in a take a pregnancy test, she’s my guest. You see, it’s on our turf or the Lord’s turf that we are operating. There are a lot more people who will operate in that situation than will go out on a sidewalk. But, when they are in there, they will learn about the sidewalk. They will learn about what abortion is all about talking to these girls and pretty soon they will be out on the side walk. 

MJ: There is a CPC in Fort Worth where the Attorney General of Texas wants them to shut down. 

JK: I know the whole story, 

MJ: When I heard that story, my first thoughts were, well obviously they are doing something right.  

JK: Chuck Pelletier is a living saint. He was a living saint before he opened the CPC… After he opened it up I think he was getting… Last time I talked to him he said he used to get three babies a day. That was the going rate before his restrictions. Now he’s under all these restrictions and gets one baby a day. I don’t know anyone with numbers like that. That man could shut down three mills without ever writing a letter, with fifteen abortions a week. You could have a little tiny mom and pop abortion mill that runs off fifteen abortions a week. That is the whole principle of CPCs. If you have a town like San Francisco that has eight abortion mill within the city limits, then you better have eight CPCs. This is why it bugs me so much when you talk about someone getting arrested and sitting back on their laurels, I know people who would open up a CPC and sit back on their laurels. Not only that, if somebody new comes into town and wants to open up a CPC, they will say, “Well, I don’t think there will be enough money.” Well the Lord’s got the money. The limiting factor I have always run into was finding directors that will take it as a full time thing.

MJ: You know my wife worked at a CPC and she told me stories about the financial records and how they are just struggling to stay open and just fighting for every dime. 
JK: Well, it has always been my philosophy with every director that I have ever worked with, I always tell them. Your job is not to raise money. Your job is to bring young women in your area across your threshold and tell them the good news. Tell them that they don’t have to kill their baby, they don’t have to continue in their life that is turned away from God. Tell them the good news. That’s your job and that’s all your job. Obviously, they need to recruit counselors and train them. 

MJ: Whose job is it to raise the money? 

JK: That’s God’s job. Our job is to do advertising and whatever it takes to get those women to come in across the threshold. And for every woman, that’s like money in the bank. If a woman comes across the threshold and I am taking care of her and her baby. She sends up a prayer to God that she needs help, how is He going to let my door shut if I keep doing that?

  I hate to say this, but most CPCs are paying $500 to $1,000 in rent a month, they have overhead. They have this and that, and they are just not aggressive enough about bringing people in. They don’t advertise enough. There are all sorts of places that you can advertise that won’t cost you a nickel. Like passing out flyers. I mean that cost something but not a fortune. They could go to public schools and pass out cards. They are not aggressive enough. They sit in their little office and the got their Yellow Page ad that runs over and over. Now they have restrictions on their Yellow Page ad so it’s not filed in the same place the abortionists file theirs. And they have a big disclaimer the Yellow Page ad that says, “we don’t do abortions.”

  Then they sit back and say oh woe is me because they are not getting enough money. We have to overcome these obstacles. The Lord has given us difficult jobs, but he has also given us infinite resources. I have had my first CPC out of four that had serious ongoing money problems. It’s not anything that can be fixed with trying to raise more money. Part of it is lack of interest in the area, but I think the ultimate thing is that directors  needs to get closer to God and spend more time on their knees and just be more aggressive about bringing the women in. With low budget advertisement and hit the pavement. So anyway, that’s my little advertisement for running CPCs.

  A young lady, Barbara Marrow, recently wrote to Neal Horsley:

Dear Mr. Horsley For Governor for the State of Georgia, 

  I hope you get elected and do not allow it to go to your head, and lose the fellowship of this beautiful risen Savior, -the Holy One of Israel.

  I praise Him because He is opening up my eyes, even thru your videos, of how much of a hypocrite, I can be.  But to brag and boast about--how he has power and authority, over me--to open up my eyes, to His Truth.

  I am 69 years old.  Any way I can help to stop murdering innocent children in the mother's womb in our country, even if it is to donate gas fare money--I will.

  I live in an apartment HUD subsidized Bldg. Lutheran House.  They supply the Internet, so I don't have one personally.  And I don't want one.  So pray to the Wise Good Lord, how to keep in contact with me.

  Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you in a mighty way--for He is a Mighty God.

  I do not like being called a murderer of children, by not doing anything about it.  A lot of men, nowadays, just want fame, fortune and hearty parties while we idly stand by and praise the Lord and do nothing about the pathetic condition of depravity in our society.

  Whether I make it to heaven or not, it is totally and strictly up to the Lord.  But I want for murdering children to STOP, just like you.  Because right now, 2013, there is nothing to celebrate, even Passover and Pentecost, with blood on our hands of Innocent Children, in the mothers’ wombs.  Our nation, our country, born and bred in the USA, like the man said.

  So just to me, I have nothing to celebrate, but just to boast and brag on the Lord for opening up my eyes, to my hypocritical ways.

  You can type this letter and use it for God's glory only on the Internet, if you like.

  A concerned citizen of USA for even the President's future for his daughters.

  In truth of God's Words of THOU SHALT NOT KILL--innocent children in the mother's womb. 

  You might think that someone 69 is not a young lady, but she is when you’re ten years older.

  Remember Coach Dave Daubenmire getting sued back in the ‘90s by the ACLU for praying with his basketball team before a game?  Dave is now associated with “Pass the Salt Ministries.”  Here’s a paragraph from his long essay urging us to urge our pastors to get tough: 

  Has your pastor mentioned that Planned Parenthood aborted over 333,964 babies in 2011? Did he mention that they received $524 million in government tax subsidies? Did he tell you that equals one baby-murder every 94 seconds? Did he mention that all tax-payers are complicit in the murder of those innocent babies? If he hasn’t, why not? If he has, what is he doing about it? Shouldn’t a shepherd protect the innocent? Preaching is not doing.

  It’s that fourth question that I can’t stand thinking about for too long.

  A second PFC, Francis Grady, recently contacted me for the first time: 

  Dear all, I thank u all 4 the support and love of Jesus.

  Pray time 4 life Heavenly God save/stop the murdering of souls.  “Complete” your live for life amen.  I am a “live” at Terre Haute “prisoner of Christ”  Life is the power of faith, of cleanliness of life amen.  I am starting a new life here at Terre Haute.

 Send money to restore my life in Terre Haute Prisoner of Christ. We are caged like Rats.
  Quick collect  Western Union Blue form IN  for needed to Quick collect send.
  I need little to restore and the [can’t read word] will save all 

       to send Info – 

city code = F.B.O.P.
stage = D.C
name = Francis Grady 11656-089 

(please to restore only little for the cause)
motion to Jesus cause   amen  In the name of Jesus  FGG

  Money lots of it could save more children so we/all can sleep better at night   down w/ abortion  up w/ life everlasting life
  They chain my body not my soul
  We need all souls to complete life, souls of life, on top of flag USA we start our descent, our loved ones.  We as mother earth “one power” can live as Garden EVE  no joke  Real GE “garden of EVE” spells Heaven

  Francis included letters to Jon, Shelley, Don Spitz, and BRA Rubnick in the envelope he mailed to me, and I’ll send ‘em along.

To send money to the federal Prisoners, those with eight digits after their names, make out a postal money order to the Prisoner’s name and number. Then send it to Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001.  

  Ask the non-feds how they may receive money – check, money order, etc. It varies by state

  Receipt of this excellent missive notwithstanding, if you wish to be excluded from such blessings in the future, simply advise me.